Chapter 38

If you asked me to


“What were you doing at Jeollabuk-do, by the way?” Hyemi asked Siwon as they were in the small garden.

“I’m assigned to do a medical mission at a small town there. I was about to head to your new home when I called you.” Siwon replied back. “Good thing I called before hand or else I won’t be able to see you again.”

“That’s because you don’t contact me that much.” Hyemi complained. “You weren’t even at my birthday party and my wedding. I thought we’re friends.”

“I’m sorry about that. I told you I’ve been on a medical mission in small towns.” Siwon explained. “Don’t worry; when we got back I will buy presents for you guys.”

“I will remember that. Don’t take it back, okay?” Hyemi held out her pinky hand to seal the deal. Siwon did the same.


“By the way, how are things with Jaejoong? Does he give you a bad time?” Siwon suddenly asked seriously.

“We’re fine. We’re taking things slow. I really want to know him deep inside not just what everybody thinks of him.” Hyemi responded. “So far, everything’s okay.”

“But do you…? I mean are you sharing a room together…?” Siwon asked again with hesitation. “Of course we do.” Hyemi answered.

“But have you…? Like what Kwanghee said..?” Siwon asked again.

“Oppa! Why are asking that question?!” Hyemi shrieked out. “That is a private matter!”

“I was just curious since Kwanghee was talking about it earlier.” Siwon reasoned out. Hyemi laughed at him. “You’re so funny while you were panicking. Don’t worry oppa, as what I’ve said, we’re taking things slow. You know me, I value it very much. You know Kwanghee, he’s just making it up.”

“I’m contented that you’re doing well. If ever he hurts you, tell it to me asap.” Siwon reminded. Hyemi laughed again. “You’re the tenth person who told me that.”

“Don’t you like it; there are many people who love you.” Siwon smiled at her. “Of course, I am. But I know Jaejoong wouldn’t do that to me.” Hyemi replied with optimism.

“How do you know?” Siwon asked curiously. “I just had the feeling and I’m betting on it.” Hyemi smiled again.


Not too far from them, Jaejoong was observing them from the second floor balcony. All of the things Changmin said to him kept repeating on his head and the way Siwon acts around her. He was observing how Hyemi was interacting with him; the way she laugh at whatever they’re talking to. Unknown to him, he was already feeling jealous.

“Don’t worry; they’re just friends.” Someone suddenly uttered which surprised Jaejoong. He looked back and saw Nicole walking towards him.

“What are you talking about?” He asked as if he doesn’t know what she’s referring to.

“Come on Jaejoong-sshi. I know you’re looking at Hyemi and Siwon. I’m observing you since this morning.” Nicole answered as she looks down on the two; who were now laughing.

“And I know you’re confused with what you’re feeling.” Nicole said again as she still looks down  at them.

“How do you know?” Jaejoong asked again out of curiosity. “I can tell.” Nicole answered. Jaejoong was silent as he also observed Siwon and Hyemi.

“As what you’ve already noticed, Siwon really likes Hyemi. That’s the reason why, he readily agreed into their marriage plans before. He was captivated by her wittiness. But it wasn’t the same for Hyemi, she knew he is a good guy but she wasn’t feeling anything for him.” Nicole explained. “That’s why I was amazed when I learned she agreed in another fixed marriage. You know, she was always asked in blind dates courtesy of her parents but she didn’t like every single guy introduced to her. She wasn’t persuaded that easily regarding marriage talks.  Honestly, I was surprised she agreed with you marriage. I thought it wouldn’t push through and that she’ll talk to her parents out of it.”

“Maybe she saw something in you.” She continued as she smiled at him.

Jaejoong was surprised by what Nicole told him. He thought Hyemi, like him, was just dragged and forced into it.

“That’s why I really hope, you give this a shot too. I know she’s already opening up her heart.” Nicole continued. Jaejoong was just silent as if he can’t find the right words to say.

“Nicole!! Nicole!!!” Both of them heard Kwanghee calling Nicole’s name. “I know probably this had been said to you by others but I hope you’ll think about what I just said.” She said as she walked forward. “I just want to make sure she’s alright before I left for States again.”

“Don’t worry; this talk will be our little secret.” She looked back and smiled to Jaejoong before answering to Kwanghee.

Jaejoong breathed in relief as Nicole left. He looked down and saw that Siwon and Hyemi weren’t downstairs. “Where did they go?”


“Hyung! There you are! I was looking all over for you!” Changmin exclaimed upon seeing Jaejoong emerged from the stairs. “Why?” He asked in confusion.

“Have you seen Siwon and Hyemi? He was laughing and talking to her a while ago. If I knew, he’s taking his moves because you were out of sight.” Changmin said as if it was his problem. Jaejoong just took a cue stick and joined his other friends who were playing billiards.

“Why aren’t you reacting? Aren’t you afraid he will steal her away from you?!” Changmin said in concern again.

“Chill bro. He’s the husband not you. Why are you reacting like that?!” Yoochun scolded him.

“I was just concerned with hyung.” Changmin replied and then took a seat and just played with his phone.

“But seriously, Changmin is right. Aren’t you threatened about Siwon. By what he acted at lunch a while ago, he was really giving away how he feels for her.” Yunho suddenly said.

“Jaejoong if I were you, I would act fast. Without knowing it, he’s already taking the role of her husband away from you.” Yoochun tapped him on the shoulder as he passed by.

“Look he already left with her and you’re here with us which should be the other way around.” Junsu also said.

“Who knows where he went with her? Maybe in some romantic place.” Yoochun continued as Jaejoong was doing his turn.

“Maybe he took her to the flower garden. It’s where girls really feel romanicky.” Yunho backed up which caused Jaejoong to hit the wrong ball instead. “And that’s what would happen if you just let him.” Jaejoong was taunted too much that he threw his stick and went to the kitchen to grab a drink. Yoochun and Yunho smiled at each other upon noticing it.


After a while, Siwon came back all alone. This surprised the others especially Jaejoong.

“Oh! I thought you went out with the others?” Yoochun suddenly asked him.

“No. Kwanghee took them out somewhere. I just looked for a local clinic near here.” Siwon answered.

“Since you’re already here, join us. We’re heading to our hot spring.” Yunho offered.

“Yeah. The others might come back late.” Junsu backed up. “Okay. I also need some relaxation to. I’ll just go to the room to prepare.” Siwon then headed upstairs.

“Hyung. Why did you invite him? He’s Jae hyung’s rival.” Changmin complained.

“Don’t you know the saying; keep your friends close and your enemies’ closer?” Yoochun retorted.

“Jae’s not complaining but you’re the one freaking out.” Yunho said as he shook his head. Just then Siwon emerged from the stairs, already prepared.


“So Siwon, how long have you known Hyemi?” Changmin questioned him as they were hanging out on the hot spring. This earned a glare from the others so he corrected it. “I mean how long have you been friends?”

“I’ve known her four years ago.” Siwon replied. “And you’ve been friends with her ever since?” Changmin asked again. Siwon nodded his head.

“Haven’t you thought about courting her? I mean Hyemi’s pretty and very kind.” Yunho asked too. He didn’t mention knowing about Hyemi and Siwon’s past. Jaejoong shifted so as to listen to but he didn’t make it too noticeable.

“Hyemi values our friendship too much and I respect her decision.” Siwon answered. “But that didn’t answer the question.” Changmin complained. Siwon just smiled at him. “I don’t think we have to press on that the topic since Hyemi’s husband, Jaejoong, is here.”

“He’s right. We should just relax here.” Junsu chided in. Jaejoong lowered his self more to the water and closed his eyes. Just then Yoochun asked another question. “But what do you think of Jaejooong? Do you approve of him as her husband?”

“Don’t worry; it’s just between us.” He continued.

“I think he’s a great man. No offense but I can’t say too early. I haven’t known him that much.” Siwon remarked. Jaejoong slightly twitched at his response. He knows the meaning behind what Siwon just said.


After they were done relaxing, they decided to head back to the house. They were then greeted by Kwanghee who is in hurry and is tense. He quickly ran to them. “HYUNG!!!”

“What is it? Is something wrong?” Junsu asked him after sensing Kwanghee’s reaction. Kwanghee stopped for a bit to catch his breath.

“What is it?!!” Changmin anxiously asked too. “Hyemi…” He said first then breathed hard. “We planned to have bonfire tonight. Minji and Nicole went to the grocery in the town to buy stuffs while Hyemi and I were to get some firewood.”

“Then when I looked behind, she was nowhere to be seen.” He continued. Before Kwanghee could finish, Jaejoong dropped his things and ran to find her.

“Jaejoong!!!” The others tried to stop him but they can’t so they just followed him.

“Have you looked everywhere?” Yoochun worriedly asked.

“Did you report it to the police? Did you try to call her?” Siwon asked too and then tried to dial Hyemi’s number but he was just transferred to voicemail.

“There’s no service here. We won’t be able to call her.” Yunho said as he dialed a number and talked to someone.

“I called Nicole and Minji. They went straight to the police to report.” Kwanghee explained. “I hope something bad won’t happen to her or that bears or lions won’t eat her here.” He said in a terrified tone.


“Where did you last see her?” Junsu asked as they arrived at the place.

“Here.” Kwanghee then went straight the path. “I was scared to go further so we settled here. I was collecting some woods when I looked back and she’s nowhere to be found.”

“Let’s separate and search for her. We need to locate her before the sun sets.” Jaejoong instructed. “She can’t be left alone in the woods.”



Omo! Hyemi is missing! They should act fast! Jaejoong should be the one to see him first, right?

Good thing Yoochun and Yunho did the great job in taunting Jaejoong. He’s now getting a clearer picture of his feelings. Tune in next chapter for the continuation of Hyemi’s rescue.

,  don’t forget to COMMENT and SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS and SUGGESTIONS. Khamsamnida! ^^ And also please VOTE UP my story. Just click on the arrow up beside the title. Thank you again.


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[if you asked me to] I'm on the process of updating the next chapter. It will take slower though coz today I will bring my lappy to the doctor


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Ryughosh #1
Chapter 47: Please please please please update update update update
elfminoz #2
Chapter 47: Please update.
Ryughosh #3
Chapter 47: Plz plz plz's bin so long n ur story is really good
Chapter 47: Im a new reader :) hope youll update asap keke
emi_martini #5
Chapter 47: Get it, Jae! I love this story so much and I really hope they can take their relationship to the next level. I just really love them together!
faridpraderago #6
Chapter 47: oh,i'm kinda like arrangemarried story,lol~
i love jae being with her...keep update,authornim^^
iuana12 #7
Chapter 43: its good, add more sweet moment for jaejoong hyemi pls^^
Chapter 47: owww i'm guetting jealous of this cute couple,,,, hope they'll get close more to each other
waiting for the next cchapters,,,, cuz i really love this fanfic alottttt

All the best ;)
Chapter 47: Im new reader and got engaged with your story kkekeke. And the last part such a teaser really. I hope jae will do it with hyemi and have beautiful children. Please update soon authornim^^
Chapter 47: They're cute together! Really curious on what will happen next after reading what Jaejoong had done on the last part of the Chapter. Will surely wait for your next update! Update soon :)