The Wedding

If you asked me to


This one is a very long chapter! Enjoy! :)


As Hyemi was walking down the aisle, Jaejoong saw a figure so familiar to him.  He studies it and was shocked by what he saw. “Tiffany.” He suddenly uttered.

Tiffany was in tears as she looked at Jaejoong. She positioned herself from the farthest place as possible. This made Jaejoong focused away from Hyemi. He was still looking at Tiffany when he heard Yunho cleared his throat. He then looked at Hyemi again. He can read it in Hyemi’s face that she’s feeling nervous and anxious. She then looked at Tiffany again and half of his hearts wants to stay.

Just then Junsu noticed it. “Jae, don’t ever think about it. Consider your family and also Hyemi once you ran away.” He whispered at him so Jaejoong was stopped.

After a while, Hyemi reached the end. Her father placed Hyemi’s hands to Jaejoong’s. The two of them then faced the minister. The wedding ceremony officially started.

“Friends and family, we are gathered here today to witness as Kim Jaejoong and Lee Hyemi exchange their vows in front of the Lord. If anyone wants to halt this marriage, come up front or you shall forever keep your secret.”

People started looking at each other. Jaejoong was also looking at Tiffany as if he’s waiting for her to stand up and break off the wedding. His friends were also exchanging their looks between them, Jaejoong and Tiffany. Since no one was interrupting, the minister took this as a sign to go on.

“Do you, Kim Jaejoong take Lee Hyemi as your lawfully wedded wife; in sickness and in health, until death do you part?” The minister asked Jaejoong first.

Jaejoong was silent. He looked at Hyemi, to his family, to the spectators and lastly to Tiffany who is already at the door; ready to leave. She was still looking at Jaejoong as if she’s waiting for him to take action. There were then murmurs heard through the crowd. He looked at his parents again and saw his mother gesturing him to answer the question. And lastly, he looked at Hyemi who’s also waiting for his answer. He can tell she’s anxious because of his reaction. His willing to follow after Tiffany but a part of him doesn’t want to leave Hyemi alone at the altar.

“Kim Jaejoong, what is your answer?” The minister asked again. The spectators were also waiting. It’s as if they’re watching a drama.

Jaejoong took one last breath before answering. “I do.” The crowd cheered. His parents and also Hyemi’s felt relieved. His gaze went towards somewhere and saw Tiffany already leaving.

The same question was asked to Hyemi. “Do you, Lee Hyemi take Kim Jaejoong as your lawfully wedded husband; in sickness and in health, until death do you part?”

Hyemi was also silent. She caught a glimpse of Tiffany and she also saw how Jaejoong hesitated. “Am I talking the right choice?” She asked herself. But looking at her family very happy, all her doubts were at the back of her mind. “I do.’


“Jaejoong and Hyemi you may now recite your vows as you exchange rings.” The rings were then given by Mason and Mavin.


“I, Kim Jaejoong, promise to love and cherish you….” He then placed the ring on her finger

“I, Lee Hyemi, promise to….” She also did the same.


“By the power vested on me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride.” The minister announced which shocked the couple.

“Ottoke? I totally forgot about this one. I should have asked Qri to remove this part.” Hyemi said to herself as she felt fidgety. Jaejoong was also feeling the same. Just then he held onto Hyemi’s head and pecked her on the lips which earned a blush from her.

“Let’s give them applause.” The minister expressed again. The crowd cheered on.


The foods were then served to the guests afterwards. Jaejoong’s friends then came over their table.

“Congratulations! Finally, you’re now officially our sister.” Yunho said as he hugged Hyemi.

“You’re now bound to us. Welcome to the club.” Yoochun also chided. “Can you also introduce your friends to us?”

“Oh oppa!” Hyemi laughed at him. Changmin also hugged her but Yunho then pulled him away. “I’ll look forward to my discounts on your shop.”

Jaejoong then whispered something at Junsu while Changmin and the others were talking to Hyemi.

“I saw Tiff a while ago. She attended the wedding but she ran when I said my vow. I hope you could find her later on and ask why she went back.”

Junsu nodded his head. “Arasso. I’ll search for her later but you should enjoy your wedding. This is a great festivity for all of us.”


Hyemi’s friends were the next one to visit their table.

“Congratulations.” Gyuri hugged Hyemi. “I hope you’ll take care of her Jaejoong-sshi.”

“You really suit each other. You shouldn’t miss my wedding too, okay? I’ll hope to see you two there.” Hara also said.

“Of course I’ll come. I know I’ll be a dead meat if I wouldn’t.”  Hyemi answered her. “I know you would. I’m talking about Jaejoong. I would see you there okay?” Hara sweetly said to him.

“Okay.” Jaejoong shyly smiled at her. “Omo. You’re so cute.” Hara said again.

“Yah Goo Hara. You still had time to flirt around!?” Nicole uttered. “I’m sorry for her. By the way, I’m Nicole. I believe we haven’t met yet.” She then bowed at him.

“I hope you could look out for her. You’re so lucky to have her. She’s one of a kind.” Nicole said as she smiled at Hyemi. “Yah! What are you saying!?” Hyemi voiced out.

“Yeah, I heard that a lot.” Jaejoong replied.

“Well. From what I see, she’s also lucky to have you.” Nicole replied. “I hope we can get to know each other.”


After a while, Leeteuk announced something. “All the bachelors, please step forward the garter will now be thrown. But before that, Jaejoong will get it from Hyemi using his teeth. Parents please guide your children. After that, the bouquet will be thrown. So ladies be prepared.”

Upon hearing it, Hyemi pulled down the garter for Jiyeon placed it above her knee. She had slipped it near the ankle. After Leeteuk’s cue, Jaejoong pulled the gown a little higher for him to look for the garter. Both of them blushed as Jaejoong sank his teeth at the garter and pulled it away. The crowd howled upon seeing it.

The guys then gathered and Jaejoong threw it. Seunghyun was the one who caught the garter. He smiled at Hyemi upon catching it. Jaejoong noticed it so his faced turned stiff.

It was then the time to throw the bouquet. All of the single ladies also lined up.

“In the count of three, Hyemi will throw it okay?” Leeteuk announced which alarmed the girls. “Hana, deul, se!” As she looks at the one who caught it, she saw it was Tiffany. Shock was seen in Jaejoong’s face. Jaejoong’s mother, Lisa, got tensed upon seeing her. She knew she might cause a scene.


Tiffany was seated at the chair and Seunghyun placed the garter on her lower leg. The spectators then cheered for them. Leeteuk talked to the two who got the garter and flower.

“The lucky guy is…” He paused waiting for Seunghyun to say his name. “Choi Seunghyun.” Top replied.

“And you’re the friend of the…? Leeteuk asked again. “Both. I’m an architect at Jaejoong’s company and I’m Hyemi’s schoolmate. But I’m more close to Hyemi.” Seunghyun replied as he smiled at Hyemi.

“Can you give a message to our new couple?” Leeteuk asked and passed the microphone to him.

“Congratulations on your wedding. To Jae, you’re so lucky to have this girl as your wife. She’s really one of the great people I’ve met. She’s really a good friend. And to Hyemi, I hope you’ll find happiness in this marriage and may God bless the both of you.” Seunghyun said and then passed the microphone back to Leeteuk. As he looked at Seunghyun smiling at Hyemi, Jaejoong got irritated without knowing the reason why.

But then his attention caught Tiffany who’s still looking at him. Leeteuk then turned to her. “And the lucky girl for the night is…”

“I’m Tiffany Hwang.” She replied as she smiled at Leeteuk. “You’re a friend of the bride? Or the groom?” He asked again.

“I’m Jaejoong oppa’s childhood friend. I’ve known him for many years.” She replied as she faced Jaejoong.

“So can we also ask a message from you?” Leeteuk asked. She nodded her head and got the microphone.

“Congratulations on your wedding. Honestly, I was surprised upon hearing the announcement over the television. I knew Jaejoong oppa’s not keen with the idea of an arranged marriage so I was quite shock that it was. Anyway, I hope you would find your happiness with Hyemi-sshi. I hope you made the right choice and that she’s the one for you. To Hyemi, I hope you would take good care of oppa. He might look like a cold and strong person on the outside but he’s caring and sweet in the inside. I hope your marriage will last long and that you’ll be blessed with kids.” She smiled as she ended her message. There were tears in her eyes but she acted as if it was tears of joy.

“A little bird told me that you two also knew each other.” Leeteuk said again.

“Neh.” Tiffany replied. “We’re schoolmates along with Hyemi. But Seunghyun and I belong to the same org.”

“Oh. Maybe you’re really the next to be married. I also hope everything for you.” Leeteuk uttered. “Can we ask a kiss from the both of you?”

The crowd also cheered. Tiffany smiled at them. She blushed as she gave a kiss on the cheek to Seunghyun. Jaejoong didn’t like what he sees. He clenched his fist in anger.

“There you have it. The party is not yet done. We’ll also ask for the message of the bride and groom’s parents and also of the new couple’s. And later the dance floor will be opened.


Jaejoong’s parents went to the front of the stage and gave their message.

“We congratulate our kids for the marriage. We’re happy that our family is now extended. As what you know, I have small family and that I have no siblings. So the addition of Lee family to our family is a dream that came true for it has been a long wish of mine to have a big family. Thank you to Daeho for accepting my son, Jaejoong and also us in their family. And also to Mr. Lee, thank you for agreeing with the marriage.” Jaemin then passed the microphone to his wife.

“I would also like to congratulate my son and also Hyemi. It has been a long wish of mine to see my son getting married. I’ve been setting him up on blind dates but I would always end up failing for he never liked any of the girls. There was a time where I doubted my son’s gender or that he has a secret girlfriend. But I proved it all wrong. Now that the time has come, I’m very very happy to see him married. I know how great Hyemi is so I know he will be taken care of. I’m just sad I wouldn’t see him more often. I wouldn’t get to wake him up every morning and cook foods for him. But I know Hyemi can take care of that because she’s a chef. I’m very happy to have you as my daughter-in-law. Welcome to the family Hyemi. I hope everything for your marriage and that I wish that you would bless us with grandchildren soon. I’m excited for it.” She said as she also got teary-eyed. “I’m sorry for being too emotional. Thank you also to the Lee family for accepting us.”


Hyemi’s parents took the stage next. It was her father who talked first.

“First of all, thank you for all the guests who came here. I hope the media there at the back are doing fine. We really appreciate all of your presence. To Jaejoong and Hyemi, I wish you all the best. I hope your marriage will stay strong despite facing obstacles. Jaejoong, I hope you would be a good husband to my daughter. Or else you know what would happen right?” The crowd then laughed at his remark. “Kidding aside, I hope you wouldn’t make her cry. She’s my eldest daughter and I’ve been protecting her ever since she was a child. From what all of you don’t know, I rarely lift a finger at my daughters for they’re really my precious treasure. I don’t like it when I see them crying. That’s the reason my father and I are very keen to those who asks for my daughter’s hand in marriage. I knew Jaemin since we’re kids so I know Jaejoong’s been brought up well. I really really hope you wouldn’t fail me. And as for Hyemi, I hope you would be a good wife and mother to your kids. I hope you inculcate all the values your mother and I taught you. I love you.” He then passed the microphone to his wife.

“Like what Lisa had said, it was also my dream to see my sons and daughters getting married. My eldest son, Donghae, is now married with Im Yoona and was blessed with two adorable daughters and is now expecting his junior. My second son, Mir, is reviewing for Licensure for Engineers while my youngest daughter Jiyeon is taking up Interior Designing. Hyemi was in successful with her career and that she’s already of age to marry so I also loved the idea of seeing her wearing her gown and looking very beautiful. I’ve also attempted to set her up with blind dates but she wouldn’t attend every single one of it. I’m glad this time she agreed into it. Maybe Jaejoong and Hyemi saw something with each other that made them accept the marriage.” Mrs. Lee then smiled at the couple. “I hope you’ll have a fruitful marriage and that you would soon be blessed with little Jaejoong and little Hyemi.”


After a while, it was now the couple’s first dance. Jaejoong and Hyemi were asked to lead the dance floor. Hyemi got nervous as he held her hands.

“Jaejoong-sshi. I’m not good in dancing.” Hyemi said as she was flustered.

“You might not be that bad.” He replied and then the song started. After the first seconds, Hyemi stepped on Jaejoong. “Ouch.” He complained.

“I told you I’m bad at this.” She replied. “Just follow my lead.” Jaejoong uttered. Hyemi obliged and soon after they were dancing slowly. The second song started and Hyemi was danced by her father and Jaejoong by his mother.

There were several more changing of partners until Tiffany end up being Jaejoong’s partner. Jaejoong’s mood change as he looks at her face.

“Congratulations oppa.” Tiffany said. “I’m happy for you.”

“Tiffany.” Jaejoong sighed. “I should be happy for you, right? There’s nothing I could do. You proposed to me first but I turned you down. This is my price for doing that.”

“Tiffany.” Jaejoong said again. “I’m sorry. I know I said that I will wait for you but… You know you’re the one I love.”

“Just hearing that is okay for me.” Tiffany smiled as tears were pouring out. Jaejoong held on her face and wiped the tears away. “Well I should be going now. Tonight’s my flight back. I just came here hoping I can change your mind. But turns I’m already too late.”

“I didn’t know you were here.” Jaejoong replied as he was anxious.

“I called you but maybe you were busy preparing.” Tiffany replied. She then kissed Jaejoong on the cheek. “Goodbye Jaejoong. I hope to see you again.”

“Tiffany.” He tried to stop her but she wouldn’t want to. He wants to follow her but his mom stopped him this time. “Jaejoong. Don’t cause a scene.” He had nothing to do but look at Tiffany leaving again.


The wedding ended. The gifts were then loaded into the car and. The gifts were then loaded into the car and Hyemi changed to a more comfortable dress.

“Where are we heading now?” Hyemi asked her brother,  Mir. “You know what comes next after the wedding right?” He replied as he wiggled his brows. Hyemi picked it up what he’s saying and then him. “Yah! Pabo!”

“Noona. What!? I’m right!? Honeymoon would always come after the wedding.” Mir answered. “Why are you asking me? Ask eomma and appa.”

“Eomma, where are we heading?” Hyemi then faced her parents. “You’ll have a trip to Bali, Indonesia.” Her father answered. “Really? Are we only the two that would go there?” Hyemi asked again.

“Of course.  We wouldn’t want to be a hindrance to the two of you.” Her mother replied. “Eomma. You’re too much.” Hyemi replied.

“You’re luggage are now on the car while your remaining things will be delivered to your new house.” Donghae said as he enters the room. “You should head to the airport now. Your flight will arrive after a few hours.”

They arrived downstairs and looked for Jaejoong. He then saw him sitting on the car already looking as if he’s in deep thinking.

“Oh. Here’s Hyemi. Take Care on your trip.” Mrs. Kim said as she hugged Hyemi.  “Arasso auntie.” She replied.

“You can call me eomma. You’re now my daughter too.” Mrs. Lee said again which Hyemi agreed into.

She rode the car and they sped off to their honeymoon.


It’s already their honeymoon! I’m excited! ^^ Are you? I wonder what would happen to the both of them. Will this be a way for them to get to close to each other? Find out next chapter! ^^ Don’t forget to COMMENT and SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS and SUGGESTIONS.

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[if you asked me to] I'm on the process of updating the next chapter. It will take slower though coz today I will bring my lappy to the doctor


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Ryughosh #1
Chapter 47: Please please please please update update update update
elfminoz #2
Chapter 47: Please update.
Ryughosh #3
Chapter 47: Plz plz plz's bin so long n ur story is really good
Chapter 47: Im a new reader :) hope youll update asap keke
emi_martini #5
Chapter 47: Get it, Jae! I love this story so much and I really hope they can take their relationship to the next level. I just really love them together!
faridpraderago #6
Chapter 47: oh,i'm kinda like arrangemarried story,lol~
i love jae being with her...keep update,authornim^^
iuana12 #7
Chapter 43: its good, add more sweet moment for jaejoong hyemi pls^^
Chapter 47: owww i'm guetting jealous of this cute couple,,,, hope they'll get close more to each other
waiting for the next cchapters,,,, cuz i really love this fanfic alottttt

All the best ;)
Chapter 47: Im new reader and got engaged with your story kkekeke. And the last part such a teaser really. I hope jae will do it with hyemi and have beautiful children. Please update soon authornim^^
Chapter 47: They're cute together! Really curious on what will happen next after reading what Jaejoong had done on the last part of the Chapter. Will surely wait for your next update! Update soon :)