Chapter 36

If you asked me to

 “Hyemi. I’ll show you something.” Mrs. Kim said as she pulled an album under the table and gave it to Hyemi.

“Oh! It’s Jaejoong’s album.” She said as she browsed through. “Omo! Yepeodda! He’s so cute. He looks like an angel.”

“Is this me?” Hyemi asked as she noticed a picture of Jaejoong with a small girl. “Yes. It’s you. That was when we would visit you in Incheon. You were really close with him. Since your oppa used to , you would always come to his defense.”

 “Oh! I remember! Donghae oppa and Leeteuk oppa used to because he’s so quiet and he doesn’t usually mingle with other kids. I was playing hide and seek with Qri unnie when I noticed him alone. I gave him half of the cookie I made with eomma. And that’s the start of our friendship.” Hyemi smiled as she reminisced. “I would always look forward to the day you’ll visit us again. I would always plan the activities that we’ll do.”

“Jae was also looking forward to those days. He would constantly bug us asking as to when we’ll visit you. He would constantly talk about you with his friends.” Mrs. Kim also shared.

“But I cried a lot when you said you have to move to Japan.” Hyemi remarked. “He was the first boy, not blood-related, that I was friends with. Maybe that’s the reason why I didn’t remember it at first. My brother and cousins made it a point that I wouldn’t notice his absence. They will always play with me until I kind of forgotten about him.”

“But Jae didn’t. He was always asking for you until he graduated in elementary. When we came back here, you weren’t living in your house in Incheon. My husband couldn’t contact your father anymore so Jaejoong lost his hope of seeing you again.” Mrs. Kim said as Hyemi still looks through the remains of Jaejoong’s pictures. “That’s Jae’s cousin, Jun. They’re very close to each other.” Mrs. Kim remarked.

“It figures. I was wondering a while ago because they’re always together. I thought he’s one of his friends.” Hyemi uttered.


“By the way Jaejoong, is it okay for Dayoung and Lauren to sleep with us, tonight?” Hyemi asked as they were on their way home. “Donghae oppa has an overnight trip at Gwang-ju. Since the kids were begging to see us, they decided to have them stay with us.”

“It’s alright with me. Besides, I also adore them.” Jaejoong replied. “Khamsamnida.” Hyemi gratefully said.

“You don’t have to. It’s our house anyways. You also have a say regarding this matter.” He remarked. “So what time are they arriving?”

“They’re eating dinner with us. I promised that I’ll cook for them.” She answered. “Do you have your ingredients already? Or do we need to drop by the supermarket?” Jaejoong asked.

“Nope. I just did groceries besides they’re not picky with food. They’re just certain with desserts.” She explained. “Dayoung likes mango-peach tarts while Lauren loves the strawberry ones.”

“Are you going to make them?”  Jaejoong asked again.

“Anni. There’s only a limited time. Let’s just drop by my shop.” Jaejoong nodded his head and made a turn to Sweet Escape.


“Annyeong Chef Hyemi.” A staff greeted her. “Annyeonghasseyo Mr. Kim.”  She bowed upon seeing Jaejoong.

“Is Mica and Minji here?” Hyemi asked the staff.

“Chef Mica delivered the cakes for Miss Shil along with Sora.” The staff answered. “Chef Minji just finished having a cake taste with Mr. and Mrs. Oh.”

“I see.” Hyemi then went towards the display cabinet.

“Oh! Chef Hyemi! I thought you’re not working today.” Inna remarked upon emerging from the kitchen. “Oh. You’re with your husband. Annyeong hasseyo.” Jaejoong greeted back.

“I’m here to buy something.” Hyemi answered as she looks through the display cabinet. “I’ll have a half-dozen of mango-peach tarts and half a dozen of strawberry tarts.” Inna then got her orders. “Do you want to reheat it?”

“Yes please.” Hyemi answered. Just then Minji also emerged from the kitchen. “Hyemi! I heard back there that you were here. Annyeong hasseyo Jaejoong husband.” She greeted upon noticing Jaejoong. He also greeted back. “What brings you here?”

“I picked up desserts for Dayoung and Lauren. They’re staying with us tonight.” Hyemi answered. “Oh! I remembered!”

“What would you like Jaejoong? Do you want to try our Carrot-Banana cupcake? Or you want to try something else?” She said as she faced her husband. Jaejoong looked through the shelf deciding on what to get.

“Look at the two of them. They look so sweet even if they’re just talking with each other.” Inna whispered to Minji. “I know right? I’m feeling giddy because of them.” Minji also whispered back. They were all smiles as they were observing the two.

“Okay I’ll just try Carrot-Banana. But I should have a refund if it doesn’t tastes that good.” Jaejoong uttered.

“Arasso. I’ll guarantee you that it’s good. I’ll double the price if you wouldn’t like it.” Hyemi remarked. “Half a dozen of it too, Inna.”

“Here you go.” Inna said as she gave them the bag. “Add Chocolate Truffle Cupcakes too for Bognsun unnie and me.” Hyemi paid for it and headed home with Jaejoong.


Jaejoong just finished browsing through his laptop when he decided to check on Hyemi. He was heading downstairs when he smelled the aroma of Hyemi’s dishes.

“What are you cooking?” He suddenly asked as he emerged in the kitchen.

“I’m making Spaghetti with Meat balls, Garlic Bread, Chicken Popcorn and Buffalo Wings.” Hyemi replied. “Do you want a taste?” She then feed him with the sauce. Her action startled Jaejoong.

“Is it delicious?” She asked; waiting for him to say a word.

“Dub-dub-dub-dub-dub.” Jaejoong can loudly hear his heart beating faster than the usual. “Is it that bad?” Hyemi uttered as she tastes it. He then snapped out of his thoughts. “Just add a little of black pepper.” He said before heading to the living room.

“What am I feeling?” He said as he placed his heart on his chest. “Is this?” Meanwhile Hyemi wasn’t aware of the situation and just finished cooking. Just then, there was a doorbell. “I got it.” Jaejoong said and looked through the security monitor.

“Jaejoong. It’s me.” Yoona said over. “Come in.” Jaejoong responded and touched the button to open the gate. He went to the door and opened it. “Annyeong Dayoung. Annyeong Lauren.” He waved as he greeted the two sweetly.  “Uncle Jaejoong!!” The two excitedly ran and hugged him.

“Where is Hyemi?” Yoona asked as they entered. “She’s at the kitchen cooking.” Jaejoong answered.  They all headed to where Hyemi was.

“Aunt Hyemi!!” They enthusiastically ran to Hyemi and kissed her. “Hi my princess. I missed you so much.” She replied back. “Annyeong unnie. How are you and baby boy?” She asked as she touches Yoona’s belly. “We’re fine. He’s starting to be playful.”

“I can’t wait to meet him.” Hyemi answered back and then headed back to near the stove. “How are you two? Are you adjusting very well?” Yoona suddenly asked them.

“We’re okay.” Hyemi answered. “So what are you feeding the little monsters?” Yoona asked; changing the topic. Dayoung and Lauren giggled upon hearing it. “Spaghetti with meat balls and Chicken Popcorn and also mango-peach and strawberry tarts.”

“By the way, are you going to eat with us?” Jaejoong suddenly asked. “Anni. I’m heading home. My mother’s cooking for me too.” Yoona answered.

“You should take some of this.” Jaejoong said again. “These are too much for the five of us here.”

“It’s okay.” Yoona politely declined. “Jaejoong’s right. Just bring Buffalo wings. I know your abeoji loves this.” Hyemi then packed some of it for Yoona.

“Khamsamnida. I’ll better get going now. They might be waiting for me.” Yoona said as she kissed Dayoung and Lauren goodbye. “Eomma is going now. Remember what appa and I told you girls? Don’t be too naughty, arasso? Sleep early and don’t play too much. Understand?”

“Yes eomma.” Lauren said as she hugged her. “Take Care eomma.” Dayoung alsos said as she followed Lauren’s suit. “Okay, I’ll call you later. Kiss eomma.” The two then kissed her goodbye.

“Annyeong unnie.” Hyemi said as they walked her out. “By the way, I have also included some desserts for you to share.”

“Oh. Thank you. They’ll love it. By the way, I’ll pick them tomorrow so that eomma and appa can also see them.” Yoona turned before heading out.

“Call us when you arrived.” Jaejoong uttered. Yoona nodded her head and rode the car.


Hyemi took out the desserts after they were done eating.  “This is for Lauren, Dayoung, and Jaejoong and also for Bongsun unnie and me. I hope you’ll love it.” Hyemi also asked Bongsun to join them in eating.

“Khamsamnida Aunt Hyemi.” Lauren and Dayoung both said as they tasted theirs. “What’s yours Dayoungie?” Lauren asked her sister. “Mango-Peach. How about you unnie?” Dayoung asked back.

“Strawberry. Do you want one?” Lauren asked. Dayoung nodded her head and Lauren fed her. Dayoung also did the same. “Aigoo. My princesses are so sweet with each other.” Hyemi remarked.

“Can I also taste yours?” Jaejoong asked the two and they giggled as they let him taste it. “Mmm. It’s delicious.”

“Aunt Hyemi should also give you and you give her.” Lauren remarked as she gestured for them to do it. “Eomma and Appa do it.” Dayoung also said. This startled the two. “I’ve already tasted it. It’s from my shop, remember?” Hyemi replied.

“You should give in to the kids’ favor.” Bongsun uttered.

“Arasso.” Jaejoong smiled to them and fed Hyemi. She also did the same. “Mmm. It’s chocolatey.” Jaejoong said as he faced the two. The kids were then giggling. Bongsun also discreetly laughed.

“What’s wrong?” He asked them and then faced Hyemi. She also started laughing. “Why?” He asked again with confusion on his face. Hyemi stopped laughing. “Here.” She went near Jaejoong and then wiped the chocolate off on the side of his lips. “You really did enjoy the cupcake.”

“Dub-dub-dub-dub-dub.” Jaejoong heard his heart beat again. He felt like it was louder than their laughs. He stopped and placed his hand on his chest again. “Dub-dub-dub-dub-dub.”

“It was really delicious.” He just remarked and ate his. “So what is your verdict on that one?” Hyemi suddenly asked as she was referring to the Carrot-Banana Cupcake.

“It’s good. No need to refund.” Jaejoong uttered and continued eating. “I told you its good.” Hyemi happily said and started enjoying her desserts.


“Did you brush your teeth already?” Hyemi asked as Dayoung and Lauren opened their mouths for her to inspect. “Are we going to sleep with you, Aunt Hyemi?” Dayoung suddenly asked.

“Dayoung. Aunt Hyemi will sleep with Uncle Jaejoong. We can’t sleep with her anymore.” Lauren said to her sister which made Dayoung disappointed.

“But that doesn’t mean you can’t sleep with us.” Jaejoong suddenly said. “You’ll sleep with us tonight.”

“Yay!!” Dayoung and Lauren excitingly hugged him. “Gomawo.” Hyemi mouthed at him. Jaejoong smiled in return.

“Our Dayoung and Lauren will sleep in between so that you won’t fell of the bed.” Hyemi then tucked them. “Good night.” She said as she kissed both of them. Jaejoong also did the same.

“But aren’t you going to kiss each other? Appa and Eomma kiss before we go to sleep.” Lauren suddenly said which made it awkward for the two.

“Lauren and I are going to cover our eyes.” Dayoung then did it. Lauren also did the same. “Is it over?” “No.” Lauren said as she peeped. “Appa and Eomma said married couples do it. Halmeoni and Harabeoji do it and also Uncle Leeteuk and Aunt Taeyeon.”

“If that’s the case, good night Jaejoong.” Hyemi was about to kiss him in the cheek when Jaejoong landed his lips on to hers. This startled the both of them. Lauren and Dayoung giggled upon seeing it.

“Okay. Okay. Go to sleep.” Hyemi suddenly uttered.


After a while, Jaejoong was still uneasy. He was thinking as to why he did that to Hyemi. When he felt Hyemi shift, he tried if she’s already asleep or not. “Hyemi?”

“Why?” She replied. She wasn’t also feeling sleepy. “I’m sorry for what I did earlier. I hope you’re not mad.” He said as he looked at the ceiling.

“If that’s the reason why you can’t sleep, its okay. I’m not mad. Besides the children’s right, we’re already married so it’s only normal.” He heard her remark. “Right.” He just replied.

“Good night.” Hyemi uttered. “Good night.” He replied and drifted off to sleep.


Do you think Jae is also falling for Hyemi? Will he be willing to forget his past and move on with his life with Hyemi? Find out next chapter! I’m very sorry for the late update. I hope you can forgive me. :(

,  don’t forget to COMMENT and SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS and SUGGESTIONS. Khamsamnida! ^^



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[if you asked me to] I'm on the process of updating the next chapter. It will take slower though coz today I will bring my lappy to the doctor


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Ryughosh #1
Chapter 47: Please please please please update update update update
elfminoz #2
Chapter 47: Please update.
Ryughosh #3
Chapter 47: Plz plz plz's bin so long n ur story is really good
Chapter 47: Im a new reader :) hope youll update asap keke
emi_martini #5
Chapter 47: Get it, Jae! I love this story so much and I really hope they can take their relationship to the next level. I just really love them together!
faridpraderago #6
Chapter 47: oh,i'm kinda like arrangemarried story,lol~
i love jae being with her...keep update,authornim^^
iuana12 #7
Chapter 43: its good, add more sweet moment for jaejoong hyemi pls^^
Chapter 47: owww i'm guetting jealous of this cute couple,,,, hope they'll get close more to each other
waiting for the next cchapters,,,, cuz i really love this fanfic alottttt

All the best ;)
Chapter 47: Im new reader and got engaged with your story kkekeke. And the last part such a teaser really. I hope jae will do it with hyemi and have beautiful children. Please update soon authornim^^
Chapter 47: They're cute together! Really curious on what will happen next after reading what Jaejoong had done on the last part of the Chapter. Will surely wait for your next update! Update soon :)