Always were and Always will be

Always and Forever right?

Kibum's POV:

How is it that deciding what to eat is this hard? It's just lunch for goodness sake. I have been trying to decide on what to eat for lunch for the past 30 minutes and nothing is coming into my mind. I had opened and closed the fridge door for countless times.

I need to decide and eat something and tend to my now getting angry stomach. Getting off the counter that I have been sitting on I stopped infront of my lovely refrigerator.

"Come on fridge. Just show me what to to eat" Clearing my mind I opened the door and looked through everything calmly. Putting two and two together and thinking and checking what could go with what.

I was about to give up when something at the most back of the freezer caught my eyes. Oysters. That's when a idea came into my mind. Letting the fridge door open I ran into check my grocery cupboard and bingo there is pasta.

Now I know what to make but before that I guess I should call her to see if she can come or not.

Closing the cupboard door and the fridge door I went into the living room taking my phone that was resting on the sofa. Finding the number I quickly called. It didnot take more than 3 rings before I heard her from the other end.


"Hello Noona" I greeted back.

"Yes Kibum-ah. What's up?"

"Nothing too special. I was just wondering if you are free and available?" I asked hoping she would say yes. Since this is the chance to full fill my word that I gave to her.

"Yeah I am free. I am actually on my way to eat lunch. What's wrong?"

"I was going to ask if you would like to come over cause I am cooking pasta. Oyster pasta. Can you come?"

"Really? Okay. I will be there. Give me 10 minutes. I am actually close by."

"Alright. Come and ring the bell. I will open up. Bye. See you then"

"Yes. Bye."

With that she cut the line. To not let the 10 minutes go into any waste I went back to the kitchen and started to get everything ready so that I won't have to walk around looking for stuffs in the middle of cooking.

Before getting everything ready I took out the frozen small oysters and put it into water to let it unfreeze.

I was done taking things out when I heard the door bell ring. Stopping what I was doing I went to welcome my guest.

Opening the door I saw a very comfortably dressed BoA infront of me which almost made me laugh out loud. She is indeed very much into comfortablness.

"Welcome Noona" I greeted and welcomed her with a hug.

Closing the door behind her I let her more into the apartment.

"Wow Kibum-ah. You have a really nice place. It's so open" she said looking around.

"Thank you. Sit down. I am about start cooking. Make your self feel at home" I said taking her to the sofa.

"Okay" with that said she sat down and I went back to the kitchen.

I was just putting the pasta for boiling when her voice startled me.

"Oops. Hahahhaha. Did I startle you?" She asked walking more inside the kitchen.

"A little. But it's okay"

"How is it that even though it's the second time I am seeing you cook but it still surprises me everytime?" She asked taking a seat at the top of the counter giving me a flash back of a memory.


This Kim Jonghyun also seriously. How can he say that infront of me?

After putting the pasta to boil I was going through the fridge to find some tomato leaving the stupid to check on it. Atleast that's what I thought he was doing.

Finally finding a tomato I closed the door and turned around only to meet mesmerizing brown eyes that makes me weak but startling me this time.

"YAH!. You startled me." I am still mad at him so I won't talk to him. Not saying another word I walked past him to go and get back to what I was doing.

I was not able to take more than two steps before he pulled me back putting me between him and the counter.

Even though he was standing so close I didnot look at instead I looked away.

"Bummie" he called me in such a soft voice that made me close my eyes. How can he be so good at this?

It took everything in me but I didnot turn around.

But ofcourse who am I kidding. I will be doing exactly what he wants. Not turning around only remained for a few seconds before I gave in and turned to face him.

"What?" I asked.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked.

"Yes. Very" I said.

"But why? Is it because I complimented the girl group members?" He asked.

Ofcourse that's the reason. But would I admit that to him? No. Ofcourse not.

So instead of answering I turned away again. I would rather not answer than lying.

I felt him take a step back. I thought he was going but not even seconds later I felt myself be lifted and sat on the counter which made me almost squeal like a school girl and then yell at him. But that would mean I will have to talk to him so I will pass.

"Kibummie, are you really mad at me?" He asked me again but I didnot answer.


No. Not answering. Not this time. Not so easily.


No. Still not.


That made me look at him instantly.

"What did you just call me?" I couldn't not stop but ask.

"I called you 'Love'." He answered looking at me with lots of love and I melted right there.

"Say that again"


"Once more"

This time he did not say it right away but stepped closer standing in between my legs and put his hands around my waist looking into my eyes deeply.

"My dear Love, don't be mad at me. No matter how many compliments I give about others looks, you will always be the most beautiful in my eyes. From the many things about you that I am inlove with one is your beauty. Both inner and outside beauty. I love both of it. So don't be jealous or mad."

I was silent for a minute to just let his words sink in before I said what I would say.

"Who said I was jealous?" I asked.

"No one did. But I know. You were jealous. I could see it in your eyes. Have to admit my Bummie looks very hot when he is jealous"

"WHAT?!" I saw his lips curve into a smirk as he said it. His comment made me too shy which is why I pretended I did not like it.

"Don't what me. Why are you pretending you did not like what I just said by screaming like that. I know you Mr. Kim Kibum. Very well"

I put my hands on his shoulder. One at the back of his head just letting my fingers play with his soft hair.

Leaning down I kissed him. Fully and gently. I felt his grip around my waist tighten. But not right now. I need to go cook. Letting the kiss linger for just a bit more I pulled away.

"Thank you for saying all that but you need to let me go now. I need to cook" I said slightly pushing him a bit away making enough space for me to get down.

I was barely able to touch the floor when he put his hands around my waist and put me close to him taking me offguard.

"I don't know how even though I have seen you do this numerous times but still you fascinate me everytime" he said in a low and sensual voice.

The way he said it sent goosebumps down my spine. But I am also not one of those who gives in easily.

I leaned in closer to his ears and whispered.

"It's because I am good at it" giving a gentle but not so gentle bite on his ear I got out of his arms. Its a action that makes him weak so I used it. Watching his reaction when he realised what I just did made me laugh out loud.

"I will take revenge on you Kim Kibum. Wait for it"

Flash Back ends.

I was pulled out of my memory land when I heard a snap.

I turned to look at Noona who was looking at me weirdly.

"What's......wrong?" I asked.

"That's what I want to ask. What's wrong? Why are you smiling like that?"

"Oh. That's nothing. I just remembered something." I answered and got back to finishing the cooking.

A while later.

"This is so tasty Kibum-ah. Wow. Its delicious" she said taking a bite and making sounds that shows that she indeed likes it.

"Thank you. Eat well"

"I will"

Like that the lunch continued with talks and jokes.

Because Noona had her schedules and I had plans she left a while after lunch. He had a small dog fight with my sons only because she confused their names. My son's are too smart. Hahaha.

Knowing that I still have sometime left before I start getting ready I went into the closet to take out what to wear. It's still cold so something warm but nothing casual. Something simple but my style.

Outfit after outfit I kept skipping till I reached the other end of the room. This is hard.

Taking another chance I went through everything till I found what I should wear.

Forever later I found something that really called me for the day. It was something very simple actually. Weird. I am sure I had not so simple in my mind. But since this one shined more today then why not. But now I will have to find that black hat.

Putting the shirt aside I started look for it. Where could have it gone? I just wore it last week. Or did I put it some where when I cleaned. Oh god.

Knowing that I must have put it inside the box that I keep under hanged clothes next to the shoe boxes I sat down and took out the first box to check out.

Nops. Not here.

Closing and putting it in I pulled out the other box. But before I could fully pull it out I saw a white cloth halfly draped on the box.

Taking the box fully out and putting it on my lap I took the white cloth only to know that its not a white clothe and its not plain white. It had blue and black colour on it and its Jjongs shirt. What is this doing here? The last time I saw this was---

Flash Back.

I was laying on bed with him using his back as a pillow while scrolling through some news

"Jjong" I called him


I heard a lazy hum from him. I know that he was laying with his eyes closed just resting.

"Do you want to go on a date with me tonight?" I asked.


"Yeah. Date. You are the one always taking me on dates so I want to do it this time. So will you?"

"Yes. I would like that"

Even though I couldnt see it I heard the smile clearly in his voice.

"Okay thank you"

Turning and placing a kiss on his back I stood up from the bed to leave the room. But before I stepped out I looked back at him who was laying comfortably with his eyes closed half making my heart flutter. Smiling to my thoughts I left the room. Going into the living room I sat down on the dining table chair and opened the laptop to do some work.

I was not sure how long I sat there but I was interrupted when I heard a door opening and closing. For the first time since I sat down I moved my eyes away from the screen thanking god that I was wearing my specs if not my eyes would be in pain right now and looked at the way the noise came from.

When I did look I felt my lips curve into a smirk.

Infront of me was a Kim Jonghyun who was walking towards me while rolling his sleeves with all the buttons of his shirt yet undone teasingly showing his muscled package.

"Hello Mr. Handsome" I called him making sure I dont let the smirk waver.

To my voice he looked up from his sleeves and smiled.

Closing the laptop I stood up and walked to him.

"What do you think you are doing not putting the buttons on?" I asked pretending to be serious.

"Why?" He asked pretending to be serious too. He reads me too well.

"Cause you are too handsome" I said buttoning up the shirt. I only reached the third one from the bottom when he put his hand around my waist pulled me close to him. I looked at him surprised.

"That I am. And this, all of me is just for you. All yours just like you are all mine."

There was no question. He does not need to ask me. Cause he knows it well. That I am all his.

Leaving the buttons I put both my hands on his shoulder and moved in closer just leaving enough distance between our lips.

"All yours"

And I crashed my lips on his. Loving the feeling of his strong hold on me and the feeling of his agressivness but full of love kiss.

Flash back ends

--on the second day of the week he was staying here. I was so happy when two days before that day when he told me he will be staying with me for a week. I remember our date so clearly from that day. I remember how using the time you were in the shower I planned on what to do. I remember our dinner together that night. I remember walking around sipping our drinks and talking about this. I remember how I took you out to the beach to see the sunrise since you were the one always taking me there. I remember laughing with you, kissing you in the open. And at last I remember being back home and falling asleep in each others arms.

Remembering about that day I felt tears fill my eyes which made me instantly snap out of it.

No Kibum. You are not gonna cry after looking back to your memories with him. Only smiling.

Taking out another suitable hat out of the box and keeping it inside again I got up with his shirt in my hand.

Putting the hat on the outfit I had chosen to wear, I took a free hanger and hanged his shirt neatly next to my clothes.

Caressing his shirt one more time and leaving a finger kiss I got out of the room with my clothes and started to get ready.

Everything or something will always remind me of you and take me back to a memory I had created with you. No matter how much time goes, you will always be a part of my everyday life. Just like you always were.

*********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** I hope you enjoy the chapter. ❤❤❤❤❤

Lots of love,
From me.


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