Love Letter





Donghae’s POV




I sat uncomfortably in the middle of hyukkie and sungmin. I kept bending down my head and played with the end of my so-interesting-for-now shirt.

I took a glance at people around me. It’s too crowded. Some were dancing, some were drinking, some were just chit chatting, some were smoking, and some were… making… out…

I bend my head down again.

“hae? You okay?” hyukkie asked, leaning his head closer to mine since the music was so loud while caressing my hair.

“hyukkie… can i… can I go back to—“

“hyukjae dance!” yunho suddenly shouted from afar.

I turned my head to look at the dance floor where yunho was. The dance floor was still full with people, but in the middle there were two guys dancing amazingly with people cheering around them.

I glanced at hyukkie, he smiled widely and shouted, “okay!” to yunho.

I got panicked when hyukkie began to stand up. “stay here with sungmin, okay hae?”

I didn’t say anything and just stared panicky at him. I knew even if I said something, he wouldn’t hear it anyway since the music was too loud which I really hate it, so I just grabbed his jacket.


“don’t go…”

but he just stared confusedly at me, I guess he didn’t hear my voice. I kept looking at him in panic. I don’t want him to go. Too afraid if he would leave me.

Please read my mind this time.


“hyukjae!” yunho called.

I got panicked even more. I tightened my grip on his jacket and stared pleadingly at him, and my heart fell when he took my hand, kissed it, and said with a smile,

“watch me from here okay? I’ll be back soon” and left.

Leaving me with my heart which already broken into pieces.




“hae you okay? Want to drink something?” sungmin caressed my back, checking if I was okay.

I just looked down and kept coughing.

“hae??” he called.

“can i… can I have mineral water?” I asked him while still coughing, he heard me fortunately and quickly ordered me mineral water.

After the waiter came with a bottle of mineral water, I quickly took a gulp and drank half of it. Sungmin kept patting my back, while me still coughing.

I tried my really best to stop coughing or at least hide it. I didn’t want him or hyukkie to be worried, I didn’t want to ruin his time with his friends.

“you cant stand with smoke, can you? Do you have asthma?” sungmin asked softly.

I shook my head, “no, I’m *cough* okay... don’t *cough* *cough* don’t worry… *cough* *cough*”

I kept covering my mouth while still coughing. Sungmin caressed my head for a while before pulled me into his hug. It’s so warm… so comfortable. I feel like I’m in my brother’s territory, secure and saved. Is this what it feels like to have a brother?

I leaned my head on his shoulder and enjoying the warmth.

“sungmin so *cough* warm… *cough* *cough* I feel like having a *cough* bro *cough* *cough* ther... *cough*”

he chuckled, “I know right~ kyu always said I’m warm!” he said cutely, made me chuckled. “and what are you talking about? Of course I’m your brother” I smiled at his words and closed my eyes.

I kept trying to hold my cough but failed miserably, until I felt my head going even more dizzy and my stomach was sickening.

“I need... I need to go to the toilet…” I said, trying to restrain my coughs. Sungmin stood up immediately and helped me. I told him I’m okay to go alone, but I forgot that he’s a stubborn person, so he accompanied me to the toilet.


“I’m sorry I burdened you…” I said between my coughs, I really felt guilty…

“na ah, don’t ever say sorry to me, you’re my lovely little brother remember that!” he said as he helped me went through the crowd. I couldn’t help but smile and felt really happy with his words.

“besides, I hate smokes too to be honest. I only like drinking wine, no beers, no vodka, and all. Just wine” he said.

“really?” I said between my coughs which started become hard.

“nehh, but I slowly got used with them, even tho I still hate it” he said, opening the toilet door.

“does… does hyukkie smoke and.. drink?” I asked hesitantly, slightly afraid for the answer.

“nope… he tried it but only once. He said smoke and alcohol will affect his energy to dance and played soccer or basketball. When he goes to a club, he just aiming the dance floor”

his explanation made me smiled. I’m really happy. But then my coughs became even more hard and I quickly went to one of the cubicles.

I entered the cubicle and widened my eyes immediately when I saw a red liquid came from my mouth.

No… not now…

I held the toilet’s stand and kept coughing badly.

“hae? Hae you okay?? Why your coughs become really hard??”

I couldn’t answer sungmin as I kept coughing and coughing. It wouldn’t stop and my breath became messy.

“hae open the door!!” sungmin shouted panicky, banging the door. But I couldn’t do anything aside from coughing.


I need hyukkie

I need him to hug me

Where’s that perfect guy of mine?


Why he couldn’t read my mind when I need him to…




Hyukjae’s POV



I moved my body in sync with the upbeat music, battling with the dancing machine guy from B class named yunhobastard. We didn’t stop dancing since then, because I know if I stop, I’ll loose.

Everyone cheered on our nonstop amazing moves. I didn’t know how long it had been but all I knew I enjoyed myself, my moves, my body. Until I saw at our table where hae should’ve sat.

I immediately stopped. I scanned the people and looked around, ignoring people’s cheers and yunho’s laugh and mock he threw towards me. Panic took over me when I didn’t spot hae anywhere. I quickly ran to our table and banged the table.

“where’s donghae?!” I yelled since the music was still so loud.

But then I groaned in frustration when seungri just laughed and talked nonsense things with the others. Clearly they were drunk.

I cursed loudly. That’s why I freaking hate alcohol.

I pulled my hair desperately looking at everywhere. I could hear yunho yelled, asking if I was okay and what’s wrong but I couldn’t be more careless.

I was still searching for him everywhere and I realized sungmin wasn’t anywhere too, I told him to stay with hae before so I guess he’s with him. And there was when I saw kyu walked fast to the toilet’s direction. I quickly ran to him.



 “hae please answer me… please be okay please” I heard sungmin’s voice as I entered the toilet. “I couldn’t call hyukkie, but I already called kyu… please wait…” his voice was shaky and I knew he was crying.

Kyu ran to him and asked what’s wrong, then I heard some hard coughs from one of the cubicles.

“hae??” I called. Sungmin and kyu turned to me immediately.

“hae what’s wrong???” I ran to the cubicle and knocked on the door.

“hyukkie he couldn’t answer… he wouldn’t stop coughing since then and his coughs became hard and bad each time… I tried to call you but you wouldn’t answer” sungmin said with his shaky voice.

I heard his coughs again and i got more panicked.

“hae please, open the door baby, please” I said as I kept knocking on the door, but he wouldn’t answer me nor open the door.

I banged the door in frustration,

“baby move away from the door, okay? I’m going to barge in”

I waited for some seconds since it might be need some time for him to move. And I felt like pieces of my heart fell one by one every time I heard his hard cough which wouldn’t stop.

“ready hae? I’ll count okay? 1, 2.. 3” I kicked the door with all my might and succeeded only to widen my eyes.


Hae was sitting on the floor beside the toilet, leaning his back on the wall and covering his mouth while coughing really hard, and what made me couldn’t breath was the blood that lies on the floor and on hae’s hands.

I was speechless as I felt my knees going numb, I felt like some angels stabbing my chest over and over again. Ripped it again and again. I really couldn’t breath.

“oh my gosh donghae” sungmin gasped.

I walked to him and squatted down in front of him, lifted my hand to touch his vulnerable figure.

“hyuk… kie…” he whispered under his breath, still coughing. His face was covered with tears which only making me hard to breath even more.

Someone please kill me…

“hae…” I caressed his wet cheeks, “goodness, hae…” I pressed our foreheads together, seeing his teary eyes. He was sobbing really hard.

“what’s wrong baby… you okay…?” I asked as I closed my eyes, restraining the tears that forced to fall. He cried even more.

“hyukkie…” he sobbed harder , lifted his hands trying to hug me, I quickly pulled him into my embrace.

“I’m sorry baby I’m sorry… please tell me what happened… do you need something…?” I whispered, caressing his back gently.

Oh god…

I felt he shook his head and hugged me more. “you came…” he whispered between his coughs, “finally… I’m… glad…”

I tightened my grip.

“you read… my mind again…” he continued, his coughs still hard, “thank you…”

I shut my eyes tightly and took a deep breath as I felt my tears fell down.

“I’m sorry, I’m really sorry hae, I failed, I’m sorry I didn’t read your mind, I’m sorry baby please be okay” tears fell from my eyes one by one as I heard his coughs again and again. Oh how much I really hate that coughs.


“hyukjae, bring him out of here, it’s not good” kyu said concernedly, holding sungmin in his arm.

I nodded my head and caressed hae’s hair, “baby you can stand up?”

I knew it’s really hard for him to stand up so I helped him carefully and quickly hugged him to prevent him from falling.

I caressed his back, inhaling his sweet scent a little, “you can walk hae?” he struggled on his feet while holding my arms, clearly he couldn’t walk,

I held his waist with my left arm as I caressed his cheek with my right hand, seeing him coughing while leaning his head on my shoulder. I closed my eyes tightly and kissed his forehead.

“hyuk, there’s a restaurant next to this club, you better go there, just need to walk a little” kyu said, patting hae’s shoulder. I nodded my head.

“hae what medicine you usually drink?? We’ll search it” sungmin asked, caressing hae’s back.

Hae told him the medicine and said sorry, earning a light poke on the tip of his nose from sungmin, saying “say sorry again then you need to buy me ice creams for the rest of your life” making hae smiled weakly.


We then walked outside with me holding hae tightly in my arms, I walked as careful as I could since I was really afraid if he would fall. Kyu and sungmin made a way for us to walk so we didn’t have to bump people.

“oppa?? Oppa what’s wrong??” luna who saw us, came and asked panicky, I told her what happened but just the point since we talked while walking in the middle of people.

Luna wanted to come and help but I told her it’s okay and that she’d better told the others about what happened so they wouldn’t be worried and can just have fun.

She understood and wished a ‘get well really soon’ to hae with her concerned eyes.


I sighed when we finally got out. I caressed hae’s cheek, “you okay?” I asked, and he just nodded while still coughing nonstop. I hugged him more.

“we’ll buy the medicine now and you bring him there okay? Careful!” sungmin said and went away with kyu to the other direction. And we started to walk to the restaurant beside the club.

hae wouldn’t stop coughing, but I could feel his breath started to become stable. I guess it’s because of the smokes and alcohol’s smell.

The waiters panicked seeing hae’s state with blood on his hand and my front shirt and jacket, guided us to the table with sofa seats and gave hae mineral water, and I couldn’t stop saying thank you over and over again to them.

“im sorry but can I order later? I need to check on him first” I asked to one of the waiters and all of them said “of course it’s okay!” in unison which made me really relieved that they really are kind.

I thanked them once again before they finally leave to serve another costumers. I immediately back to hae.


“feeling better baby?? Are you dizzy? Feeling cold? Need something warm? You need to drink medicine so you should eat first right? What do you want? Soup? Does your throat still hurt? What you want me to do to make you feel better?? Drink this first” I kept rumbling panicky but got stopped when suddenly he chuckled and hugged my waist, burying his face on my chest

“I feel better” he whispered on my chest.

I sighed and smiled at his still-overloading-cuteness and hugged him back tightly, snuggled on his neck.

“what happened hae?” I asked softly, inhaling his scent. I really love his scent.. sooo much.

“I just… I cant stand with… smoke and… alcohol… asthma and… allergic…” he whispered between his still-hard-coughs.

“god, hae… why didn’t you tell me??” I pulled to look at his face.

“i—I tried but… you…” he didn’t continue, just staring at his fingers, then it hit me.

He DID try to tell me. When we were about to go out of the hotel, when he kept tightening his grip on our intertwined hands, when he grabbed my jacket, and when he kept looking at me hoping that I’d understand since the music was too loud for him to speak.

I closed my eyes and pressed my lips on his forehead. I really hate myself. How I really wanted to punch myself right now.

“you did… I’m really sorry hae I was really clueless…” I whispered on his forehead, “I don’t know what to say besides I’m really sorry…”

“it’s—it’s okay hyukkie” he said, still coughing. He pushed me a little, and that was when I realized his face was already as red as a tomato.

“I just I thought… that you… lost your power… to read my mind” he whispered, still coughing, making me blinked my eyes for a while and couldn’t help but laughed.

I pecked his lips, earning another blushing face of his, “I’m sorry baby, it’s just that sometimes my power couldn’t work, I’ll try to increase it again” I chuckled seeing his red cheeks became even more red.

“drink this” I gave him the mineral water to him when his coughs started to get hard again. He drank cutely. Okay actually he just drank normally, but I don’t know I saw his way to drink is so cute.

Okay scratch that. Everything he does is beyond cute.

I quickly hugged him again when suddenly he started to cough hardly. Panic took over me as he kept covering his mouth with his hands, coughing. I caressed his back repeatedly, trying to sooth him and kissed his head over and over again.

I felt he began to relax in my arms and leaned his head on my chest, closing his eyes while still coughing. I guess he was really tired because of the nonstop-coughs. Uh… if only I could replace him with myself right now…

“sleep hae, sungmin will come soon with the medicine, you can sleep for a while first” I said softly, caressing his fluffy hair. He hummed slightly and continued closing his eyes with hands wrapping around my waist.


Awww… isn’t he cute??

I started to hummed a song,

“Just close your eyes, each loving day. I know this feeling wont go away. Every word I say it’s true, this I promise you”

I smiled when I felt hae’s weight on my chest, knowing he’s starting to sleep already,

“and I will take you in arms, and hold you like where you belong. Till the day my life is through, this I promise you, baby”


after some minutes, I felt my phone rang suddenly, making me panicked. I quickly clicked the reject button as a reflex since too afraid if hae would wake up. I saw who it was and cursed silently when I read my mom’s name on the screen. It must be amber, and with her loud voice it’d only make hae wakes for sure.

“excuse me, could you please help me??” I asked panicky to the waiter who just walked pass by our table, he stopped from his walk and said “yes? What can I help you sir?”

“I need to call someone but afraid if I would wake him up, could you please hold him for a while?? Just for a minute” I asked. as much as I hate when people touch my hae, but now I really don’t have any choices, amber will kill me if I don’t call her and I don’t want to wake hae up.

“of course” he smiled and carefully replaced my seat, but of course he didn’t hug hae like I did (I’ll kill him if he does), I just made hae rested on his shoulder. After that, I went out for a while.


Amber was screaming and yelling on the phone as soon as I called her due to my ‘rejecting-her-call’ before. Told ya. She yelled right.

She asked me about her panda which I almost forgot to buy and hae. .

“he’s kinda sick right now, but—“


and I kinda needed a hard time to explain it to her.

So after around five minutes, I told her I’d call her again since I need to take care of hae which she gladly understood. And I immediately went back only to widen my eyes.


That waiter… was… caressing… hae’s… cheek… and… he slowly… leaned… to…

I quickly ran like I’m doing an Olympic and held the waiter’s hand tightly, making him gasped in shock.

I smiled ‘sweetly’ at him, “excuse me, what were you trying to do with my boyfriend may I ask?”

He seemed panicked and started to stutter, “i—I’m sorry—“

“are you playing with your life?” I said, still ‘smiling’ at him and started to twist his hand, “have you seen hell already?”

he winched in pain. “sshh… you’ll make my future wife awake” I faked a pout.

“I—I’m sorry I’m really sorry sir ple—please” he shut his eyes and screamed silently as I twisted his hand more.

“have you heard a sentence ‘don’t touch other people’s things’?” I raised my brows, tightening the grip, “if you fringed it, you’ll get punished.” He let out another silent scream but this time it sounded a little.

“But you know, I have my own rule. My rule is, ‘don’t touch my lee donghae, if you do, you need to pay with your…”

he screamed in pain, made me smirked.


I snapped my head when I heard that lovable voice, making me came back to my sense.

“baby” I smiled my usual soft smile which I only gave to him and release the waiter’s hand “I’m sorry did he wake you up? Are you feeling something??” I asked concernedly. The waiter stood up immediately yet panicky, made me sat on the seat.

Hae shook his head, coughing a little “I feel a lot better…” he smiled sweetly between his soft coughs, making me melt and couldn’t help but caressed his cheek while trying to erase that rubbish’s touch.

I could see from the corner of my eyes that the waiter was going to leave silently and I quickly turned to him, making him stop and stared at me in scare, holding his right hand.

“wanna know what word comes next on my sentence just now, dear waiter?” I said as I gave him another ‘sweet’ smile of mine, I could saw he shivered.

“it’s ‘life’”

I saw his sweat slowly started to drip from his forehead and he quickly bowed 45degrees, saying “I’m sorry” thousand times and quickly went away while still holding his right hand.

“huh? What’s wrong with that waiter hyukkie? Was he the one who screamed just now?” hae asked confusedly, I could hear from his voice that he was still not feeling good.

“nothing… I just taught him some manners” I smiled, caressing his hair and kissed his lips.





Kyuhyun Sungmin Jaejoong Yunho Kangin Seungri Taeyang Minho Jonghyun Onew Luna Seohyun Krystal’s POV



They who just saw what happened just looked at the two lovers from the door with cold sweats on their foreheads.

“never ever make lee hyukjae mad” kangin said, breaking the silence.

“and never ever touch lee donghae without lee hyukjae’s permission…” seungri continued,

“noted that…” they said in unison, shivered a little.








HIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just changed my foreword pic~ kkk idk why but I feel like that screencap really absolutely extremely beautifully perfectly matches with this story <3<3<3

OK SO no kisshing kisshing here no nauty nauty things in this chappie XD how was itttt bbsss?

By the way, those beautiful subscribers who never wrote any comments… do you like my story…? Do you even read my story…? :( hope you like it <3



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PhwePhweKhin #1
Chapter 49: I’ll be waiting for your next chapter! 😭💙 This is so cute 🥺💙
sjvirus #2
2022 and still remembering this cute fic 😭😭Hope u will continue creating new chapters for this amazing work.
16 streak #3
Chapter 49: ah i hope you'll update this soon...
aize96 #4
Keep coming back to this story.. love it so much... Hope you update this soon
Eunhaefanfic #5
Chapter 49: This is my number 1 fanfic I ever read I have already read and re read this numerous times but still it feels super fluffy, cute and lovely to read again pls pls pls author nim update this fic . I hope you are doing good in your new place 🤗
dramanime #6
Chapter 49: I just found this story and i couldnt stop reading becos its soo cute and fluffy i felt like i was watching anime with all the school setting and school trips and all!!! I love tis story soo much even tho its incomplete and will be rereading tis many many times in the future!! <3
minamoru26 #7
Sweet and innocent Donghae and possessive and jealous boyfriend Hyukjae. I like this story and when I first read this story's chapter one, it gets me hooked. Thank you author for this amazing story. Hope to see your amazing work in the future.
Chapter 49: Where ars u authornim ??:'''
Chapter 49: Omo, don't stop here.... Please continue and update this story again.... I wanna see they graduate and getting married ... Please complete this story, author nim...
nourawad #10
hey there, i think a lot of people is going to die to read an update , please update , i read this story 5 times already and I'm dying for an update.