Wait and Watch

Always and Forever right?

Kibum's POV:

Stages for Save the planet has started. This week has been busy. Today was the last stage for the week and I am done for the week.

"Kibum?" I heard the person in the line call my name.

"Hm? Oh sorry. What were you saying?" I asked.

"I was asking whether you are free tomorrow. What were you thinking about so deeply anyways?" Jinki hyung asked.

"Nothing. And I am not doing anything tomorrow. Why?" I asked.

"Come over to the dorm. I have already called Jonghyun too" he said.

"Alright. I will come. What are you doing right now?" I asked.

"Nothing really. Just watching T.V." he answered.

"Aah okay."

"I almost forgot. Are you and Jonghyun okay?" he suddenly asked out of nowhere taking me by surprise.

"Yeah we are good. Why suddenly?" I asked.

"Nothing just Taemin was talking to me about how he feels like something weird is going on between you" hyung said.

"He asked me too. We are good. Nothing is going on" I answered omitting the part that it was not okay until two weeks ago.

"That's good then. I know I don't say this but I hope you both are happy. If Jonghyun ever makes you cry be sure to let me know, this hyung will give a piece of his mind" he said making me laugh.

"Hahaha. I will be sure to let you know. Thank you hyung" I said sincerely.

"What thank you. Okay. I will hang up now. I think Minho is here  Bye" he said.

"Okay. See you tomorrow. Bye" and he hung up.

So what next. I have nothing to do. Should I sleep? Yeah. I am actually kinda feeling very tired. I should go and sleep.

After freshening up I put my pajamas and got comfortable on the bed. Not even minutes later sleep took over me.

In the middle I may have woken up but again fell asleep.


Slowly I opened my eyes. For a minute my surrounding felt strange. Blinking a couple of times everything became clear and that is when I realized someone was next to me.

I would have seriously screamed or kicked the person next to me if I had not got the wiff of a very familiar scent. Ofcourse I would recognize him by his touch anytime of the day but who's mind works that fast when they wake up? So not mine. When I fell asleep I was alone so obviously when I feel a person is on the same bed with them when they wake up anybody would be startled.

But when did he get here? He did not even call. I thought to myself as I stretched my hand to take the phone on the side table. His hold was on me making it a bit difficult to move without waking him up.

Couple of tries later I was finally able to take it. When I unlocked it I saw that I had 10 missed callss from Jonghyun. Wow. How did I miss these calls? No wonder why he is here. He must have been worried.

Keeping the phone back on the side table I turned around facing him. Careful not to wake him up.

He looked so cute and adorable when he is sleeping and also so peaceful. I just laid there roaming my eyes on him before I started tracing his features. I have done this oh so many times but the habit never gets old.

Starting from his forehead, slowly I slided my finger down to his nose. His sharp nose. Then on both of his eye brows and his eyes. His eyes is something else. Whenever I look at them my surrounding gets lost. Next his cheek bones and his chin. Then his lips. First I traced the upper lip then the bottom more slower than how I did for the other parts. When my finger reached the corner his lips stretched forming a smile. My eyes moved away from his lips and to his eyes which were opened now.

"Good morning" I said smiling a shy smile.

"It is indeed a good morning. What time is it?" he said.

"It's 9 in the morning. By the way when did you come? You startled me" I asked.

"Hahaha. I came in last night." his morning husky laughter reached my ears.

"How is it that your morning laugh sounds so y?" I asked.

"You tell me. This is my first time I am hearing that" he said.

"Yeah? So yes it does. Very y" I said leaning my face closer to him. I felt a smirk form on my lips.

"Very very y. That sounds makes me go crazy" I said leaning more closer teasing him more.

I saw nervousness becoming clear on his face. Sweat was forming on his forehead. I could barely contain my laughter seeing the sight infront of me.

Not breaking the eye contact I traced his lips once again. I felt his breath hitch at my touch.

Slowly I leaned in. His eyes closed. He thought I was gonna kiss him.

Instead of my lips touching his, my fingers wiped the drop of sweat that was sliding down his cheeks. His eyes opened giving me a look of confusion.

I showed the sweat drop on my finger tip.

I had so many things to about but instead I chose to leave the bed. Smirking at him I stood up from the bed.

Not looking back I went into the bathroom even though it took every thing in me to not turn around and see his expression.

I had a smile of success. He has been teasing me the past week and this is revenge. hehehhe.

Jonghyun's POV:

This Kibum really!! This is the second time he has done this. The first time was when the last time I stayed over. He actually slept next to me with shorts.  And in the morning he woke up and left the bed like he did not tease me all night. I was not able to sleep a wink that night.

And now this. I swear the day I get the chance I am going to make him regret his teasing.

Pushing the thoughts at the back of my mind I got out of the bed and headed to the kitchen to make some coffee.

Just in time Kibum walked into the living room.

"Coffee" I offered the cup of coffee I had poured.

"Thank you" he said taking the cup to his own hands.

"I am going to go back after this" I said to him suddenly.

"Why?" he asked.

"I have a meeting with my manager " I said.

"Oh okay. Then you should go." he said in a sad voice that he was trying very hard to hide.

"Then I shall leave." I said taking my last sip.

"Coffee?" he asked pointing at my cup.

"Done." I said placing it in the sink.

I walked out of the kitchen and to his room. Before doing anything else I went to the bathroom and freshened up.

After getting ready and taking my belongings I left the room. Kibum was standing at the same spot he was when I left.

I walked to him and gave a kiss on his forehead before reminding him to eat some proper breakfast and saying bye I left his apartment.

I know he must be confused on why I left suddenly.

I am sorry Bummie but I will have to keep you in the dark and confusion for a while.

I thought to myself as I got in my car and drove away. Feeling sorry and excited.


Oh god. What is that plan Jonghyun is making? Ofcourse I do know the answer but I won't tell you...... yet. Hahaha. Have fun reading the chapter.

Enjoy, Vote and show lots of love.

Lots of love,
From me.







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