Next to you

Always and Forever right?


Kibum's POV:

I woke up to the disturbing light on me and the feeling of butterflies and excitement that passing through my whole body. I snuggled more into the arms of the man who is making me feel like this even though it's morning.

I didnot want him to stop so kept my eyes shut but I kept responding to him. I tried my best to not open my eyes and just ask him to take me.

Thinking about taking, last night was amazing. I saw a side of Jjong I have never seen. He always did slow love making to me but last night he ravished me. Probably I have marks all over my body just like he will have.

I felt his hands trailing lower and lower from the back. What is planning? That question itself increased my heart beat and excitment. When it comes to Jjong what ever we both do together makes my heart beat go up like crazy, create butterflies and makes me feel excited.

He stopped his hands on my and pulled me towards him. This made me snap open my eyes with a moan following.

My eyes met the eyes of the person whom I am so crazily in love with Laying in the arms of this person makes it feel like this is the most right thing and right place to be.

My handsome guy had a playful smirk on him. Hmmm. Jjong, you really wanna play this game?

I innocently smiled at him. I saw something flicker in his eyes. I guess he figured the meaning behind my smile. He knows me too well.

I flipped us around taking him off guard, now me on top of him. The blanket that was covering me slide down exposing my back.

I leaned to him, pressing my lips softly. Before he could kiss me back I pulled away.

"Good morning darling" I said.

"Good morning. And what, darling?" he started laughing.

"Yes darling" I confirmed for him. I dipped my head kissing his neck and trailing lower to his collar bone. I felt him shiver under me. He grabbed my hair stopping me.

I looked at him. Before I could ask anything he crashed my lips onto him. Turning it into a make out session. As much as I love feeling his lips on me I wanted to have some fun with him.

Griping a control of my self I slowly pulled away and sat up. Positioning myself on his excitement. I looked straight into his eyes making sure not to let his gaze falter. I started moving myself. Rubbing myself on him. Touching my body. I know Jjong loves it when I do that.

I fastened my movements making both of moan louder and louder. Few seconds later we both hit our together, releasing the result of pleasure making us both shiver.

I felt myself get tired. I fell on him, trying to catch my breath. He put his arms around me, giving me strength. His hold does that. He turned to a side so that I am also laying on the bed with him still hugging me.

He kissed my forehead.

"I love you Kibum" I am still not used to hearing the three words from him. Every time he says it I remebers about the first time he said it to me. I remeber that night.

I looked up at him touching his face. "I love you too Jjong" I said with a smile on my face.

Suddenly I saw him give me the worry look.

"What's wrong Jjong?" I asked him.

"Are you okay? Last night.... I think I was too hard on you" He asked.

I blushed at that.

"I loved it last night. And I am okay. But yes it is a bit painful right now. Last night I felt no pain. It was just your love that I felt" I assured him.

"So you are in pain." that's the only thing he heard. His worry touches my heart.

I didn't say anything. And just looked at him.

"Then around" he said.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Lay on your stomach" he said. I became more confused.

"Why?" I asked again.

He sat up. "Just lay around bummie"

This time without asking further question turned laying on my stomach.

"Relax" he said.

Not knowing what he is upto I relaxed myself trusting him.

A almost moan came out of me when his finger tips slowly and gently rubbed my back from top to the bottom. His fingers brushed my side's making me shiver.

From my neck to go my legs he massaged me. With every press and every brush the tiredness and exhaustion I have been feeling for the past few days just vanished. The after pain of last night went away as if it was never there.

"Hmmmm Jjong, that feels great" I said.

"It does feel good doesn't it." he said.

A few more minutes later he stopped. The feeling of his fingers stopped but instead he started kissing from my nape to my lower back. i started feeling ticklish. His kisses were playful.

"Jjong, it's tickling" I said earning laughter from him.

He stopped and laid next to me. I snuggled into him. The feelings of his arm around me wanted to fall asleep again.

"Sleep bummie." Jjong said.

"Can I? really? What about you?" I asked him making sure.

"I am going to sleep too. It's a free day and when you wake up I have to ask you something" he said.

I wanted to ask him what was it but instead I snuggled more into him and closed my eyes.

He pulled me closer as his breathing started to slow down. I again fell asleep.

For the second time again I woke up due to the disturbing sunlight coming probably from the window.

Slowly I opened my eyes, adjusting to the light. I looked up at Jjong to see him still sleeping. He looks so peaceful.

I wonder what the time is? I thought to myself. I should get up. Suddenly my stomach made a emberassing sound giving me another reason why I should be getting up now.

Wanting to let Jjong sleep for a lot longer I got up carefully removing his hands from me.

With a lot of effort I was able to get up without waking him up.

I headed straight into the bathroom. Even though I would love the warm water right now I needed to make some breakfast and make use of a free day.

I did all the necessities and took a very relaxing and I don't want to leave kind of shower.

Once I freshened up I got out with robe on. The minute I stepped out cool air of the AC hit me like frozen ice cubes.

Wanting to get away I half ran to the closet. I am not sure what I will be doing today so I just wore a pair of jeans and baggy shirt.

Once I was dressed I went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for two people. I don't remember the last time I prepared breakfast for someone else other than me. But what I know is that I love the feeling of making breakfast for the person I love.

Not spending too much time in thinking I prepared a healthy breakfast and a fruit plate.

It was time to go wake him up now.

Switching on the coffee brew machine I went inside my room.

The sight I saw was very adorable, y and inviting. Get a trip of yourself Kibum! I thought to myself. Shaking that thought away I walked to the bed and sat next to him.

He was sleeping so peacefully. I really do not want to wake him up but I have to.

Slowly I shook him. "Jjong, wake up"

Because he Is a light sleeper my first call had him waking up almost.

"Jjong, wake up. It's almost 11" I called again.

This time a "Hmm" came out of him.

Since when did he become such a heavy sleeper.

I leaned in kissing his cheeks "Jjong, wake up. I have already made breakfast" I said hoping this would wake him up.

"Hmm. I am awake" And it did. He slowly opened his eyes. A smile formed in his lips as soon as his eyes met mine.

"Finally. Get up. Since when did you become such a heavy sleeper?" I started standing up. The coffee must be done now.

Before I could take a step away from the bed I was again pulled on the bed and onto him.

He took me off guard as he kissed me. I kissed him back. He pulled away.

"Since I starts being with you. Whenver I fall asleep with you by my side I sleeo very well." Jjong asnswered my question. I didnot not think he actually heard. But what what know is that I must be blushing because of his words.

"You are blushing" Jjong said.

"No I am not. Now go frehen up and come to breakfast." I said and stood up quickly walking out of the room. I could hear him laughing. Teaser.

Finally after almost 30 minutes Jjong came out of the room. I asked him to take a seat while I get some coffee.

Not wasting much time I joined Jjong at the table with coffee in my hand.

"Here is for you" I said giving him his cup of coffee.

"Thank you" he said while taking the cup from me.

I took a seat and got comfortable.

The breakfast was silent. I am not sure why.

"Let's go on a date" Jjong said breaking the silence.

Fast as a rocket I looked at him. "What?" I asked.

"Let's go on a date. We have not been on a date since the US date. I want to go out with you" he said.

"But how can we. Is it possible? There are people's who will recognize us" I said confused.

"I know. We can go to a place with less people." he explained.

I gave a thought. I don't mind going out. I always go out. Is it really okay? Ofcourse it's okay Kibum. He want to go on a date. Don't you? Ofcourse I do.

My mini inside argument was interrupted by Jjong.

"So will you?" he was looking straight into my eyes.

"Yes I will. But on one condition." I agreed.

"What is it?" he asked.

"After coming home you are gonna spend the night snuggling with me" I said.

"Hahahhahaha. Yes. I will be doing that even if you don't ask me." he agreed.

"Maybe it will be more than snuggling" he added with a smirk.

Oh yeah. It will be. I already know what to do tonight after having a date.

After the breakfast J started getting ready. Jonghyun has left to his apartment to change into some new clothes. We both had decide the time and place.

By the time I was ready it was 30 minute till 4. I know that dates are suppose to be long. Specially when we can rarely go on date.

I made sure everything was in my purse before I left the apartment. For now mask and hat is very important so I put that in before getting in the elevator. Fortunately nobody was around.

Reaching the parking lot as quickly as I can I got in the car. Just when I was about to start driving my phone gave a beep sound. I took my hands away from the steering wheel and took my phone from the bag. It was a message from Jjong. I unlocked my phone and opened the message.

" I am almost there. See you soon Bummie. I love you" The message read.

"I love you too" I replied.

Putting back the phone inside I grabbed the steering wheel again and drove to my destination.

We were going to a town with less people. More like less people who would recognize us.

Almost 45 minutes to drive my cars GPS monitor let me knew that I was close to the destination.

Five more minutes later it let me knew that I am in my destination. I stopped the engine and looked around for Jjong. Because I was in the car I could not see very clearly.

I got out of the car with the key and bag. After getting out I made sure to lock the door.

"You look very handsome" Surprised I turned around to see Jjong standing. Looking very y and handsome I may add.

"I can say the same" I complimented him.

"Here. Juice" he said handing me out the cup.

"Thank you" I said and took the cup from him.

"Shall we go?" he asked.

"Ofcourse. Lead the way" and that's what he did. I followed him, going where ever he is is taking me.

As promised Jjong came home with me. We finished our date a while ago and went his apartment to get a pair of comfy clothes and back home.

I dialed in the password making a ding sound. I got in followed by Jonghyun.

Making sure the door is locked I walked in. Jonghyun was already sitting at the living room couch.

"Will you be taking a shower?" I suddenly asked.

"Yeah I will be" he answered instantly.

"Oh okay. Wait here" I said and quickly got inside my room locking it behind me.

I got into the bathroom to be hit with the scented candles candles out before leaving. The champagne, candles, roses and the soap was still where I kept.

You must be wondering when I got all this. Well that's for sometime later.

Pushing all my thoughts at the back of my head I started my preparation.

I filled the bath tub and made a bubble bath. Put in some rose petals. I placed the champagne bottle and the glasses next to the tub. And lastly lit some candles. Or shoot I almost forgot. Quickly before I forget again I threw some rose petals on the floor and played the music. Sensual and romantic music.

He took me on a amazing date. Took pictures with me. Held my hand. Said I love you at all chances he got. I wanted to do something for him. A couple of more weeks would come in between us before we could actually spend time like this.

When I was done I looks around once more. Satisfied I got out but not befor I hid all the things I just used.

After getting back inside the room I took of my clothes and put on my robe.

Once I was ready I walked out of the room to get Jjong. He was still sitting one the spot where I was when I left.

"Jjong" I called his name.

He turned to look at my side. "Hmm?"

I waljed closer to him and let my hand out for him to hold. Even though he was a bit confused he took my hand and stood up.

I walked with him behind me. When I reached the bathroom door I opened it for him and let him in first and i followed behind.

"Wow. This is so beautiful" I was happy to hear him say that as the first thing.

"Do you like it?" I asked

"Did you do all this?" he asked a question.

I didnot answer him and walked closer to him. More and more closer.

Slowly I unbottend his shirt. Taking my sweet time to remove his shirt and jeans. Slowly I undressed him. The whole time we had eye contact. Not even once did I look away.

When he was ready to get in I took his hand once more and brought him closer to the tub. He got in. After he got comfortable I got in. I still had my robe on. I wanted him to take it off. I sat on him, straddling him.

He knew what I wanted. We both still had out eye contact. I was his eyes full with lust and love.

Just like I did he took his sweet time untying my robe and sliding down exposing my body to him. He threw the now wer robe out onto the floor.

His fingers started doing it's magic sending shivers. He s his hands around my waist and pulled me to him making me gasp.

This night is going to be more than I planned.

"I love you Bummie" he said as he brought my lips closer to his.

"I love you too Jjong" I replied as I crashed my lips into him.


I hope you enjoy 😊😊

Lots of Love,
From Me


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