
Always and Forever right?

Jonghyun's POV:

Memories is something that we create with our loved ones. Be it whether sad or happy things.

I had spent a life time making memories and living a life with the peoples that I have come to love. One being the one in my arms. His smile itself fills my heart with happiness.

Despite of always falling down, I have had him. He has always loved me. And that makes me happy. Every time I touch him and hold him and look at him, I feel my body get warm. Everytime he holds my hand or look into my eye, I feel so loved and cared. He has been my best friend and always will be my bestfriend. He is someone I am always thankful to have.

And I will love him. Always.

Kibum's POV:

Kissing me slowly he brought me close to him. Closer than I already was. His moment made me automatically circle my hands around his neck letting my fingers play with his nape hair.

Without breaking our kiss even once he gently pushed me. I was so lost in the kiss that I didnt notice until my back hit the wooden door.

Opening the door he moved us both is and closed the door behind us, once again my back hiting the closed door. The chill air of the A.C in the room and plus the shivers from his touch was making my body feel like its at the end of a cliff. The excitment, the love, the sensation. Everything was making me go crazy.

With the same gentleness and pouring all my love for him, I kissed him back.

I could feel myself going out of breath but I had no thought of stopping.

I felt one of his hand on my back that was protecting my back from the door as a barrier slide down and rest on my hips. His cold but yet warm fingers slide under my shirt sending shivers through my skin. That simple touch was making me pant.

I dont know whether its because he noticed that I was getting out of breathe or he wanted to make me go crazy, he pulled away and kissed my neck. I felt his teeth graze my skin making me grab on to him more tightly.

When I felt him toture my senstive spot I tilted my head giving more access to him.

He bite my sensetive spot making me moan his name.


I felt his lips curve in to a smirk.

Making my grip on his hair a bit more stronger and putting my other hand behind his back, I pushed myself from the door slightly and turned us around. Switching our positions. My action took him by surprised. His expression and his eyes said it clearly.

I couldnt stop but laugh at his reaction.

My laughter died down and my eyes opened to meet his love filled eyes, to the feeling of his fingers gently moves the hair strands that was disturbing my eyes.

He was looking at me like as if he wanted to say something.

So I asked. Not verbally but I asked.

"Nothing. are so beautiful"

To his compliment I felt my cheeks heat up and I looked down. I felt too shy to keep my eye contact with him.

Placing his finger under my chin, he made me look up to him.

"When you blush you look the prettiest."

His second compliment made me blush more. This time I didnot look away but hide myself in him. Nuzzling into his earned a chuckle from him.

"Stop it now." I said trying to calm myself.

"I love you Kibum"

He whispered into my ears making me sigh. Not in a bad way ofcourse.

Before I could say it back I felt his lips slowly trail from my shoulder to my neck making me tilt my head to a side. I was still hugging him and the moment felt like on another level of intimacy.

Placing a kiss he stopped and just hugged me. I felt him let out a breath.

Right now I just want to feel him. I want to kiss him. I want him to take me on a another ride with him.

Trailing kisses from the shoulder I left slow kisses on his neck and to his ear.

"I love you too" I whispered into his ears.

Caressing my cheeks with his I came to face him. His eyes were closed and I just saw nothing but peace on his face and a soft smile.

I leaned in closer, breathing on his lips letting him know how close I was to him. He didnt lean forward. I knew why. He was letting me do what I want. But I also do know the minute I connect my lips with him, that something will snapped inside us. And I wanted exactly that. I wanted to feel his hands on my bare skin. I wanted him to touch me. I wanted him to love me just like he wanted to.

Closing my eyes I connected my lips with him. And I felt sparks. Electric shock waves spread through my whole body. The way he tightened his hold on my waist let me know that he also felt the same way.

This time he moved both of us from the door and led both of us closer to the bed without stopping our selves.

I wanted to feel his skin so I started to unbotton his shirt and he let me. Undoing the last button I slide off his shirt off his shoulder and let it fall on the ground.

Feeling out of breath we pulled away. I looked at beautiful face and down and then up again.

I leaned in kissing his shoulder blade and trailing down to his chest and down to his stomach. I kissed down, lingering ever kiss a little longer and a trail down.

When I reached just above the belt I placed a open mouth kiss on his skin. I felt his stomach tighten and breath hitch. Holding his jeans I looked up to see his eyes on me.

Not wavering our gaze I started to unbuckle his belt. Removing it, I threw it away. Still maintaining our gaze I unbottoned his jeans. Buy now I was no longer smiling but my lips owned a smirk.

I was about to when he held my elbow and pulled me up. I saw the same smirk drawn on his lips.

We both have a naughty side to each other. Not the extreme type. But our own level of naughtiness.

This time again he kissed me. Not in a rush. But slowly. I felt him tug my shirt up so he can take it off. And I let him. He also let my shirt fall on to the ground.

He stopped and looked at me. I do not know why but I took a step back. I guess I felt shy. Its not the first time he is seeing my body. But still I felt shy.

I saw him take a step closer making me take another step back again.

He took another step closer and I took another step back. This time the back of my knees hit the bed side making me fall on the bed. I moved back.

He got on the bed and moved closer and I was about to move again when he held my leg and hovered over me.

Leaving his hold on my leg he locked it with his own and held my chin making me look at him. He leaned in taking my lips gently.

The feeling of his fingers brushing my skin was making me go crazy. I could no longer focus on anything else. I didnot want to play push and pull with him anymore. I just want him to love me. I want to feel him.

As if he heard me, he gently let my back hit the mattress and just did it. Lit my body on fire.

His soft moans to my touch was music to my ears.

"Let me love you Kibum" he said.

"Just love me Jjong. I am all yours." Those words didnot need to be hesitated.

He loved me. He was gentle and hard. He had kissed every part of my body and caressed every curve of my body. It was like he was memorising it.

As he entered me, he intervined our fingers and held on to me strongly. He had poured all his feelings to every movement. I could feel his love and his fear. I could feel the care and the gentlness. I could feel the fiercness. His every touch, every kiss and every took me out of this world to that world where its just him and me.

He loved me until I stopped him. I stopped him so I can love him. I kissed every part of his body and caressed every curve of his body. I want to always remember this feeling of him.  I had made him feel good and pleasured. He had let me do things to him that took him out of the world.

When I fell on to him tired, he loved me again. He pleasured me. Everytime he made me feel loved and special. He told me things that I will never get tired of hearing from him.

"You are so beautiful"

"You are so y"

"You are so wonderful"

"You are amazing"

"You make me go crazy"

"I love you so much"

He had me blushing and panting under him while keeping our eye contact without breaking it. The sensation and the feeling felt double.

As his final hit my spot I screamed those words with the .

"I love you too"

He fell on me all worn out. I wrapped my arms around him letting him feel my love. He wanted move out but I asked him not to. To just be close to me until he can.

And he did just that. He just laid inside me for a long time. He pulled out when he knew that I was falling asleep. Covering both of us under the blanket he enveloped me in his arms bringing me close to him. I tangled our legs and put my arms around him.

"I love you Kim Jonghyun" I whispered to him before my eyes closed.

"I love you too Kim Kibum" he whispered back.

Before the sleep overtook me, the last thing I felt was his lips on my forehead and a 'good night'.

Our morning began with playfulness, teasing, another round of love making, and a lot of smiles and laughs.

Hearing his genuine laugh and his beautiful smile as the first thing in the morning gives me the assuarance of having a great rest of the day.

Teasing him a bit and playfully pushing him off I got out of the bed taking off the blanket that was covering us now covering me.

Before I entered the bathroom, the last thing I saw was his shocked face.

Entering the bathroom I stopped infront of the mirror to brush my teeth. I looked at my reflection from the mirror. I was glowing and my cheeks were pink and I had a wide smile on. Look at the things Kim Jonghyun does to me.

Brushing my teeth I started to take my bath. The sound of the water and the thoughts in my head blocked off any other surrounding noises which is why I didnt here him come in until he hands wrapped around my stomack and I felt him kiss on my shoulder.

"Wha-what are you doing here?"

"I came to shower" he said removing his hands.

I turned to look at him to see a evil smile on him.


The shower took longer than it was meant to. Letting him shower longer I got out and got ready. I didnot take too much time because I wanted to make a good breakfast for him.

By the time I was done getting ready and I had got to the kitchen and started making our breakfast I heard the bathroom door open and close.

Letting the coffee brew, I started to make the english breakfast. I can't cook korean so I am really glad that he enjoy's english breakfast.

I did everything in the way that he likes. I had set the table nicely and just placed the warm coffee cup when he came out of room looking all cuddly. He was wearing the outfit that he was wearing the day he came the first day. 

"Good morning Mr.cuddly" I said standing straight facing him fully.

"Good morning Mr. Cute" he said back.

"Hehehehe" I couldnt stop but chuckle at his words.

"The breakfast looks tasty" he said sitting down.

"Ofcourse it does. Lets start eating" I said sitting down.

The first few minutes of the breakfast was silent.

"When is your flight?" He asked.

"In the afternoon. Around 1"

"When are you leaving?" He asked again.

"I still have a hour and 30 minutes before I leave" I said checking my wrist watch.

"Okay. Lets eat breakfast and sit me on the sofa for the coffee" he suggested.

I didnot say anything but smiled and gave a nod.

The breakfast didnt take long. We laughed through the breakfast. Making my heart filled with happiness. What made me the most happiest is hearing his laughter and his smile.

When we were both done I cleaned the table and washed away the plates.

When I was done I sat on the sofa. He handed me my cup of coffee. When he made space, I settled in between his legs using his chest as a pillow.

"Are you excited?" He asked.

"Very. You know how much I love travelling. So I am excited. But I will miss you. If it wasnt for work I would not even go" I said sipping on the coffee.

"Hehehe. I will miss you too. But this will be a enjoyable trip for you and I know you will have fun." He said entangling our fingers and taking my hands and leaving a kiss on it.

I felt my lips curve in to smile.

Till the time I had to get ready to leave we laid just like that. No words said. Just laying down and enjoying the silence and the warmth and comfort of each other.

When I got a call from Manager I got ready. Which includes getting my handbag ready, wearing the coat and looking myself in the mirror. I stood infront of mirror for a few minutes. I looked down to take the perfume bottle when I saw the box that holds something special.

Instead of the bottle I took the box and opened it. I put on the bracelet first. And then the ring.

"Do you know, I have heard many times that my reflection can be seen in you?"

I looked up to see him standing right behind me.

"I always wondered how. But just now for a moment I thought It was the second me I was looking at. You always represent me." He said looking right at me. Even if it was just through reflection.

"You will always be a part of me." I said to him from the reflection.

"You are wearing the ring" he pointed it out.

"I want to keep you close to me" I smiled at him through the reflection. I saw his lips curve into a smile.

I saw him lift his hand giving to hold. Taking my bag I turned around to hold his hand.

Hand in hand we walked out of my room. He walked me to the door way and let me go. Wearing the shoes I walked to the door and touched the handle to open it. But I couldnt.

I turned around to look at him. His eyes was on me. Dropping the bag I ran to him and threw myself at him. His hands instantly wrapped around me.

I inhaled his scent giving me instant peace and just hugged him. Tightly.

"Thank you. Thank you for staying with me." I said to him. I am so grateful that he stayed with me.

"Dont get sentimental Bummie. Hehehe. Your make up will get ruined" he teased me.

Without stepping out of his arms or taking my hands off him, I faced him.

"We both are the most sentimental two peoples in our group and you are telling me that? Ahahhah. But seriously, thank you. Thank you for making this week the most memoriable week of my life. I have felt so much love and so much fun spending time with you." I said to him.

"You dont have to say thank you. I wanted us to spend a week together so we can make up to the lost times. And I too enjoyed our week together. You made me smile and laugh and so happy.  "



"I love you."

"Hehe. I love you too"

"Do you remember when you were asked what you want as a gift and you told it was me?"

"Yeah I do. What about it?" He asked.

"I just want to tell you that, you are the bestest gift I ever got. Every moment that we have spent together is a gift that I will treasure. So thank you for coming into my life." I said to him.

He didnt say anything but touched our lips in a gentle loving kiss. Rather than moving away, he touched our forhead together.



"Always and Forever right?" He asked me.

I didnt say anything but smiled. He understood my words. A smile formed brightening his face.

He pressed our lips together bring me close and tightening his hold in a protective and loving embrace.

Flashback Ends.

The cold air touched my skin getting through the jacket I was wearing to protect myself from the cold. The paper in my hand attempted to leave my strong grip but I would never let it go. Cause this paper holds something very special.

"Jjong, you and I have been with each other for 13 years. Many years as friends and then bestfriends and Two years as Us. We have gone through so much."

The city view looked beautiful from my terrace and so did the moon shining brightly in the sky.

I looked up to look at the one thing that reminds me of him the most and continued.

"I remember everything. Every conversation. Every smile. Every laugh. Every word. Every word and Every memory that we have between each other for the past 13 years of our life. Do you remember the promise I made to you that night? I promised you to love forever. And I am going to keep that promise. You have given me enough to remember for a life time. How can I ever forget or stop loving you? Never. That kiss that day is my most treasured kiss. I still feel the tingles and the warmth as if it's yesterday.  I didnt answer that day out loud even though you understood it by my smile. But yes Jjong....."

"Always and Forever....."


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