Chapter 29

If you asked me to


Hyemi was basking under the sun as she lounges on the beachside. It is now the second day after they arrived in Bali, Indonesia. She remembered the first night they go there.


Jaejoong and Hyemi were booked in the honeymoon suite which caters newlywed couples. Upon arriving on their room, they were surprised to see that it was decorated with flower petals. On their king size bed, there was a heart made out of petals. There was a bath tub on their bathroom where two people can fit in. Overlooking their bed was a private pool where it is exclusive for the both of them. Without saying anything, Jaejoong went inside the bathroom to freshen up; leaving Hyemi very very nervous.

“Hyemi calm down. He won’t do anything to you. It’s just your first night and you barely know each other.” She talked to herself as she looked over her luggage bag. She took out her clothes and saw it wasn’t all familiar to her. She knew Jiyeon must have bought all these stuff for her. She looked through all her clothes and found bathing suit; the ones she wouldn’t dare to wear, night gowns and clothes suitable for the hot weather in Bali.

“Aish. Jinja! I’m going to kill her.” She got out and sat on one of the lounge chairs beside the pool and dialed her sister’s number.

“Oh unnie! It’s your first night why are you calling me?” Jiyeon said as she picked up the call.

“Yah Lee Jiyeon! What the hell did you buy for me!? Bathing suit? Night gown!? Seriously? Did you think you’re shopping for yourself!?” She exclaimed over the phone.

“Unnie! Calm down. You’re going to the beach that’s why you need bathing suits. Are you planning to swim while wearing a long gown? And as for the night gown, do you want to wear pjs on your honeymoon? What would Jaejoong oppa think?” Jiyeon explained. “Don’t worry, your toiletries are maintained.”

“Whatever Jiyeon. I’ll make you pay for this when I get back.” Hyemi said as she was still irritated. “I’ll make sure that you regret….” Out of the blue, she saw Jaejoong got out the bathroom with only a towel. His upper body is revealed. Hyemi noticed he got a good body and his arms are much toned. This is what turns her on in a guy. “Oh my god.” She suddenly uttered.

“Omo! Unnie! Just hang up! I don’t want to hear what happens to you on your first night! Eww..” Jiyeon squealed over the phone which startled Hyemi.

“Yah! It’s not what you think! I just… I just noticed the pool was beautiful.” Hyemi reasoned out.

“Uhum.. Unnie, I know when you’re lying and when you aren’t okay. Adios! Enjoy!” She then laugh before hanging up.

“Yah! You’re really paying for this Jiyeon.” Hyemi said as she stood up. She walked inside and saw Jaejoong already changed. She also head to the bathroom and took her bath.

After she’s done taking her bath, she changed to one of her night gowns and peeped through the door to check on Jaejoong. She saw him plopping a pillow on the couch beside the bed. She quickly headed to the bed and covered herself with the comforter.

“I’ll sleep on the couch so that you won’t be uncomfortable in your sleep.” Jaejoong said as he lies.


Hyemi was listening to music when the lady next to her initiated a chat.

“Hi.” She said in English. Hyemi noticed she was not an Asian. “I’m Hannah Steele.”

“Hi.” Hyemi smiled back. “I’m Hyemi Lee… I mean I’m Hyemi Kim.”

“Are you a tourist too? Where are you from?” She asked again.

“Yeah. I’m from Korea. How about you?” Hyemi asked back.

“I’m from Australia but I’m ¼ Korean, I think. My grandfather is Korean. By the way, I’m on a honeymoon with my husband. Are you too?” Hannah uttered. “I saw you on the lobby with a guy when you checked in. I believe your two doors away from ours.”

“Oh. Yeah, I’m on a honeymoon with my husband. We got married three days ago.” Hyemi replied.

“I’m sorry for being rude but I haven’t seen you two together.” Hannah asked again. “Do you have problems?” Hyemi was startled by her frankness since it’s the first time they met. But she answered her anyway.

“Oh. We were fixed into an arranged marriage that’s why we’re not that close.” Hyemi truthfully said which surprised Hannah.

“Oh really? I’m surprise people still practice that.” Hannah asked with curiosity.

“It’s still a common practice in our country.” Hyemi replied.

“Oh I see. By the way, what are you doing for a living?” Hannah asked again after a few minutes.

“I’m a chef and I own a pastry shop while my husband is a businessman.” Hyemi left out the information about Jaejoong being a Vice-President of the company. “How about you?”

“I’m a preschool teacher while my husband works in a company.”  Hannah answered. “By the way, why did you agree into the marriage? I mean don’t you have a relationship before that?” Hannah asked again.

“I’ve never had a boyfriend so…” Hyemi replied as she felt shy upon seeing Hannah’s surprised face.

“Really? You’re so pretty. How come you don’t have a boyfriend? Well… I’m glad you now have a man to share your life with. You know my husband was my crush ever since and I made a way so that I can get to know him more. And now were here, we’re married.” Hannah replied with a smile on her face. “I hope you and your husband will have a blissful marriage. You will find a way to get to know each other and also fall in love.”

Hyemi was jealous of her since it has the same situation with Senghyun but then she wasn’t as successful as Hannah was for it had been too late with her. She felt comfortable talking with Hannah because she hasn’t been talking with anyone since they got here. Jaejoong was only asking her a few questions but then he’ll wander off alone and only comeback at night time; leaving Hyemi to herself. This time Jaejoong was at their room busy with his paper works.



“When are you going back Hyemi?” Hannah asked after they finished eating lunch. She asked Hyemi to join her since she knew Hyemi was also alone.

“We’ll the day after tomorrow. How about you?” Hyemi replied.

“We’re also the same. Oh! I have an idea! We should have dinner tomorrow night. Bring Jaejoong with you so that Kent and I will also meet him. We’ll celebrate our last night here.” Hannah excitingly said.

“Uhm.. I’ll ask him about it first.” Hyemi replied. Just then her phone rang. “Excuse me. I have to answer this first.”

She went out the restaurant and answered the call. “Yoboseo?”

“Hyemi! It’s Lisa. How are you?” Mrs. Kim said over the phone.

“Oh! Aunt Lisa. We’re okay. How about you?” She happily said over the phone.

“We’re alright too. Hyemi, haven’t I told you to call me eomma. You’re my daughter now. By the way, are you enjoying your honeymoon?”

“Oh. I’m sorry Aunt Lisa I mean eomma. Yes, thank you for this trip. Bali is so beautiful. I’m really happy.” Hyemi replied.

“Are you and Jaejoong getting along? Where is he? Can I talk to him? I’ve been calling him but he doesn’t answer the phone.”

“Yes, we are. He’s uhm…. He’s in the restroom right now.” Hyemi lied.

“Oh. Arasso. I’ll just call tomorrow. Take Care. Have a great time.”

“Arasso eomma. Take Care too. See you soon.” Hyemi then hang up on the phone. She felt sad for lying again. She had been doing this whenever they call back at home. She sighed as she head back to the table.

“So Hyemi what have you done during your stay here?” Hannah asked her once Hyemi seated.

“Uhm… I haven’t been anywhere.  I just tried local delicacies here.” Hyemi said.

“Really?  My husband was just solving a company problem and he’ll join me later. I can tour you around here.” Hannah offered with a friendly smile. Hyemi accepted.

“I’ll make sure you’ll have some good time.” Hannah assured her.


Omo! Why is Jaejoong doing that to her!? Poor Hyemi. I hope her new friend, Hannah, will help the both of them get closer. I hope their trip will turn out better. Look out next chapter! ! ^^ Don’t forget to COMMENT and SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS and SUGGESTIONS.


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[if you asked me to] I'm on the process of updating the next chapter. It will take slower though coz today I will bring my lappy to the doctor


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Ryughosh #1
Chapter 47: Please please please please update update update update
elfminoz #2
Chapter 47: Please update.
Ryughosh #3
Chapter 47: Plz plz plz's bin so long n ur story is really good
Chapter 47: Im a new reader :) hope youll update asap keke
emi_martini #5
Chapter 47: Get it, Jae! I love this story so much and I really hope they can take their relationship to the next level. I just really love them together!
faridpraderago #6
Chapter 47: oh,i'm kinda like arrangemarried story,lol~
i love jae being with her...keep update,authornim^^
iuana12 #7
Chapter 43: its good, add more sweet moment for jaejoong hyemi pls^^
Chapter 47: owww i'm guetting jealous of this cute couple,,,, hope they'll get close more to each other
waiting for the next cchapters,,,, cuz i really love this fanfic alottttt

All the best ;)
Chapter 47: Im new reader and got engaged with your story kkekeke. And the last part such a teaser really. I hope jae will do it with hyemi and have beautiful children. Please update soon authornim^^
Chapter 47: They're cute together! Really curious on what will happen next after reading what Jaejoong had done on the last part of the Chapter. Will surely wait for your next update! Update soon :)