Can’t avoid fate

True colours

Once Sunnee was in the clear she was allowed home. He had been told to make sure that she gets plenty of rest and to avoid too much stress. Dylan knew that she had to testify against Wayne in a little over a week and that they had a meeting with their lawyer in a few days to just to go through everything one more time. Dylan knew trying to postpone it probably wasn’t going to work because of how close it was. He had put Sunnee into bed and hoped she would be okay in a few days in time for the meeting and would be stable enough to go to court. 

Sunnee kept on waking up during the night after continuous nightmares and Dylan tried to calm her down and get her to sleep even if it was just for a few hours but she was unsettled and distressed. Early in the morning Dylan was awaken by Sunnee not being next to him, he heard the sound of retching from the bathroom so he got up and opened the door to see Sunnee emptying the contents of her stomach. Dylan didn’t know what triggered her to be sick, she could have caught a bug or she could have had a panic attack and stressed herself out. Dylan noticed the pills that were open on the sink and he picked them up and looked at them. He didn’t know that she had started taking the anti-hallucination pills again and he knew it wasn’t a good sign because it meant she was probably having hallucinations again or that she felt like she was going to have hallucinations. Dylan didn’t really want her going into court when her mental state wasn’t good but he knew it was probably too late to cancel it and he honestly didn’t know why doctors deemed Sunnee as mentally stable enough to do it. 

Sunnee was laying on the sofa with a blanket since she had stopped throwing up for now. Dylan considered mentioning the anti-hallucination medication but he didn’t want to upset her and if the medication was helping her then it shouldn’t be be a problem but Dylan was still worried. Qinyang seemed to be coming down with a cold so he knew he needed to take her to the doctors just to be safe and to get some medication to help her recover from the cold. 

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I’m sorry this isn’t that good, it’s a bit of a filler chapter. The next few chapters should be about going to court and we are nearing the end of the story


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Chapter 39: awww i hope sunnee will get better soon :'(
Chapter 38: poor sunnee :'(
Chapter 37: dylan you need to tell her!
Chapter 37: dylan you can do it!
Chapter 36: wahhhh this was so sweet!
Chapter 36: yes, sunnee slowly open up to dylan!
Chapter 35: finally wayne got caught
Chapter 35: wayne should pay!!!
Chapter 34: i wish sunnee can trust dylan again.... poor nee
Chapter 34: Seems like she's learning to trust him again