It's just started

Always and Forever right?

The sight that he saw infront of him had made him forget to breath for a minute. The apartment that Jjong never bothered on lighting up was today shinning with the flames of the candles set in the door way in a straight line at both sides. The distance between the door and the living roomΒ  that had looked smaller before did not look smaller. The path way that was made with rose like a red carpet in the shape of a arrow that was pointing towards the entrance made Kibum feel like the most special person in the world and the distance more longer and beautiful.

Taking his shoes off and putting it to a side, slowly and gently he stepped on to the path that was made for him. The soft and wet feeling of the rose petals under his feet was like magic. With every step a strange feeling of happiness was spreading through his body and heart. He felt his lips curve into a smile. The path felt more like a flowery path to his lover after walking on the thorns.

The instant my feets touched the cold tiles I missed the soft feeling. I was about to turn back to look at it one more time. But my movement halted. A warm but presence that makes my knees weak enveloped me. I did not have to turn to know who it is, no matter where I am.

"Jjong" his name slipped from my tongue as a breathy sigh.

"Happy birthday love" his whisper next to my ear sent chills through my whole body. His voice sounded husky by filled with emotions.

I turned around to face him. When ever I have eye contact with him, it's hard to move my eyes away from him.

"Thank you" I did not know what else to say and also because I wanted to thank him for being the first one to wish.

"What for?" he asked as he held my hand.

"Nothing. Just like that"

Placing a gentle kiss on my cheeks he walked away from me and to the dinning table. That is when I saw what he was wearing. A black loose longsleeve button up shirt and really tight black pants. Once again I forgot to breath for a minute. And when I did breath I could not say anything but wow.

"Did you say something?" he turned to me.

"You look y" I said what I was thinking at the moment.

He walked back to me and took my hand in his.

"Only for you. Come with me"

I am sure I am blushing badly at this moment. I followed him as he took me to a beautifully setted dinning table. Candles and flowers. And two plates with tasty food and two glasses filled in with wine to a half. But I didΒ  not see the bottle in sight. Strange but I did not question.

He pulled out the chair for me to sit. Now that's more strange. He has never done that but still I did not question and just accepted it. I took a seat and waited for him to take a seat and to say something.

"It's your birthday so I wanted to do something special"

"It's beautiful" I said looking around his apartment. From every side I can see the flames dancing and a very pleasant smell filled the place. A romantic music started playing suddenly. I could not help but smile.

"I was not expecting that" I said.

"The night just started" he said with a secretive smile.

The dinner was going perfectly. I told him about the advance birthday celebration that my friends did for me.

"Do you have any scehdule tomorrow?"

"Yeah. I do. I have breakfast plans with a friend and musical after that" I said sadly. Sad that I have to leave early.

"That's a pity but it's okay. I can't stop you from leaving if it's a schedule even though I want you to stay" as always he was being understanding.

Our conversation went on like a never ending stream. He told me about some funny things and I told some back. He laughed with me. He teased me. Tonight the aura of him was totally different than how it is all the other time. But it was a good different.

Our plates got empty a long time ago. And our wine glasses were empty too. We were still just talking. He kept making me blush like crazy to the extent that now I think by the time this night ends I will turn into a tomato.

"I love when you blush"

"Just my blushing?" I asked

"Not just. There are lot of things" he said.

"Like what?"

"Your smile"


" will get to know more by the end of this night."

"Okay fine" he is being very suspicious.

"What's next?" I asked.

"Wait here. I will come" without answering my question he stood up and went to his room. I was about to stand up to follow him when I heard the sound of door locking.

A few minutes later he came out closing the door behind him.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"No. Come with me" he put out his hand for me to hold and I took it.

I went with him and stopped right infront of the door. I was unsure on opening the door so I looked at him. He signed me to go inside so that's what I did.

Controlling my super speed beating heart I took a deep breath and opened the door and stepped inside.

My breath hitched in my throat. I have seen his room more than a hundred time and not even a second I would have expected to see his room the way it is right now. His room was always dark. Only the bed side light is the only light that's in his room but today it not like that.

His bed spread was different. There were long candles in set in every corner of the room. Rose petals were thrown on the floor and a very peaceful smell was present in the room. A wine bottle was on the bed side table in a cold bucket. I can't say every single detail of how the room was set. But every single detail was engraved in my heart.

I was so lost in the room that I did not hear Jonghyun come in and lock the door. I shook out of the trance I was in when I felt his breath on my neck.

Before I knew it or think anything a darkness fell on my eyes. I touched the cause of the darkness. He was blindfolding me.

"Jjong, what's going on?"

I felt him lean in to my ear and whisper. What he said sent a chill through my spine and made my nervousness to skyrocket. That's is when I realized the true meaning of what he said

"I told you, the night just started"

I think you know who's POV it is. I won't say much about this chapter today cause leaving you with a major cliffhanger.

Probably tonight another chapter will come up but until it does I hope you enjoy this one.

Lots of love
From me.

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