Better to be kept as Secret

Always and Forever right?

Kibum's POV:

Since the last day of Kyocera days have passed and today is the second day of Tokyo dome. Yes. We are back in Japan for our concert. It's the second day.

Half of the concert is completed. All left now is the last part. For the last time I looked myself in the mirror to see if my outfit was correct. This is for our new song.

Taking a deep breathe I speed walked to the back stage following the assistant girl who came to take us. The members were wearing their selected outfit.

Wishing each other a good luck we got into position as the music for our entry started.

Starting from Everyime to replay and talking moment everything went smoothly. I nor any other member was not able to control our silent tears.

Once again today Minho added to not forget Jonghyun and I said the same thing. Fourth time doing it but it doesn't get any easier or less painful.

Waving at the fans we let the barrier come down and hide us from the fans. Next is the encore song. The last one. The moment when neither of us can control our emotion.

No one was in a rush. In a normal pace everyone got ready. We wore our full white suites. After the stylist that was with me had helped me fully wear the outfit and the shoes and corrected my hair and touched my make up slightly who was in a hurry, I went to the dressing table I was getting ready and the accessories that I am to wear is on.

I took out the box that my most treaured object layed on. Opening it I took the ring into my fingers and wore it. Looking at the mirror for the last time and touching the rose in my pocket I went with the other members to get on stage.

When the barrier lifted I saw the five mics standing. If it wasn't for the reality that I have been forced to accept, I would say it loudly that I felt him standing at his position waiting for us.

With every step we took forward I felt heavier. The music started. The singing started. Our tears and pain started. It actually never ended at the first place. Everytime his voice was heard through the dome I sighed inside.

The words that I had sang was accurate to what I want to say to him.

A view that can't be seen alone,~

The things I can't get could be found if it's together with you,~

Finding it forever let's continue/ carry on ~

Music ended I took my rose from the pocket and prayed before putting it on the Mic.

"I love you"

I whispered hoping it would reach you. When I had turned around the tears that I have been controlling to hide came running down.

The barrier once again went down giving me the chance to cry. I felt someone puts his arms around me and hug me.

"It's okay Kibum" Minho's comforting and kind voice reached my ears.

What would I do if I didn't have this family.

Standing like we always do. Together. With our hands around each other we cried. We cried until we felt okay enough to move.

The ride back to our dome was silent. It should not be silent. Today is our last day at Tokyo and who knows when we will come back again. We need to do what we always do after the last day of the concert.

Taking a deep breathe I let the heaviness inside me leave with the breath that I took and turned to my dear members.

"Hyung" I called to our dear leader who was sitting quietly like each one of us.

"Yes Kibum-ah" he answered looking at me.

"Aren't you hungry?" I made sure not even a bit of sadness was laced in my voice.

"Why you ask? Are you hungry?" he asked back the question.

Even though I was not actually I told him other wise.

"Yes. I am very hungry and you did not answer my question. Are you hungry hyung?" I asked again.

"Honestly yes." he answered.

Getting his answer I asked my dear other two who was looking at me. When they said yes I turned to our manager who was driving.

"I hope you are hungry too. Let's go eat." I said.

"But where?" he asked.

"To our usual." with that said I say correctly facing away from the others.

After the dinner

When we got back home from dinner it was very late. Later than we thought it would be. It was past 12 when we arrived at our dorm.

After coming we had gone into our rooms. After taking a long and refreshing shower I had laid down hoping to fall asleep.

How did I even think it would be easy? How many more times do I have to toss and turn before sleep comes to me?

I waited for another couple of more minutes trying and hoping I would fall asleep but no. Ofcourse not. The tossing and turning itself is making me tired.

Maybe I should go sit outside for a while? Maybe I will feel sleepy then?

With that thought I stood up and left the room. The living room was dark other than the moon light coming from the window. The atmosphere itself made me go and sit down despite ot the darkness.

I sat down on the long sofa and just let myself get carried to the world of thoughts.

I was not thinking about anything specific but a memory made me chuckle and smile.

I moved my eyes to the sofa that I was sitting on and just like that the memory that made me smile came alive infront of me.

If the members knew what had happened on this sofa, they would murder us.

Flash Back

It was the day of our concert. After the concert and we came back to our dorm, Jinki hyung, Minho and Taemin left saying they won't be back home cause they will be staying over at the friends house they are visiting. And when they left Ofcourse the manager did too leaving both me and Jjong alone at the dorm.

They had asked us to go with them but we both said no and they understood since we did make a personal trip back to Korea and came back today plus with the concert we were actually really tired. I was for sure but tonight I have to forget about my tiredness.

It has been 1 month since we had been together in a intimate way. That includes kissing too. We both have been so busy with our members getting ready for concert after concert that we just didnot find time or place to be close to each other. Other than hugs and hand holding and snuggling really nothing else.

So yeah. I am planing on using this situation as a advantage. I have missed his touch even if its not really that of a long time.

After taking a long nice shower I got out and sat infront of the mirror. Since its night and I am going no where I skipped most things. But I made sure to make myself feel moistured and smell good. When I was done with my skin care I went to my cupboard and opened it taking my pajamas. Not any pajama. My white black stripped Pajama which has a pair of shorts. A really short short. Giving me the chance to expose my long legs.

Taking off the robe and putting it in its place I wore my outfit. Reason why I chose this is because I know he really loves it when I wear this. When I had fully worn it I went and looked at myself from the mirror.

I looked just the way I wanted I to look. I was not too exposed but to a right amount.

Spraying perfume on I took a deep breath and out before I opened the door and stepped outside to see Jjong watching TV.

To make my presence known I closed the door behind me rather loudly that I do. To the sound he looked away from the TV and to the direction of the sound.

I did not see Jaw dropping or anything but I saw his eyes check me out from top to the bottom. His eyes lingered more on my exposed legs. Just how I wanted.

Moving away from the door I walked to him. Slow and y. His eyes were still on my legs. It made me laugh inside. I didnot want to bring him out of the thoughts he is having at the moment.

Even when I had fully stood infront of him completely, his eyes were still lowered. I didnot hesitate or did that stop me from doing what I wanted to do.

I put one leg on knees at his one side and sat on him placing my other leg on the other side straddling him.

When I lowered myself completely straddling him, then only his eyes met mine. I could see my actions was affecting him.

"Haii" after a moment of silence I broke it.

"W-what are you doing Key?" I heard his nervousness clear in his voice.

I leaned in closer to him. Close enough for him to feel my breathe in him.

"What do you think I am doing?" I asked meeting his eyes.


I kissed him stopping him from saying anything more. Instantly he kissed me back. The slow kiss turned into a passionate one.

It was getting more heated before he pulled away panting.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"What if some one comes?" he asked.

"No one will come back until tomorrow morning. They said so didn't they?" I said.

"Yeah. But---"

I stopped him again. Placing a finger I his lips and stopped him.

"We haven't been close or kissed each other for a while now Jjong. I just missed feelingΒ  you and being close to you so I just wanted to take this chance and do that" I said quietly, letting him know my reason.

I saw his gaze turn from lust to love. Instead of saying anything he took my finger away from his lips and placed placed a kiss inside my palm.

"You have no idea how hard it has been for me to keep distance from you in that way. Everyday it was so hard to control. It take everything in me to stop myself everyday. I didnot get close to you in that way because I know how you are tired and I was tired. But it was so hard. It has been so hard to stop myself" he said again placing a kiss inside my palm.

Why is he like this? Why is he this considerate and sweet? Doesn't he know that when he says and does things like this it makes me fall for him more and more? Stupid Jjong. Always being sentimental. But I love this stupid too much.

I pulled my palm out of his hold.

Keeping eye contact with him I started to unbotten my Pajama top. With all the buttons undone I let it slide off my shoulders and onto to the ground.

I did not say anything and just waited for him.

I felt his fingers brush both my side's up. I shivered under his touch.

His touch went to my back. It took me by surprise as he put his hold on my back covering it like a blanket and pulling me close to him. Closer than we could be. Automatically my hands circled behind his neck and my fingers got lost in his black locks.

I waited for him to something. What he wanted to do. I looked into his eyes trying to find out what he wants to do exactly. But all I saw was need, lust and love. So I asked gently and reminded him again.

"What's stopping you now Jjong? I am all yours"

That's was all I needed to say and he needed to hear before I saw something snap inside him.

"Yes you are and I love you a much"

With that said he pressed my lips on his and kissed me. Hard and slow at the same time. When I felt his lips on mine I signed. More like releasing a breathe I was holding in.

He touched me. He roamed his hands around my back. Trying to pull me closer and closer.

Leaving me panting he pulled away going down to my neck. Kissing, and marking me. When he bite me on that sweet spot that he know so well I moaned into his ears grinding into him.

With my movement I heard a moan leave him.

His one hand left my back and into my hair. Taking a hold of it he pulled me back by my hair finding more access. He trailed down to my collarbone and to the other abusing it. And again to my neck. The untouched side.

Loosening his grip on my hair he again pulled me close tightening his grip. Doing the same like he did to the other side he marked it. Making love bite after another.

I did not want him feel empty so I did the same. Moving my hips rubbing myself on him and pleasure him I gave care to his sensetive spots. Making sure to do the same, marking him.

I knew his sensetive spots and how to take him to his edge.

I moved myself faster on him without stopping my extra care on his neck.

I heard and felt him panting and . I felt his breathing fasten.

"F-faster bummie" his wish is my command. I moved myself faster. Proud of myself that I could pleasure him like this.

When I knew he would become undone any minute I trailed up and moved my lips to his ear lobe and gave care to it.

"I--I am.......c--close" as on time I have hard but gentle bite on his ear lobe tucking it.

"Aaaa---h Kibum!!!" his loud moan was like music to my ears.

I felt him fall down on my shoulder as he tried to catch his breathe.

When he did he faced me putting our foreheads together.

"That was amazing. You are so y and great you know that?" he said looking at me making me blush and close my eyes.

I felt his hand on my cheek and lips on mine. I kissed him back. Once again putting a hold on me by the back this time he laid me down on the sofa and got settled in between my legs without breaking the kiss.

Feeling out of breath I pulled away slightly. He leaned in again. Naturally my eyes closed ready to feels his lips back on mine but instead I felt his breath tingle on my ear.

"It's your turn Kibummie."

My eyes snapped open to his voice. Not to his words. But to his voice and the way he said it.

"Love me" I whispered into his ears.

He got back facing me once again. Then smiled


He closed the gap between us immediately. The whole night till the dawn hit the night and the sun was ready to say hello he loved me. Pleasured me. Long forgotten the TV that was on the whole time and long forgotten the fear of anyone coming we took ourself to another world. Our world. Everytime he met my eyes he reminded me how beautiful I am. With every moan he whispered his love for me so I can only hear.

When it was close to sun rise we both let our self out of the world we were so lost in that we had no track of the time. After washing up and cleaning the space so no one would have any idea we both layed down on his bed. With the rising sun we fell into a deep slumber snuggling in each others arms.

Thanks god that next day was a free day. A resting day. And what happened between us on the sofa remained a secret till today.

Flash Back ends

"It will be better if our dear members never finds out about it"

"Find out about what?"

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the question. I looked at the voice to see Jinki hyung standing next to the sofa.

"Nothing hyung. What are you doing awake so early?" I asked getting his attention of the question.

"I couldn't really sleep. What are you doing awake?" he asked back the question.

"I couldn't sleep either but now I am going to go" I said standing up.

"Okay. Try to sleep. You guys have a flight to get onto in he afternoon."

"Yes hyung. I remember. I wish you would also come with us but I understand. You have your duty to complete. Good night hyung and try sleeping too" I said.

"Good night Kibum-ah"

Hearing his good night I got inside my room and laid down on the bed.

It didn't even take five minutes before sleep took over me immediately. And I let it. Falling into a dream world.

Enjoy lovelies.



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