
True colours

Once Sunnee had fallen asleep Dylan left her to go the police station. He was mad that he even escaped in the first place but he needed to know whether they caught him. Dylan didn’t have a lot of patience and maybe he was a bit rude to the police officers but he didn’t want Sunnee to get hurt again. Apparently they were still searching from him and they recommended that Sunnee needed to stay in the house for now until they did catch him because next time it could be more serious. Dylan was shaking in anger and he just left the police station without saying another word. 

When he returned to the hospital Sunnee was awake but she still wouldn’t let him touch her. “I told you it was bad idea but you didn’t listen to me” He looked her in the eyes and he could see that they were full of anger and sadness. “Nee I’m sorry” and  She looked away from him “Sorry isn’t enough Dylan, I can’t handle it anymore”. He tried once more to reach out to her but she rejected him “it could have been wor-“ Sunnee cut him off “It doesn’t matter if it could of been worse, my mental health isn’t good at the moment and I’m having difficulty handling it as it is” she stopped and took a deep breath “I need some time away from everyone, I feel like In a way you’re making me worse”. Dylan was angry that she was blaming him and he didn’t know what else he could do. They sat there in silence for a while before Dylan finally spoke “I’m taking Qinyang home with me, I don’t think you’re well enough to look after Her” He had a bitterness to His voice and he was getting ready to leave. “You can’t take her away from me...she’s my baby... she needs me” Before Dylan left the room he said “I can take her away until you’re well enough to care of her”. He left Sunnee alone in tears and Sunnee felt powerless against him. 

By the time Yamy had heard what had happened from Sunnee it was too late, Dylan had already taken Qinyang. Yamy tried to get Dylan to be reasonable but he wouldn’t answer the door and Yamy knew she wouldn’t be able to get the baby back. Yamy went straight to the hospital after to console the broken Sunnee.

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I’m sorry this isn’t that good, it’s a bit of a filler chapter. The next few chapters should be about going to court and we are nearing the end of the story


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Chapter 39: awww i hope sunnee will get better soon :'(
Chapter 38: poor sunnee :'(
Chapter 37: dylan you need to tell her!
Chapter 37: dylan you can do it!
Chapter 36: wahhhh this was so sweet!
Chapter 36: yes, sunnee slowly open up to dylan!
Chapter 35: finally wayne got caught
Chapter 35: wayne should pay!!!
Chapter 34: i wish sunnee can trust dylan again.... poor nee
Chapter 34: Seems like she's learning to trust him again