The loneliness of life

True colours

Dylan was sure everyone had felt lonely before but he felt like he had nobody, even when he was surrounded by people when filming a drama he knew they were just his colleagues. No relationships he had been in had worked out and each time he would feel heartbroken. He had barely left the house and hadn’t even been to any auditions for any dramas. He had no motivation to do anything, he couldn’t keep living his life like this. He had planned to go out with some old friends from high school and hoped maybe it would cheer him up. 

He walked down a familiar street, he had gotten so lost in thought he didn’t even acknowledge anyone else around him. He suddenly bumped into someone he snapped himself out of his thoughts and saw a woman on the floor that he had clearly bumped into to and she had fallen down. He offered his hand to help her up and she accepted. “I’m so sorry, I really should pay more attention to where I’m going” she smiled at him “it’s okay, I shouldn’t rush around so much and maybe I wouldn’t bump into anyone”. He recognised her from somewhere, she looked familiar but he couldn’t pin point who the woman was. He apologised once more and then he continued to walk. He managed to make it to the restaurant in time and the encounter slipped from his thoughts.

He had a nice time with his friends but as soon as he left he began to feel lonely again. He arrived at his apartment and he collapsed onto his bed exhausted from that days events. He got into the shower for a freshen up and put a clean pair of pyjamas on. He went through his text messages and one contact caught his eye “I hope you are safe my sun” he  sighed and turned his bed side light off and put his phone on the bed side table and snuggled into his bed and hoped he could get some good sleep.

(The next morning)

The sun shined through the curtains and shined over Dylan’s face which awoke him from his slumber. He woke up and saw the empty space next to him and frowned realising that this was really reality and not just a bad dream. He slowly got out of bed and he went into the bathroom to brush his teeth and prepared himself for another day alone. 

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I’m sorry this isn’t that good, it’s a bit of a filler chapter. The next few chapters should be about going to court and we are nearing the end of the story


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Chapter 39: awww i hope sunnee will get better soon :'(
Chapter 38: poor sunnee :'(
Chapter 37: dylan you need to tell her!
Chapter 37: dylan you can do it!
Chapter 36: wahhhh this was so sweet!
Chapter 36: yes, sunnee slowly open up to dylan!
Chapter 35: finally wayne got caught
Chapter 35: wayne should pay!!!
Chapter 34: i wish sunnee can trust dylan again.... poor nee
Chapter 34: Seems like she's learning to trust him again