Worthy of Remembering

Always and Forever right?

As they gazed at the starry night together they both had different thoughts running through their mind's. The chill air that was giving goosebumps to them five minutes ago was no longer a problem. With a glass of wine in hand they stood leaning to the wall railing. Jonghyun  was standing behind Kibum wrapping both of them in a blanket. Plate of dessert was placed on the wall, making it easy for both of them to reach.

Jonghun's POV:

"It's beautiful isn't it?"

"Yeah. It is" I said agreeing to his words. It is indeed beautiful.

"Are you feeling cold?" I asked since my legs were starting to feel cold.

"No. And how can I, when I have two blankets around me." he said more like a statement than a question.


"Yeah. You and the actual one." he said making me chuckle at his cuteness.

Dipping in I left a kiss on his shoulder and the crook of his neck.

"Thank you for tonight" he said out of nowhere.

"Anything for you. Did you enjoy tonight?" I asked.

"Honestly, I wish we could do more. This is not me being ungrateful. It's just sometimes I wish if we could do things together other than in our apartment or a private place... you know like normal couples. But other times I don't wish for more or want more. The moments that I spend here with you is way more than enough. And all this that you did for me, I can't wish for anything more. I feel so special and loved. You make me feel like that. So yes Jjong, I enjoyed it and I loved everything. Thank you"

I felt unconditionally happy hearing him say that.

"So does that mean you forgive me?" I asked remembering what he said at the start.

Instead of answering right away he took my glass from my hand and with his glass kept mine on the wall next to the desser plate and turned around.

He put his hands around my neck and looked at me, into my eyes and gave the most softest and most beautiful smile I have ever seen on him.

"I was never mad at you to that level that I had to decide whether to forgive you or not. I was just worried and....mad. That also dissapeared to thin air when you grabbed my hand and told me the reason. It vanished when you pulled me into you and said sorry looking into my eyes."

"You are going to be the death of me Kim Kibum" I said totally touched by what he said.

"I hope so not." he said in a not so serious tone.

"Jjong" he said my name in a way that pulled me out of my trance. I did not respond but waited for the reason to come up.

He was saying something. Not verbally but he was saying something. He looked like as if he was making up his mind about something. His eyes fell on my lips and looked back up and once again fell on my lips. When he looked up I saw that he has made up his mind.

His hands that were around my neck were no longer there. Placing one hand on my left cheek while the other put a strong but gentle hold on my nape. I sensed the air between us was changing second by second. My legs was starting to feel like jelly, even when nothing has happened yet.

Looking up one last time he leaned in. His hold on my nape was making it impossible for me to lean in. It was as if he did not want me to.

His soft lips pressed on to mine. It was in my instinct to kiss back but I didn't. not yet. The way he was kissing  was a way he have never done. It was slow and y. His tongue brushed my bottom lip asking for entrance and giving me the sign to kiss back.

I instantly opened up for him to enter. He worked his magic on me. Making me feel weak in my knees. I kissed him back with the same phase. Slow. Our lips and tongue molded with each other in perfect sync.

He made the kiss a little be more passionate by pressing his lips harder. I moved one of my hands on his waist and to side of his neck and pulled him closer. Slowly slowly I took over the kiss that he had initiated. A gasp from him told me that it took him by surprise but he did not fight back and  instead he let me savour him.

I kissed him as I put all my emotions into it. To give him the feeling that I am his and he is mine. Not stopping in the middle I kissed him until I started feeling out of breath.

I slowed down the kiss that was starting to get passionate. Slowly I pulled away and opened my eyes to see a panting Kibum infront of me. His cheeks were slightly pink and his eyes were still closed as he catches his breath. I leaned in once again and gave a kiss on his lips and pulled away.

His hold on my nape started to loosen as he calmed down.

"That was......wow" he said breathlessly his eyes closed still.

"I can say the same" that was really wow.

He looked up meeting my eyes and smiled. He hugged me affectionately and I hugged him back.

We stood their in each other's arms for god knows how long but none of us had the thought to pull away.

When dawn came Kibum and I left the place. Before fully leaving I had emptied the place and took the not thrown stuffs with me. Key wanted to help but I didn't let him.

I had first dropped Kibum to his apartment before I went to mine. Once I was back in my apartment I had take a shower and before I had fallen asleep I remembered to texted my manager that we have left the place. Yesterday's tiredness was now only catching up to me. Last night when we had again laid on the chair he had fallen asleep. I was awake doing nothing except just looking at him. He looked so peaceful and cute.

Last night was really a night worthy of remembering for lifetime.


It's another chapter. I wanted to let you into what had happened after the proposal. So here it is.

I hope you enjoy.

Don't forget to vote. 😊😊

Lots of love,
From me.

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