Love Letter





Donghae’s POV




I was sitting on one of the chairs and just staring at nowhere when students cleaned up the mess. Some of them circled around me asking and checking if I was okay, and encouraging me that everything’s gonna be okay.

It’s a miracle actually that all of my classmates are worried about me… if I wasn’t in this kind of situation, maybe I’ll already cry in happiness that I felt so much loves.


I couldn’t even make a little smile

I was beyond scared and don’t know what to do

I need hyukkie

I need him

My hands started to tremble


“oppa it’s gonna be okay” luna said softly while lifting our linked hands, making krystal and sungmin put their hands on ours and caressing my hand gently, they smiled warmly, and I just nodded a little.

I saw jaejoong who tried to explain everything to yunho across the room and I couldn’t help but remembered everything that happened in school festival.

I smiled a little.

Im really happy seeing them together, and I could clearly remember how exciting it was when I and hyukkie tried to make them together, and when we wandered happily around the school seeing a lot of stands.

And when we were kissing in the middle of fireworks,

I smiled again remembering taemin said about the rumor

Oh speaking of taemin, I haven’t seen him for a while. We were too busy with our exams. If I saw him again, I’ll ask him to tell fortunes again! And…


wait wait



I widened my eyes and stood up abruptly when I remembered something, making the others shocked to death with my sudden movement.

“what’s wrong dongh—wait, DONGHAE WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!” yunho shouted when I started to run outside the class with luna, practically dragging her who’s now screaming in surprise.






An unfamiliar first-grade guy who seemed really confused looked at my panic state, “taemin? He’s in the library if im not wrong“

“o—okay thank you so much!”

and I quickly ran again while dragging luna, leaving yunho and sungmin in front of one of the first grade’s classes shouting  again, “DONGHAE STOP RUNNING YOU’LL—“

“UWAAAA!” luna screamed when I suddenly fell, making her fell too






I opened the library’s door and panted heavily, palming my right knee which got hurt because I fell in the not so good timing.

“oppa… are… are you o… kay…” luna said between her heavy pants,

“y-yes…” I tried to control my breath.

I inhaled deeply and exhaled hard before straightened my body. The library was empty as expected since it’s already the last day of exams now, just two or three students who slept, escaping from the meeting in their classes.


“I saw you coming, haeji noona”

I snapped my head to the voice’s direction and widened my eyes.

There he is!!

Taemin sat calmly on the right side of the library near the window with his usual smile pestered on his face, showing me a card in his hand.

I quickly ran to him but got stopped immediately by luna’s voice who shouted panicky, “oppa no more running!”

“sorry…” I smiled sheepishly at her.

“DONGHAE!!” a sudden shout came from the door, making the students who slept peacefully jumped in surprised.

Yunho and sungmin panted heavily in front of the door, trying to catch their breaths. I tilted my head when taemin suddenly palmed his ears.

“YAH HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU. DO. NOT. RUN!” yunho shouted, making me flinched at his shout.

I blinked my eyes furiously, feeling tears started to form unconsciously due to the loud shout,  “i—im… sor—sorry… i…”

“you don’t have to shout, stupid!” sungmin kicked yunho's leg as he started to approach me, leaving yunho groaned in pain. “you’d die if hyukjae sees this” sungmin added as he pulled me into a hug, sticking out his tongue.

Yunho’s face looked panicked,

“wh—why yunho would die?? What will h—hyukkie see?” I asked,


taemin chuckled and stood up, “may I know what’s going on here?”

“ah!” I gasped and quickly turned to him, “taemin! Please—please help me! W—well.. im donghae and—and actually we had met before and--” I tried to said in panic,

taemin smiled and cut my words, “calm down noona, please sit first”

I blinked my eyes confusedly, “no—noona..?” I gasped, “don’t—don’t tell me you knew already??“

“of course I know” he grinned, “who has those teary eyes besides yours?”

I blushed at his words, remembering hyukkie was saying that too. Are my eyes really that teary? Should I go to the doctor to do some check ups? I’ll take a note to that,

“and no, don’t think your teary eyes as something bad and you don't need to visit the hospital because it’s not a disease, I said it as a compliment, your eyes are beautiful, noona” taemin said again, chuckling.

And I widened my eyes and gaped my mouth wide open




Don’t tell me

HE CAN READ MY MIND TOO LIKE HYUKKIE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

I was going to run away to find hyukkie and hug him endlessly because HELL IM AFRAID WHY EVERYONE STARTED TO READ MY MIND when suddenly yunho said in a warning tone,

“hey kid, if you’re trying to court on him, you better stop. His boyfriend is as dangerous as a big rabies monkey when he’s jealous, and yup he gets jealous so easily”

Taemin laughed, “I know”

While me still having a hard time with my mind should I go to find hyukkie to hide in his arms or go to nemo to rant about how scare this thing is or—

“haeji noona stop dazing out, as a matter of fact I didn’t and couldn’t and never be able to read your mind” taemin said again, making me stared at him in horror


I was ready to run when yunho prevented me, “yah where are you going?!”

Taemin laughed, “noona seriously, its just that youre too easy to read” he laughed whole-heartedly.

“hey why you keep calling him ‘noona’” sungmin asked confusedly,

I pouted and was going to say something when suddenly someone broke the door.

I gasped when I saw it was hyukkie.

He was panting heavily and when he spotted me, he quickly ran to me.

“why everyone likes running and panting today” taemin mumbled.


My heart was beating so fast just when I saw his face. My eyes gotten teary and I felt like hugging him right now. And I was about to do that but failed since he already hugged me.

Ahh.. so warm

I closed my eyes and enjoyed his hug.

"Are you okay?" Hyukkie asked, i couldnt read whats on his eyes, it filled with mix feelings. Made me somehow... Worried.

I nodded a little, "im the one who should ask you that hyukkie"

He smiled and ruffled my hair.

"you must've been shocked and scared... you need to take a rest... how about we go home now?" Hyukkie asked me softly.

"Huh??" I blinked my eyes confusedly. Okay i seriously am confused right now. Like... He was so panicked before and looked like he was going to kill someone but, he's so calm right now... I wish i could borrow hyukkie's and taemin's ability to read people's mind.

I frowned, "but..." I tried to say but i didnt know what to say, i still want to ask taemin about who did that cruel thing to me, he maybe could see it through his cards...?

"It's okay hae, you can go home and take a rest" sungmin said worriedly, "besides it's only an hour before the school ends"

I lowered my head and nodded. hyukkie kissed my head before turned his head to look at luna sungmin and yunho, "thanks a lot, guys"

"well i dont need your thanks tho, just dont kill me because i touched your boyfriend's hand, dont forget that that was your order okay" luna said jokingly while lifting her both hands, making hyukkie chuckled.

"and dont kill yunho because he nearly make--" sungmin tried to say but got cut,

"bye hyukjae! you should send donghae right now he must be tired! see you tomorrow!" yunho said panicky while opening the door for us.

i just tilted my head in confusion.







We were on the way home, i waited until hyukkie say anything to me but he wouldn't say a word... Made me worried to death with the sudden silence treatment.


He turned his head to look at me, "hmm?"

My head hanged low, "um... Where did you go with kyu?"

"Its... Nothing important hae" he smiled,

I frowned, "but i want to know"

"Its nothing, really... Ah do you want ice creams??" Hyukkie pointed at the ice cream stal across the road, i knew he tried to change the topic.

I frowned even more and stopped from my track, making hyukkie stopped as well,

"What's wrong hae? You dont want ice c--?"

"Why... You always do things alone?" I cut his words, still lowering my head,

"Hae? What are you talking about?" Hyukkie stood in front of me,

"Stop doing things all by yourself! Why you didnt tell me about what happened all this time?! Dont say you dont want to make me worry because now i more than worry and upset!" I shouted,

For the first in a life time

I shouted

Moreover... To hyukkie

But... But I'm so mad right now!!

I couldnt think straight, i feel like my heart hurts and my body being burned by something.

"Dont think i would be happy if you sacrifice yourself like that for me! W--well.. I was fluttered a little though.. But-- but that's not the point! I--"

My shouts got cut by hyukkie's sudden chuckle.

I widened my eyes.

I snapped my head up to look at him. Hyukkie was giggling, covering his mouth with his palm, trying to not laughing.

"W--what" i stared at him in disbelief, "hyukkie i am mad at you and practically shouting at you! You shouldve been shocked or scared or anything like that! Not laughing!" I shouted again but more like a whine.

Hyukkie covered his face with his palms and i could see he was trembling because he tried so hard not to laugh. I stared at him in horror.

"S--sorry hae" he tried to clear his throat and bit his lower lip while still smiling widely, "it's just that... You're so cute when you're mad... Oh my god..."

My eyes widened even more, staring at him like he's a crazy little monkey who just escaped from the zoo.

He laughed again and pulled me into his embrace, "i'm sorry hae, i understand what you mean..." He caressed my hair, i fisted my hand on his shirt while pouting a little.

"Its true that i dont want you to be worried, i wanted to do it all alone so you wouldn't know"


"Yeah, now i know it just made you feel worry and upset... I'm sorry hae..." He continued and kissed my head sweetly.

I bit my lower lip to prevent myself from crying because of his sweetness. I buried my face on his chest, "i-- I'm sorry i was shouting..."

He chuckled again, made me punched his back.





Hyukkie was grinning like an idiot while waiting for my mom opened the door for us. And this made me sure ninety nine point nine nine nine percents there's something wrong with his brain.

"oh boy! Look who's here! My handsome son in law~" mom squealed and hugged hyukkie, i blushed and pouted,

"You look so happy, what happened?" mom asked hyukkie who still grinning like an idiot.

Hyukkie grinned even more, "Hae was mad and shouting at me" hyukkie said happily, "may i take your cutie son to his room, mom?"

"Eh...?" mom stared confusedly at us who already walked to my room, i palmed my face.


"Hyukkie stop grinning you make me scared" I said for the ninth time already.

"But you're so cute" he grinned, sitting on the side of my bed.

I threw him my nemo plushie, made him laughed and caught the plushie. He stood up and walked to me while still holding the plushie, i was leaning my back on the edge of my desk, so he trapped me with both hands.

Hyukkie smiled handsomely looking at my red face. "Do you know how cute you are?"

I blushed even more, "i-- I'm not cute" i pushed his chest a little with my both hands, couldnt stand with the closeness. But he didnt budge at all, instead he's getting more closer.

"Hae stop pushing me, I'm trying to kiss you" he said while leaned even more.

H--how he could say that so easily?! I turned my face to the right side, making him pouted.

"Hae let me kiss you or I'm gonna bite you",

I widened my eyes, "b--bite??"

He then pressed his lips on my neck so suddenly, made me gasped. He nibbled his lips on my skin, i tried to push him again but it just made him my skin.


"Hmm?" He began to my neck, earning a soft moan from me.

"Sto--stop!" I bit my lower lip,

"Dont want to"


"If i stop, then can i kiss your lips?" He whispered while trailing his lips to my ear.

"Nggh.." I fisted my hand on his front shirt. And without waiting for my answer, he pressed his lips on mine.

He kissed me so passionately. It's kinda strange tho, since usually he would give me a sweet kiss first. I shut my eyes tightly when he nibbled my lips, and i whimpered a little when he pulled from the kiss.

I panted. I knew my face was really red, so I lowered my head to hide it.

Hyukkie chuckled, "stop blushing hae, it was just a kiss"

I frowned, "j--just..?" I dont know why but i dont like it hearing his words. Our kiss wasnt just a 'just'...

"Yeah, its nothing" he said, pecking my lips.

I glared at him, "how-- how could you say that? Its not nothing..."

He smiled and pressing his lips on my jawline, "it is not?"

"Its not!" I pushed him a little. Well actually i really pushed him but since he's so strong so it just had a little effect.

He chuckled, "Are you mad?"

I frowned more, "i am"

"Really?" he kissed my nose, made me blushed.

N--no! I shouldnt blush!

"Y--yes i am!" i pushed him again, "you better go home now!"

"Eh? Why?"

"Because... Because I'm upset right now!" I pouted and kept pushing him.

He bit his lower lip, "then what would you do when you're upset?"

I blinked my eyes and thought for a while, "i will... Uhm..."

Hyukkie laughed suddenly, made me utterly shocked. I stared at him in horror.

"I'm sorry hae its just... Oh my..." He wiped a little tear in his eyes, "you're just toooooooo cute, beyond cute when you're mad" he said between his giggles and hugged me tightly.

"...hyukkie... Are you... Okay...?" I asked carefully at the still-giggling-hyukkie.

"W--what do you mean..." He said while trying to stop his giggle,

"i mean... I-- I'm mad at you, and... You're laughing..."

He giggled even more, "im-- I'm sorry, i just cant stand your cute face when you're upset, it makes me so happy"


...I secretly reached my phone, wanting to call a hospital in case hyukkie really is gone crazy.





"...you okay...?" I asked hyukkie who burried his face on my neck since five minutes ago.

He chuckled and pulled my waist, tightening the hug. "Hae I'm happy when you shouted at me not because I'm gone crazy"

"Y--youre not...?"

He laughed a little again and shook his head, "you shouted at me, it means you're comfortable with me... and it showed me that you care for me... You shouted and mad because you're worried about me"

I formed an o with my lips.

Ah I see... So its not because he's gone crazy... I secretly sighed in relief.

"Did you just sigh because you're relief?" He chuckled,

I gasped. "Hyukkie your ability in reading my mind is increasing!!"

And i regretted saying that because now hyukkie laughed loudly and it needed more than 2 minutes to make him stop.



"So... Hyukkie" i started the conversation after he started to calm down from the laughing.

"Can you now tell me where did you go with kyu?" I asked him seriously.

He smiled and pinched my cheek, "i went to check the cctv"

I gasped, "really??? T--then... You saw who did that???" I asked panicky, ignorning his hands which still played with my cheeks.



Hyukkie sighed, "they're from C - class hae..."

I widened my eyes, "what????"

"But i already sent them to the hospital" he grinned proudly,

"Eh..? Why? Are they sick?" I blinked my eyes confusedly,

"Well... Kinda" he took my hand and put it on his lips.

I'm trying so hard to ignore it and continue my Q&A session, "a--are they okay?"

He chuckled, "hae they tried to hurt you and you still care about them?" He nuzzled his nose on my neck.

"Hyukkie st-- stop it, I'm serious here" i pushed him a little.

"But i miss you" he pouted, "we were so busy with our exams and now i miss our quality time" he picked me up by my waist and made me sat on the desk.

I bit my lower lip to suppress my blushing, "but you need to tell me about this matter first.  What happened after that?"

He pouted even more, "Can we talk about it later? I want to kiss you so bad"

no no dont blush! I couldnt stand with hyukkie when he's with his honest words!

"but you said our kiss is nothing" i turned my head to the right side, slightly pouting.

hyukkie chuckled, "of course i was lying, baby... your kisses are so wonderful, incredible, perfect. i can kiss you all day long if your mom let me"

i couldnt hide my blush anymore as i felt my cheeks heated up. im so happy hearing his words!

I was busy to supress my blush when suddenly he attacked my lips again with his. I whined and tried to push him, but he held my neck, deepened the kiss.

He my lips, and i hesitantly opened my mouth for him to enter. Urrgh this supposed to be a serious time!! Not naughty time!!

Shoot. What am i trying to fool to.

I enjoyed his kiss so much.

I circled my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. He made me moaned because of his skillful tongue playing with mine. I fisted my hand on his hair when he started to my tongue.

"Mmh... Hyuk--"

stop stop !!

Hyukkie began to caress my waists, making me shivered down my spin.

"Ah!" I gasped loudly when he suddenly my tongue hardly. He started to move his head from left to right and caressing my back, making me unconsciously pulled his hair.

"Hae..." he whispered between the kisses, "it hurts baby..."

"I--im sorry..." I tried to say between the kisses too but it turned out to be a moan instead, "but-- but i cant.. Help it.."

"Put your hands on my shoulders" he whispered without disconnecting our kiss.

I moved my hands to his shoulders and fisted his shirt. But when hyukkie my tongue again, my hands moved without my permission to his hair again.

"Hyukkie... I-- i cant..." I mumbled on his lips,

He chuckled and finally parted our lips, made me pouted a little unconsciously.

I palmed my red cheeks with both hands, "why does the air feel so hot suddenly...?" I mumbled.

Hyukkie laughed, he pecked my lips and pressed his forehead on mine, mumbling "gosh why are you so cute", before attacked my lips again.






maybe it's okay to forget about what happened today for a while...







"wait hyukkie" i pushed him, parting our lips.

"hmm?" he hummed while staring at my lips, ready to attack it again in anytime soon.

"its not fair... i want to make hickeys too!" 

and i saw hyukkie gulped.








uh well *coughs* agree with hae tho, let's forget about the incident for a while and have some little naughty time~~~~~! shall we? kekeke


this story i dedicate to my baby blo who has a special day today @blossomerry HAPPY 19TH BIRHTDAY SWEETHEART!! (now you know why i asked you) <3<3<3<3<3<3<3 stay healthy and keep smiling and keep being naughty-little-brat! love you soooo much <3<3<3


and i'm sorry guys for the veeerrryyy late update, but i hope you guys like this chapter :') lots of love! <3





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PhwePhweKhin #1
Chapter 49: I’ll be waiting for your next chapter! 😭💙 This is so cute 🥺💙
sjvirus #2
2022 and still remembering this cute fic 😭😭Hope u will continue creating new chapters for this amazing work.
16 streak #3
Chapter 49: ah i hope you'll update this soon...
aize96 #4
Keep coming back to this story.. love it so much... Hope you update this soon
Eunhaefanfic #5
Chapter 49: This is my number 1 fanfic I ever read I have already read and re read this numerous times but still it feels super fluffy, cute and lovely to read again pls pls pls author nim update this fic . I hope you are doing good in your new place 🤗
dramanime #6
Chapter 49: I just found this story and i couldnt stop reading becos its soo cute and fluffy i felt like i was watching anime with all the school setting and school trips and all!!! I love tis story soo much even tho its incomplete and will be rereading tis many many times in the future!! <3
minamoru26 #7
Sweet and innocent Donghae and possessive and jealous boyfriend Hyukjae. I like this story and when I first read this story's chapter one, it gets me hooked. Thank you author for this amazing story. Hope to see your amazing work in the future.
Chapter 49: Where ars u authornim ??:'''
Chapter 49: Omo, don't stop here.... Please continue and update this story again.... I wanna see they graduate and getting married ... Please complete this story, author nim...
nourawad #10
hey there, i think a lot of people is going to die to read an update , please update , i read this story 5 times already and I'm dying for an update.