Chapter 31

If you asked me to


Jaejoong woke up and felt weird. He suddenly smelled a lavander scent which he’s not familiar with. He opened his eyes and saw Hyemi‘s head on his arm as she hug him. He was surprised by this sudden contact. Even though his arm is already numbing, he didn’t shift so as not to wake her up. He thought of how he ends up embracing her.

Jaejoong was already sleeping when he felt Hyemi always shifting on the bed. She kept on mumbling on her sleep and she looked like she was still frightened. He observed her and when he couldn’t hold it any longer, he grabbed Hyemi and hugged her.

“Ssssh.. I’m here. I’m here.” He kept on repeating until she’s no longer uncomfortable. He then slept afterwards.


All of a sudden, he felt Hyemi shift so he closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

On the other hand, Hyemi was surprise when she felt as if her head is against a warm thing. She opened her eyes and saw her head is resting on Jaejoong’s arm and that she’s hugging him. She got panicked so she quickly moved. Jaejoong acted as if he just woke up. He winced as he felt as blood rush through his veins.

“Mianhe.” Hyemi kept on repeating as she was concerned.

“It’s okay.” He said as he stretches his arms.

“Omo! What time is it?” Hyemi suddenly said as she looked at her phone. “I forgot I have to meet up with Hannah and Kent.” She rushed as she went inside the bathroom. Jaejoong smiled as he shook his head at her.


Hyemi forgot to take her clothes with her to the bathroom so she stepped out wearing only a towel.  This startled Jaejoong for it was his first time seeing her like that. He then swallowed a lump on his throat. Hyemi also felt ashamed as she also forgot she’s not alone in the room.

 “Omo! Mianhe.” She said as she bowed; her towel rose up her thighs.

Jaejoong looked the other way then got his towel and also went inside. “Wait for me. I’ll come with you.” Hyemi nodded her head.

She sighs as he went inside the bathroom. “Aish! I forgot he’s still here.” She then went on and weared her clothes.


“Good morning.” Hannah greeted as Jaejoong and Hyemi joined them for breakfast.

“Good morning.” Hyemi also greeted back.

“By the way, what are we doing today?” Jaejoong asked as if he’s in a meeting.

“We’ll try Bungee Jumping, Snorkeling and Parasailing.” Kent answered.

“Let’s try Snorkeling and parasailing first after we eat breakfast then we can try bungee jumping before we ate our lunch.” Hannah replied.

After finishing breakfast, they head on to the resort desk and availed of the adventure package. They were assisted and rode a boat. The instructor educated them with some information and also safety procedure.

“Okay. Let’s all plunge in the water.” The instructor said as he plummets first. “Don’t forget to secure your life jackets.” Jaejoong and Kent followed.

“Omo! I really don’t know how to swim.” Hyemi uttered as she was nervous.

“Really? Why?” Hannah asked back.

“I wasn’t thought how to.” She replied as she anxiously looked at the ocean. “And I almost drown before.”

“Its fine and you have a life jacket.” Hannah replied and took Hyemi’s hand. “In the count of three, let’s jump in.” They also plummeted to the water. Hyemi panicked as she felt herself exposed. “Omo.” She said as she almost cried. She then felt someone took her hand. She looked up and saw Jaejoong.

“It’s alright. I got you. You’ll enjoy this.” He said. “Just held on to my hand.” Hyemi nodded and held on him tighter.

“Lift your feet and look straight to the water.” Jaejoong instructed. Hyemi was still feeling worried. “Don’t worry. I’m here. I won’t let you go.” Hyemi nodded and did what Jaejoong instructed. After that, she enjoyed observing the fishes with the help of Jaejoong.

“They’re wonderful.” She said as she faced Jaejoong. “I told you. You’ll like this.” Jaejoong smiled back.


After they were done, they were moved to a speedboat.

“For this, each couple will take turns. We’ll let you wear this harness so as that you won’t slip. Just signal if you want to go down already.” The instructor gave orders. “Who’s the first one?”

“Do you want to go first?” Hannah asked Jaejoong and Hyemi. Hyemi didn’t answer.

“We’ll try after you.” Jaejoong was the one who replied. Hannah nodded and positioned herself with Kent. A few minutes, they were slowly lifted up in the air. Hyemi looked up and gulped at how high the two were.

“Afraid of heights?” Jaejoong suddenly asked her. Hyemi nodded her head. “Then why are you tagging along with them?”

“I didn’t know it would be scary like this.” She reasoned. “If I knew it before hand, I would’ve backed out from the start.”

After fifteen minutes, Kent and Hannah came back down.

“Oh Hyemi! You would enjoy this! You’ll have the view of the whole island.” Hannah enthusiastically remarked.

“Okay. Next couple, please.” The instructor voiced. Jaejoong positioned himself while Hyemi hesitated first before joining him.

“Remember to signal when you want to go down already, okay?” The instructor said again. The two nodded their head and they were slowly lifted up. Hyemi closed her eyes as they were going up. Upon noticing it, Jaejoong held on her hand again. This shocked Hyemi so she opened her eyes.

“You don’t have to do that.” She said as she faced Jaejoong. He didn’t react and just look at the view before them. Hyemi followed his lead and was amazed by it.

“Bali is really beautiful.” She uttered as she was still holding on his hands. They were then silent all throughout the fifteen minutes they were up; still holding each other’s hand. Fifteen minutes went by really fast for them. Hyemi didn’t notice they were really high up in the air.

“The next one is where many couples back out. Be prepared for Bungee Jumping. Don’t worry, we cater to couples.” The instructor said as they were drifted off to the other side of the island. They were then given a break before they started.


“Oh! It’s so high! Exciting!” Hannah squealed upon seeing the tower where they would fall from.

“Please fill up the form that you’re agreeing to this activity.” The instructor then gave out papers to them. They filled it up and was given instructions as they wore their safety gears. After it, they were lifted up the tower.

“We’ll go first, okay?” Hannah said and they were then secured to the rope. After a while, they jumped out of the platform. Screams were heard from Hannah. “I love you Kent Steele!!” Kent also did the same declaring his love for his wife.

“Hyemi. Are you going to do this?” Jaejoong said as he looks at Hyemi whose face turned white. She gulped before answering him. “I don’t know.”

“You can back out if you want. No one’s forcing you.” Jaejoong reminded her out of concern. She contemplated hard and then came up with a decision.

“No. I’m going to. I don’t want to be a scaredy cat anymore.” Hyemi said with full determination.

“Is that you’re final answer?” Jaejoong asked back.

“Yes.” She said as if she was also surprise with her sudden confidence.

“Next.” The instructor gestured for them to go to the platform. They were then safely attached to the rope. “When you’re ready, just signal us okay?” Hyemi and Jaejoong nodded their head. Hyemi looked down and was stunned by how high they were from the sea.

“Hyemi.” Jaejoong uttered.

“Have you done this before?” She asked back. Jaejoong nodded his head.

“Is it scary?” She asked again. “Only from the start.” He replied.

“Are you ready?” The instructor said again. They were all waiting for Hyemi to answer. Just then she heard Hannah’s voice. “Hyemi! You can do this! It’s just scary at first but you’ll love it afterwards.” Hannah exclaimed over the megaphone.

Hyemi closed her eyes and breathed heavily. “I’m okay. Let’s do this.” The instructor then nodded his head.

“Sir, you should lead your wife when you jump off. Hug her tightly as you take off.” He said. Jaejoong nodded and hugged Hyemi. She also did hugging him tighter as she closed her eyes. “You can declare your love or whatsoever like what the other couples did.”

“One. Two. Three. Jump.” The instructor exclaimed. Jaejoong shifted and they were off the platform.

“Hyemi!! Open your eyes!” Jaejoong exclaimed; his voice was full of excitement. After she heard him, Hyemi slowly opened it and was amazed with what she’s seen. They were dangling from the rope and adrenaline rushed through her veins. “Wohoo!! Aaaaah!!! I love it!!” Hyemi exclaimed out. As they halt, they were then removed from the rope and were moved to the boat waiting for them.

“You can take your certificate and picture at the booth.” One of the personnel said as they reached the dock. “Thank you.” Hyemi happily replied.

“How was it?” Hannah asked as soon s they were joined by the two.

“It was exhilarating!” Hyemi uttered. “I’m glad I tried it.”

“I’m happy you also enjoyed it and you faced your fears.” Hannah replied as she hugged Hyemi. “After lunch, let’s shop for things we can give back to our family.”

“Sure. I forgot about it.” Hyemi replied as she walked with Hannah back to the restaurant. Kent and Jaejoong were behind them.


After shopping, they had their last dinner on the island. 

“It was really nice to meet the two of you.” Hannah smiled towards the two.

“Me too. I’m happy to have gained a new friend. I hope we’ll continue to contact each other after this.” Hyemi also replied.

“Sure. I hope the best for the two of you and that you’ll be able fill your marriage with lots of love.” Hannah uttered.

“Let’s toast for our future.” Kent said as they all cheered. They were enjoying their dinner when a waiter approached their table.

“Compliments from our manager, Ms. Yoo.” He said as he gave them two slices of chocolate cake for each couple to share. He also placed drinks on the table.

“Oh! She’s also Korean.” Hyemi said with surprise.

“Thank you.” Jaejoong said. “Tell her we’re very grateful.”

“By the way, what are these?” Hannah said motioning to the drinks.

“Four seasons juice infused with martini.” He gestured towards the drink placed near Kent and Hannah. “And these are pineapple-orange also infused with martini.” He then gestured at the ones near Jaejoong and Hyemi.

“Okay. Thank you.” Hannah replied and the waiter left them. “Cheers.” The four of them said as they gulped the drink.



Meanwhile, the manager talked to waiter. “Have you given them the drinks?”

“Yes ma’am.” He replied.

“Did you say the pineapple-orange martinis are for the Kim couple?” The manager asked again.

“Yes ma’am. I placed it very near them.” The waiter said and left.

The manager got on the phone and called someone.

“Yoboseo?” Someone answered the call.

“Chunnie. I’ve already given them the drinks. Don’t forget our agreement, honey?” She said with a seductive tone.

“Sure. Anticipate what I’ll do to you when we see each other again, baby. I’ll look forward to it.” Yoochun also said in the same tone.


Omo! What was in that drink served to Hyemi and Jaejoong? What would happen to the two of them once they drink it? I know all of you have a guess as good as mine. So , don’t forget to COMMENT and SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS and SUGGESTIONS. Let’s all find out next chapter! ^^


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[if you asked me to] I'm on the process of updating the next chapter. It will take slower though coz today I will bring my lappy to the doctor


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Ryughosh #1
Chapter 47: Please please please please update update update update
elfminoz #2
Chapter 47: Please update.
Ryughosh #3
Chapter 47: Plz plz plz's bin so long n ur story is really good
Chapter 47: Im a new reader :) hope youll update asap keke
emi_martini #5
Chapter 47: Get it, Jae! I love this story so much and I really hope they can take their relationship to the next level. I just really love them together!
faridpraderago #6
Chapter 47: oh,i'm kinda like arrangemarried story,lol~
i love jae being with her...keep update,authornim^^
iuana12 #7
Chapter 43: its good, add more sweet moment for jaejoong hyemi pls^^
Chapter 47: owww i'm guetting jealous of this cute couple,,,, hope they'll get close more to each other
waiting for the next cchapters,,,, cuz i really love this fanfic alottttt

All the best ;)
Chapter 47: Im new reader and got engaged with your story kkekeke. And the last part such a teaser really. I hope jae will do it with hyemi and have beautiful children. Please update soon authornim^^
Chapter 47: They're cute together! Really curious on what will happen next after reading what Jaejoong had done on the last part of the Chapter. Will surely wait for your next update! Update soon :)