
If you asked me to

All throughout the preparation for the bonfire, Jaejoong was always looking out for Hyemi. He was making sure that she wouldn't harm her ankle again.

"Okay, I already cut the vegetables now. What can I do next?" Hyemi uttered as she limp towards her friends.
"Are you sure you're fine?" Minji asked in concern.
"I'm okay. Really. It's just a sprain. It's not that bad." She assured back.
"Can you please get the pepper paste?" Nicole respond as she attends to her cooking.
"Arasso!" Hyemi happily followed and limped towards the refrigerator. Then she limped again as she handed it to Nicole.
"Hyemi, can you wash these lettuce for me?" Kwanghee also ordered as he handed it to her.
Hyemi gladly complied. After washing, she handed it back to him. But instead if complimenting her, he did otherwise. 
"YAH! You did not wash it thoroughly! Look there are still dirt on it. I don't want to eat it looking like that!" Kwanghee complained. 
"YAH! You're hands are dirty that's why!" Hyemi voiced out as she washed it again.
"Wash these baby potatoes too." Kwanghee ordered again as she was done washing the lettuce.
"Palli! I have to cook it too!" Kwanghee suddenly said.
"Can't you see I'm slightly handicapped!?" Hyemi voiced out.
Kwanghee went towards her and took over with the task. " I should have done it myself. Why volunteer if you can't do it properly!?" 
"YAH!!" Hyemi voiced out. Nicole and Minji also did the same. Kwanghee ignored their reaction and just snickered at them.
All of a sudden, he felt a strong arms wrapped around him as if he was choking him. He looked at his side and saw Jaejoong glaring at him. "What'd you say!?" 
"Ah! Hyung! I... I was just.... I was..." He stuttered as he tried to be free; out of Jaejoong's arm lock.
"I saw you ordering her around." Jaejoong replied.
"I took over Hyemi's work so that she won't get tired. Right Hyemi?" He looked back at her; asking her to agree with him. But instead she shook her head.
"He was ordering me around and he got mad because I was too slow." Hyemi explained. Jaejoong then gripped him more.
"Why'd you do that!? Haven't you noticed she sprained her ankle and it's because of your prank."
"Hyung! Hyung! Arasso! Arasso! Mianhe! Hyemi mianhe! I'm very sorry!" Kwanghee apologized.
"Arasso. Let him go." Hyemi said as she laughed. 
"Good for you!!" Minji blurted as she was also laughing.
Kwanghee glared at them. "Brother-in-law look!" Minji voiced as she pointed at what Kwanghee was doing.
Upon noticing Jaejoong would choke him again, he quickly apologized. "Arasso! Arasso! I'll continue washing this again." He then finished the task he told Hyemi to do.
"I told you to not move too much." Jaejoong said to Hyemi.
"But I want to help. Plus I don't want to just sit around an do nothing." Hyemi explained.
Just then Nicole handed something to her. "Here is the beef. You and Jaejoong can grill this outside. Minji, Kwanghee and I will finish the rest."
"Arasso." Hyemi smiled and limped outside with the help of Jaejoong.
As they head towards the yard, they noticed they were putting up tents. 
"We're going to sleep outside?" Hyemi asked Yunho and Yoochun as they do it.
"Yes, it more fun that way. And we can enjoy the countryside this way."  Yunho answered.
"Don't worry; we'll set up four tents.
One for Yunho, Changmin and me. One for the doctor and Kwanghee. Another one for your beautiful friends and last but not the least; the honeymoon tent." Yoochun said as he emphasized the last two words. "We'll keep it much farther than us. Just keep it all down, okay? We don't want to hear the two of you."
"Oppa..." Hyemi said as she blushed.
"What are you talking about!?" Jaejoong glared at Yoochun then whisked Hyemi away. "Come on let's cook this meat before they poison your mind." 
They passed by Changmin and Siwon setting up a bonfire.
"Is your ankle, alright?" Changmin asked as he saw Hyemi.
"I'm alright. Why are all of you worrying? It just an sprain in the ankle. It's far from my internal organs." She reasoned out.
"Because we care for you. Haven't I told you to stay put?" Siwon reminded.
"I already told her that." Jaejoong uttered.
"I'm fine really. Stop being too anxious." Hyemi smiled before limping toward the grilling area. Jaejoong automatically followed her suit.
As they were grilling,  Jaejoong started asking questions to Hyemi.
"You and Siwon are really close, huh?" 
"Ah yes, I have known him for years. He's been a very good friend." Hyemi answered.
"How'd you meet?" Jaejoong asked again.
"We were supposed to be married. We were engaged at that time. But I called it off." Hyemi answered again indifferently.
"Can I ask you a question?" Jaejoong uttered. She nodded her head. "Sure, what is it?"
"Why did you..? I mean why'd you decided to call it off. I think he's a good guy." Jaejoong asked again while looking at her as if he's studying her reaction.
Hyemi stopped cooking and looked at Siwon. " I know he's a good guy. I mean a great one. He's the first guy I meet that has a really pure heart. It's just, at that time, I wasn't read for that serious commitment. I just finished studying and I have many plans for myself. At first my parents agreed to halt the marriage and just push through after achieving my goals. But I told them otherwise, Siwon's been a good friend and I want it to stay like that. I'm afraid that the friendship we built would be tarnished once we got married. I wouldn't want that. So I talked to oppa and explained everything. Good thing, he understood." Hyemi then smiled. "I'm glad that I made a good decision. He's a great guy friend."
Jaejoong smiled upon hearing that; he can't explain why but he feels happy after hearing Hyemi's side of the story. He was in a good mood and continued cooking. Hyemi then noticed it. "What's with the smile?" 
"Oh nothing. I just remembered something." He said as he continued cooking.
"Oh! I think these are already cooked. Let's have a taste." Hyemi then got a piece of meat and tasted it.  "Hmmm. Mata!" She got another piece of meat and blew it before letting Jaejoong taste. "Here."
He was surprised at first but still ate the meat. " You're right! It is well cooked." 
"Great team work." Hyemi extended out her hand for a clap. Jaejoong instinctively did the same.
"Oooh! How sweet!" Kwanghee shrieked upon seeing the two of them. 
Jaejoong warningly looked at him so Kwanghee zipped his mouth and bowed his head. Nicole and Minji laughed upon seeing it.
" Since the meat is all ready let's eat. The soup is also done." Nicole said as they placed the food on the table. 
Jaejoong's affection didn't stop there. He was still looking out for Hyemi even if there were already eating their dinner. Of course, this didn't escape their friends' attention.
"Finally, that husband of yours left you alone with us. Doesn't he get on your nerves!?" Minji suddenly asked as them girls were left to talk with Kwanghee.
"Don't say that! He's actually sweet. Good thing I caused false alarm." Kwanghee proudly said which earned a smack on the head from Minji.
"You shouldn't be proud with that. Didn't you think someone might be harmed as they were searching for me!?" Hyemi voiced out. "Good thing Jaejoong didn't hit you. No, I think I should hit you. Wait until recover from this. I will make you suffer!"
Kwanghee just ignored her and continued roasting his marshmallow. " Okay, I will wait for the day to come." He replied with a laugh.
"Any way, do you think Jaejoong will still be the same when we go back to Seoul?" Minji suddenly uttered.
"We don't know. It depends with him and with her." Nicole pointed out to Hyemi. "But atleast, this would make them get closer."
"How about if Hyemi didn't heal her sprained ankle? Then Jaejoong will take care of her all throughout." Kwanghee excitingly said. Minji happily clapped hands with him as she also likes the idea. "But wouldn't Jaejoong get tired of it. If you think about it, he must always be there for Hyemi." Kwanghee nodded in agreement after thinking about it too.
"Yah! What are you two thinking? Let's just enjoy this trip, okay?" Nicole said.
On the other hand, Jaejoong just got out of the tent when Siwon talked to him.
"Here." Siwon handed him a can of beer.
"Thanks." Jaejoong replied back as they sat on a nearby bench.
Siwon took a sip before talking. "When Kwanghee said the story before about Hyemi being lost in the woods, at first I thought it wasn't possible since I know she can't stand doing a task alone with Kwanghee. But when I see how you reacted, I got anxious too. When I saw how you were very worried about her and how you took care of her, I realized she already has a man that will look out for her." Siwon took another sip of his beer. Jaejoong was surprised by their conversation. " I knew I must not cross the line this time. I must stay as a friend for her. She's a great girl. It may seem she's a very quiet one, but once you get to know her you would wish she'd stay quiet."
Siwon then paused and took another drink if the beer before continuing. "I know you've already noticed how I feel about her. She's the second girl I treasure the most after my mom. I hope you would find it in your heart to  see how precious she is. If you fail to do that, I will do anything to snatch her back. Remember I was the first one." Jaejoong smiled and also sipped his drink; upon realizing that Siwon's giving way for him and Hyemi to develop.
"I'm serious about the warning though." Siwon reminded.
The night was getting deeper so they all decided to sleep. There was an exchange of Goodnight among one another but one thing stood out.
"I hope you would turn down the volume, arasso?" Yoochun suddenly remarked.
"Remember you two are not alone and we can hear you." Yunho also said.
"And don't move too much or else your tent would shake up." Yoochun added to.
"Omoooooo!!" Kwanghee shrieked. 
"Huh?" Hyemi said as she was still clueless.
"Stop it! Let's go inside." Jaejoong said as he assisted Hyemi. "Don't listen to them."
"Good night!" Hyemi greeted to the others.
"Good night Hyemi!!" Changmin said loudly which earned a glare from Jaejoong and his hyungs.
Then they drifted all to sleep.
Kwanghee was sleeping soundly when he heard something. He looked towards Siwon but he noticed he's in deep sleep. He was too curious about the sound so he peeped outside. He noticed that it was coming from the newlywed's tent since theirs are much closer to the two. He listened closely and heard it once again. It was clearly Jaejoong and Hyemi's voice.
"Oh! Jaejoong! It hurst! Oooh!!"
"It's normal. The pain will go once you  get used to it."
"There! There! You hit the spot! Aaaah!"
"Don't move too much. Just stay still."
"Omooooo!!!" Kwanghee shrieked as he quickly zipped back the tent and went on his sleeping bag again. He still can't believe what he just heard. As much as he wants to sleep, he still can't forget what just happened.

Omoooooooooo!!! Did you read the last part??? Did Jaejoong and Hyemi already do it? Will there be a scene on the next chapter? Find out next time. Thank you for reading! Don't forget to VOTE UP the story and also leave your COMMENTS/THOUGHTS and/or SUGGESTIONS at the box below! I want to know all of it! So what are you waiting for? Palli! :)

I'm sorry if it took a while to update. I already explained in the last Chapter why I was on a hiatus. And now, I think I would update once per week because my laptop was broken I brought it to a repairman/doctor to have it fixed/treated and I think it will take some time. I'm updating thru my phone so I hope you guys will bear with me. Okay? I love you guys! Hwaiting! Thank you for reading! I really appreciate it! :D
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[if you asked me to] I'm on the process of updating the next chapter. It will take slower though coz today I will bring my lappy to the doctor


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Ryughosh #1
Chapter 47: Please please please please update update update update
elfminoz #2
Chapter 47: Please update.
Ryughosh #3
Chapter 47: Plz plz plz's bin so long n ur story is really good
Chapter 47: Im a new reader :) hope youll update asap keke
emi_martini #5
Chapter 47: Get it, Jae! I love this story so much and I really hope they can take their relationship to the next level. I just really love them together!
faridpraderago #6
Chapter 47: oh,i'm kinda like arrangemarried story,lol~
i love jae being with her...keep update,authornim^^
iuana12 #7
Chapter 43: its good, add more sweet moment for jaejoong hyemi pls^^
Chapter 47: owww i'm guetting jealous of this cute couple,,,, hope they'll get close more to each other
waiting for the next cchapters,,,, cuz i really love this fanfic alottttt

All the best ;)
Chapter 47: Im new reader and got engaged with your story kkekeke. And the last part such a teaser really. I hope jae will do it with hyemi and have beautiful children. Please update soon authornim^^
Chapter 47: They're cute together! Really curious on what will happen next after reading what Jaejoong had done on the last part of the Chapter. Will surely wait for your next update! Update soon :)