
True colours

Sunnee felt like her heart was slowing starting to heal because of Dylan and when she went to bed she felt happier and she fell asleep peacefully. Dylan had watched over her for a while until she fell asleep and he then got changed into his pyjamas and got into bed next to her. Sunnee changed the way she faced and she nuzzled into Dylan’s chest. He felt the baby kick him and he looked at Sunnee and he knew she wasn’t going to sleep if the baby was awake. He moved down to her stomach and he lifted her shirt slightly and began to sing to the baby to try and get the baby to go to sleep so Sunnee could sleep. After a while the baby calmed down and seemed to have gone to sleep and Sunnee was also drifting off to sleep.

The next day Dylan planned to make dinner for him and Sunnee, he knew Sunnee probably wouldn’t want to go out for dinner so he decided to make a home made meal. Whilst Sunnee was at Mei Qi’s house Dylan started to make a hotpot. 

(At Mei Qi’s house)

Sunnee Knew Mei Qi was only curious and concerned but she didn’t like all these questions. Her head had started to hurt again, “Your head is hurting again isn’t it?” Mei Qi Asked and Sunnee didn’t reply as she shut her eyes. “Haven’t you told the doctors about it?” Mei Qi asked another question. Sunnee felt sick and her stomach was hurting, she attempted to stand but almost fell and she managed to grab onto the sofa for support. Mei Qi stood up and helped Sunnee sit on the sofa. Mei Qi didn’t know what to do and she knew something was wrong, After the stomach pains continued and Sunnee had started to cry Mei Qi took her to the emergency room just to make sure there was nothing seriously wrong. Mei Qi rang Dylan to let him know what she was doing and he said he would be right there. 

The doctors were still concerned about her eating habits and her PTSD seemed to be getting worse and the flashbacks continued as the doctor was trying to talk to Sunnee. After a few hours she was allowed home and the doctors told her to rest and take it easy. Dylan put some of the food he made in a bowl for Sunnee and hoped she would eat some of it, they both sat on the sofa together eating the food and watching a movie, this wasn’t what Dylan imagined it would be like but he was just glad that Sunnee was okay and they enjoyed each others company. 

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I’m sorry this isn’t that good, it’s a bit of a filler chapter. The next few chapters should be about going to court and we are nearing the end of the story


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Chapter 39: awww i hope sunnee will get better soon :'(
Chapter 38: poor sunnee :'(
Chapter 37: dylan you need to tell her!
Chapter 37: dylan you can do it!
Chapter 36: wahhhh this was so sweet!
Chapter 36: yes, sunnee slowly open up to dylan!
Chapter 35: finally wayne got caught
Chapter 35: wayne should pay!!!
Chapter 34: i wish sunnee can trust dylan again.... poor nee
Chapter 34: Seems like she's learning to trust him again