No trust

True colours

Dylan wanted to get Qinyang down in her crib for bed but Sunnee wouldn’t put Qinyang down and wasn’t letting Dylan even touch Qinyang. “Sunnee I need to put her down to sleep” Sunnee stared right into his eyes with tears forming and Sunnee held onto her tighter. “No she’s mine, don’t touch her” Dylan could tell that Sunnee was becoming hostile and was clearly upset. As much as Dylan tried to convince her to let him put Qinyang to bed Sunnee wouldn’t put her down and wouldn’t let him anywhere near her.

“You tried to take her away, why should I let you touch her?!” Sunnee said as she glared at him. Dylan couldn’t think of a good enough reply because taking Qinyang away from her in the first place was a mistake and he realised that in Sunnee’s mind she didn’t have a reason to why she should let him near the baby. “Sunnee I’m her dad—“ Sunnee cut in “You’re not her real dad”, that comment hurt Dylan a little because he knew that he wasn’t Qinyang’s biolgical dad but he was still her dad and he loved her.

it took a while for Sunnee to let him near Qinyang and she still wasn’t completely sure on letting him put her to bed and she watched his every move with her. When Dylan tried to talk with Sunnee she ignored him and wouldn’t allow him to touch her. Dylan knew she needed some time to recover but she couldn’t do It alone and he needed to gain her trust again.

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I’m sorry this isn’t that good, it’s a bit of a filler chapter. The next few chapters should be about going to court and we are nearing the end of the story


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Chapter 39: awww i hope sunnee will get better soon :'(
Chapter 38: poor sunnee :'(
Chapter 37: dylan you need to tell her!
Chapter 37: dylan you can do it!
Chapter 36: wahhhh this was so sweet!
Chapter 36: yes, sunnee slowly open up to dylan!
Chapter 35: finally wayne got caught
Chapter 35: wayne should pay!!!
Chapter 34: i wish sunnee can trust dylan again.... poor nee
Chapter 34: Seems like she's learning to trust him again