Blink of an eye

Always and Forever right?

Jonghyun's POV:

It's the 7th day. We have been doing this for 7 days now. A sweet and romantic day ends up just like what's happening right now.

I am still not sure how this started. What went wrong in between? Is it my fault? Maybe it is. I was the reason   why we started arguing at the first place.

"............I need to leave" that is when I snapped out of my thoughts.

"What? Why?" Not again. Today we need to sort this out.

When I asked he had already walked out of the room. I ran out and grabbed his hand. He tried his best to get his hands out of my grip. He was almost successful but I pulled him into me and held on to him.

"Please don't go" I could not help but plead.

Instead of a yell or movement, sound of him sobbing reached my ears. It shattered my heart.

"Bummie please stop crying." my voice cracked as I said it.

Suddenly I was pushed away very hard.

"Stop crying? You say stop crying? I should not be crying at the first place." he sounded so angry and hurt. Tears  were running down his cheeks and I wanted nothing more than to wipe those tears, I almost did when he suddenly stopped me.

"Don't come closer" he said.

"Bummie....." I pleaded with my eyes.

"No stop. I want to leave. I am just tired of this. I am just so tired Jjong" he said in such a weak voice that ached my heart.

"What went wrong Kibum?" the question slipped out before I could give a second thought.

"Are you serious? Are you asking me because you don't know?" he asked me.

I could not say anything but just nod.

"You lying happened. You lied to my face. You started being distant. You stopped loving me. You....."

"I lied to you? And what, stopped loving you? I still love you" I interrupted him.

"Do you?" he asked taking me offguard. Ofcourse I do. Don't I? I was not able to say anything.

"Actually you know what, don't answer that. I need to go. I want to leave. I can't, I can't do this right now" he said.

"What do you mean?" I asked. When I did he was standing infront of the door facing his back to me.

"It means I need time to think. See you at the concert Jjong" he said looking back just one more time before he walked out. The way he looked at me made my knees week. Not in a good way.

What he just said kept repeating in my head. Again and again.

Then the it hit me. It's all my fault. He was right. He was right about everything.

Flash back to the day after the ice cream night:

I woke tired. I don't know why I was tired. Removing the blanket off I walked into the room to see a empty bed. Where did he go?

I checked the bathroom but he was not their either. When did he leave? I walked back to the living room to get my phone and call him. I was about to take my phone when I noticed a sticky not pasted on it.

"Go and sleep on the bed" it said.

Oh no. I am sure he must have gotten a bad idea about this.

Last night I could not sleep with him next to me. I have always been able to fall asleep instantly when ever he was in my arms but last night I couldn't. I have no idea why. So I ended up on the sofa. And what was stranger is that I fell asleep in a couple of minutes on the sofa. I was planning on waking up before he woke and go back to the bed. But it's a little late for that.

That day after practice I went over to his house with him. The whole time I was there he didnot say anything about it at all.

Flashback ends.

I think that is when it started.
Kibum's POV:

Coming back home I ran to the bedroom slamming the door behind. Why is this happening? How can things change in a matter of a day.

We always argued but it never came to the extent it has been for the past week. I know that seven days is very less for me to get tired. But it has been 12 days since this started. 12 days since that Ice cream night. I pretended that it did not hurt me to find him on the sofa. I did not ask him about it. Maybe a part of me was hoping he would bring it up himself. But he did not. And I did not being it up or make it a issue. Cause I didnot want something so small like that to disturb the only times when I get to spend with him.

It was 3 night before we started arguing. I still remember the moment when he walked out of the door without giving a kiss, a hug or a I love you. We were spending the day together and he had to leave when the night came. The whole time when he was with me he didnot kiss me even once. Just sat with me and talked a bit and just left when time came. I still remember when I actually just stood in the door step waiting for him walk back in but he did not. That is when I felt so lonely for the first time in 5 years including the time when I just loved him alone.

He told me that it's nothing and I was making it too much of a deal. That's when I burst. I don't even want to think about that night. Only I will know how painful the days have been. Just suddenly he went so far away from me. He stopped saying I love you, he stopped showing me that. I tried to understand why. For four days, for Four damn days I thought about it, I acted like him leaving me alone didnot affect me, I didnot change my self.  But he did. Suddenly out of nowhere he just changed.

We have been having our practice's for a week now. We both have been avoiding each other. I went over to his house hoping to spend sometime with him but instead ot ended up being like this I know Taemin suspects something but I am not telling him. He called me last night but I didnot tell him.

I just need time to think. There is still two more days till the concert.

I don't know what happen next, I started trying tired and drowsy.


A very annoying voice was going on in the back ground. But what is that? I want to sleep.

The noise again went off. Groaning I sat up on the bed with eyes still closed. I listened carefully to the noise.

My eyes snapped open when I realised that's my phone ringing. Frantically I started looking for my bag. Where is it?

Ah. There it is.

Still sitting on the bed I reached to the floor and took the black bag I be thrown down last night.

Taking the phone I checked who it was. It's manager hyung. hyung redialled him quickly.

"Hello" I greeted first.

"Hello. Where are you?" he asks

"Me? I am home. I just woke up" I anwered.

"Eh? You just woke up? It past 2." He asked shocked.

"Past 2? Oh shoot. I have no idea why I slept this long. But is something wrong. I have 6 missed called from you" I said.

"Yes. I was calling to remind you guys need to do your fitting today. So I will come pick you in an hour. Get ready" he said.

"Okay. I will be ready. Bye hyung" he cut the line after saying a bye.

I got up from the bed and started getting ready.

45 minutes later

I was ready. Breakfast and everything done. Except I was not ready to see him yet. Kim Kibum, don't let your emotions get in between your work Okay?

"Okay" I said said myself .

Grabbing my bag I left the apartment and to the parking lot. While I was getting ready I got a message from the manager telling me be at the parking lot by 50.

Not too long after I got to the parking lot the van came. I got in next to the drivers seat. And greeted everyone in the back naturally. I don't want the members to know that we are not okay.

The car ride was silent. No talks. 30 minutes later we reached the destination.

The whole time we spent for fitting I did not talk to him. I was talking to the stylist, which is very normal. Telling her the places to fix we left.

I conversed with the members. As in everyone. But I didnot meet his eyes or looked at him directly.

When manager hyung stopped infront I my building I got out saying bye to all.

That I night I thought about it a lot. It was morning for the next day when I fell asleep. All I did was lay around the bed whole day  It was a free day. Resting day before the concert so that's what I did and tomorrow is concert day. I will be telling my decision to him tomorrow.


This chapter included both Kibum's and Jonghyun's POV as you can see. I wanted to write about what's on both of their minds.

Ofcourse this is not all. Aren't you getting absoultely curious on whats Kibum's decision is going to be? Are they going to break up? Who knows. Until then enjoy and remember I love you my dear readers.

Lots of love,
From me.


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