Love Letter



Donghae’s POV


Friday night, I was waiting for someone alone in the living room. Hoping that the familiar sweet gentle voice which I was craving for to hear the whole day would come out faster from the front door.

His favorite foods already prepared on the table, I settled them as beautiful as I could. So now I’m just killing time by watching some random variety show on the tv with my cute puppy on my laps.

The show on the tv was really funny but I couldn’t smile and just pouted staring at the tv. My mind went everywhere, then it lead to one memory that I would never forget for my entire live, making me smile.


It was when I had a date with him at the park. I was waiting for him on one of the bench. I moved my legs uncomfortably. I was really annoyed, why he hadn’t comeback yet??

It was nearly one hour i waited for him, he said he wanted to go to the toilet. It was rare though, usually he would drag me to the toilet as well, wouldn’t let me waiting alone and wouldn’t leave me alone even for a second. But now it was nearly an hour since he left me.

I puffed my cheeks and blew some air.

Then not long after, a cute little girl ran to me while holding a blue balloon in her hand. She stood right in front of me while smiling cutely yet sweetly, and I smiled back at him as sweet as possible since this little girl really is cute!

She offered me her balloon. I was confused, then she said, “it’s for you oppa!” made me took the balloon hesitantly.

But when my hand made a contact with the thin rope, I saw what’s on the edge of the rope, and widened my eyes immediately.

I looked at the little girl, but the little girl already ran away and disappeared. I scanned the thing with my shock yet confuse expression once again. My mouth gapped open slowly.

Then someone hugged me from behind and whispered on my ear, making sure that I was the only one who listening,

“would you marry me, lee donghae?”

he said.

Then I completely knew the reason why the girl gave her balloon that had a beautiful silver ring hanging on its rope.

that sentence kept ringing in my head like a lullaby.

The sentence I wasn’t expect to hear but I was craving for to hear for the past five years.

It came out.


Yet beautifully.

Tears ran down from my eyes slowly as I froze on my seat. The hands that still hugging me trembled a little, making me know the person behind me was really nervous because I didn’t say anything for the past three minutes.

I started to sob.

He was panic and immediately went to squat down in front of me, looking at me with his worried eyes, his hands holding mine tightly.

We just looked at each other for another three minutes before I said,


earning the happiest smiles we ever had on our face.


Back to now, I was smiling like an idiot while remembering that perfect scene I had ever have while my cute puppy’s fur, when suddenly a sound came from the front door.

my face lightened. I moved the cute little puppy on my laps to the couch gently before rushes to the front door. Immediately welcomed by a sweet handsome gummy smile of his, making me smiled back at him,

“welcome home hyukkie!” I beamed happily, he grinned and put his bag on the floor before walked to me, pulling me to his usual warm embrace.

“I’m home my beautiful wife~”






“how was it nemo?? Wasn’t that beautiful??” I beamed happily to the fish in front of me, though it was just swimming here and there happily.

 “oh~ so you want me to propose you with a balloon??”

suddenly I heard a familiar voice, and when I turned my head to the voice’s direction, I gasped.

Hyukkie was standing oh-so-handsomely on my bedroom’s door, leaning his body against the door’s frame while folded his arms with his super ultra mega combo wide grin on his face.

Oh …

“okay noted that in my head already~ that was cute indeed!” he said again with a wide grin that wouldn’t leave his face.

My face was already extremely read, blushing like a mad man and like there’s no tomorrow. He chuckled.


DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Without me knowing, he already sat beside me on the edge of the bed. I gasped and quickly took the nemo plushie beside my pillow and hid my face on it. Not wanting him to see my tomato face. He laughed loudly while muttering something like “oh gosh hae” and ruffled my hair.

“what—what are you doing here??” I asked, still had my face on the orange fur. He still laughing a little, trying so hard to stop his laughter.


“I miss you, you know. We couldn’t meet yesterday because of the two days holiday, I wanted to make a surprise, and… I’m extremely glad that I did” he said and chuckled again, only to make my red face even more red.

“actually I was thinking to propose you on the beach because I thought you really love beach and sea, then I’ll do some romantic gestures like kneeling down in front of you then saying sweet things like recalled about our relationship first before saying that phrase, I was confused though, but now I know what to do” he said.

And my face…

How should I describe it…?

It was like a burning crab. My ears are completely red too and I felt like screaming.

But then he laughed.

He. Damn. Laughed. Again.

“hey hae, don’t be like that~ no need to be shy about you know, I did make a story in my head about me proposing you and live a happy life with you too. imagining that always makes me smile” he laughed a little, “but I guess your version is the best”

I sobs inside.

“hyukkie stop teasing me please…?” I mumbled softly on my cute plushie,

and in a second, someone tackled me to the bed, hugging me REALLY tightly as if I was a flexible plushie.

“oh my gosh… I really cant stand your cuteness anymore hae” he mumbled while hugging me more tight, I was just continue blushing and hugged him back.


We kept hugging each other on my bed with him above me. He then pulled a little and staring at me in the eyes,

“you forget to put something on your story hae” he said, making me blushed as I remembered…. HE JUST HEARING MY STORY GODDAMNIT! Okay need to calm down now,

“you know in every sweet propose scene, and in marriage life, we need to do this” he said as he leaned his face closer to mine, “and to welcome a husband, not only a hug you need to give, but… this too” then pressed his lips on mine.


I was just kept blushing as he moved his lips. Seriously ever since he entered my room, I didn’t stop blushing!!

He pulled my body closer to him as he deepened the kiss, putting some passions on it. I kissed him back with the same tender and opened my lips slowly when I felt he nibbled my lower lips. He my lips a little before shoved his tongue inside my mouth. I circled my arms around his neck and pulled him closer, wanting to feel his soft lips more.

“ah—“ I whimpered when I felt he my tongue. I could feel he smiled a little between the kiss before kissing me some more, until he felt I was reached out of breath, he pulled from the kiss.

I was panting heavily looking at his warm eyes. I always drawn into these eyes, it’s like something embracing me with warmth. He then smiled at me lovingly.

“would you like to wait for me to say those beautiful important phrase to you, hae?” he asked as he caressed my cheek in a gentle way.

I felt my cheeks started to burn again and tears slowly visible on the corner of my eyes. Tears of happiness of course.

Then he smiled widely when I nodded my head. Grinning like a total idiot and hugged me tightly again. I chuckled a little and hugged him tight back.

We enjoyed each other’s warmth.


I don’t know how to feel every time I imagine about our future. A lot of feelings mixed. Happy, excited, afraid, scared, anticipation….. it kinda makes me afraid, but excited at the same time.

Afraid if something would come and separate us, but excited when I knew we would try to make everything’s right together.

As long as we trust each other and love each other now, no need to worry about tomorrow. Because we would never know about what will happen tomorrow, right?

But I guess it’s okay to have a dream. Dreaming a happy live isn’t something bad. Somehow, it makes me warm inside.


“by the way hae, have you already packed your things for this thursday?” suddenly hyukkie asked, made my eyes snapped open.

“ah… I—I forgot…”

“what?? It’s the day after tomorrow hae and you forget?? Go go pack your things!” he said panicky and pulled me from the bad, making me pouted since I still want to hug him and cuddle with him. Urgh stupid hyukkie!!
“we can continue our cuddle after you pack hae, now where’s your suitcase??” he said as he scanned my room to find my suitcase and when he found, he took it immediately and settled it on the floor. I was blushing madly at the fact that he read my mind…. Again!!!

“hae come on, I’ll help you packing!” he said making me widened my eyes.

“no I’ll do it by myself!” I said panicky, stopping him from opening my wardrobe. He looked at me confusedly.

“why? If we do it together it will be faster”

I shook my head furiously, “no—no just wait outside, okay? I’ll call you when I’m finish”

Hell!! I don’t want and won't let him to see my underwear, it’s embarrassing!!!

He frowned, “why?? I just want to help you, what if anything bad happens to you when I’m gone??”

“nothings bad gonna happen, hyukkie! go go go!!” I said as I tried to pull him to the door.

But he kept arguing saying something like what if I tripped on something, some erts come and attack me, an alien comes and kidnaps me, and all.



seriously...? this overprotective boyfriend of mine....

i blushed and smiled silently at the thought.









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PhwePhweKhin #1
Chapter 49: I’ll be waiting for your next chapter! 😭💙 This is so cute 🥺💙
sjvirus #2
2022 and still remembering this cute fic 😭😭Hope u will continue creating new chapters for this amazing work.
16 streak #3
Chapter 49: ah i hope you'll update this soon...
aize96 #4
Keep coming back to this story.. love it so much... Hope you update this soon
Eunhaefanfic #5
Chapter 49: This is my number 1 fanfic I ever read I have already read and re read this numerous times but still it feels super fluffy, cute and lovely to read again pls pls pls author nim update this fic . I hope you are doing good in your new place 🤗
dramanime #6
Chapter 49: I just found this story and i couldnt stop reading becos its soo cute and fluffy i felt like i was watching anime with all the school setting and school trips and all!!! I love tis story soo much even tho its incomplete and will be rereading tis many many times in the future!! <3
minamoru26 #7
Sweet and innocent Donghae and possessive and jealous boyfriend Hyukjae. I like this story and when I first read this story's chapter one, it gets me hooked. Thank you author for this amazing story. Hope to see your amazing work in the future.
Chapter 49: Where ars u authornim ??:'''
Chapter 49: Omo, don't stop here.... Please continue and update this story again.... I wanna see they graduate and getting married ... Please complete this story, author nim...
nourawad #10
hey there, i think a lot of people is going to die to read an update , please update , i read this story 5 times already and I'm dying for an update.