Day 2

Always and Forever right?

Jonghyun's POV:

It's 1 in the afternoon and I have got 10 missed call and 8 messages from Kibum. Yes you heard right. Kibum.

Again the phone started ringing. He keeps calling me in 15 minutes 15 minutes. Thank god he was not calling me every second. He is not somebody like that, if he was and called me every second I would have been really annoyed. I am not someone who gets annoyed that easily but because I am already a bit in tension it becomes very easy for me to get annoyed. I open every message he sent but did not reply. I am still sticking to the plan.

"Is that Kibum again?" manager asked as he got out of the van.

"Yes it is." I said showing the screen to him.

"Let's go" he said as he started walking towards the trees. Decreasing the ringtone volume a bit I slid the phone inside my jeans pocket before following our manager. For today he is not SHINee manager. He is my only trusted friend. We have been out driving since early in the morning.

You must be wondering why? Let's say I am finding a date spot. A place with no possibility of people coming, a place with a romantic atmosphere and a beautiful view. We have now drove through half of the Seoul. And looked every single possible place of that half but yet no luck. Ofcourse Seoul has so many beautiful dating spots but they are not for us. Meaning we are idols and I don't want to go on a car date with him to HanRiver like most celebrities do. The date is special so the place should be too.

"Any luck?" I turned to the sound of manager.

"No" I say.

"How about you?" I asked.

"No." he said.

"Where are we gonna find a place with a beautiful city view and privacy?" I asked frustrated.

"The only place I know with a beautiful view is a terrace" he said absentmindedly.

Riiight..... Wait terrace? Oh my god terrace.

Suddenly all the frustration left me replaced with relief and excitement.

"That's it. Terrace" I said to him.

"Terrace? Oh terrace." he understood what was going through my head.

"But how are we gonna find a terrace with that much privacy?" he asked the same question going through my mind.

And it clicked. That's right.

"You know right, those housing blocks that has apartments and houses next to next. The not so luxurious areas. They have these apartments that has very beautiful night views" I said remembering about the area.

"Aah. I know. But how are we going to make it to our use?" he asked.

"That's your job" I said simply.

"I am sorry what? My job?" he asked.

"Yes. It's not like I can go and meet the owner and ask to rent the terrace. I am an Idol. I don't have the chance to do all that." I said.

"That's right. Okay. So where to first?" he asked getting in the car.

"Anywhere and everywhere" I said not knowing the straight answer.


Hours later I was now standing at the place that I am renting. It was already past 8 when we finally found the perfect place. The view infront of me was breath takingly beautiful. Living in this place for all these years still takes me by surprise when ever I see the night view.

"Done" I looked back from where the voice came from.

"Done? As in..." I asked.

"As in payments done, the terms have been agreed to. So done. This place is all yours starting tomorrow till the next day dawn. The landlord said that when "I" leave there should not be any garbage or anything that does not belong to this place" he said.

"No worries. Finally. We did it. Thank you so much." I said sincerely. I am so thankful to him for helping me with this when he could have gone home early from the company since I nor any SHINee member has any schedule today.

"But how are we gonna set this place?" he asked.

"I have all that planned. Do you want to know right now or tomorrow?" I asked.

"Now would be good. Since it would be easy to get the things tomorrow" he said the logical thing. Right now my brain is a bit tired so not that much of logical thoughts are coming out.

I started explaining how I wanted to set the place. He stood listening to everything I said, giving opinions and options that could make it better.

We left the place deciding the time to come back. Before he dropped me home we had dinner. Through out the day both of us actually forgot to get a proper lunch.

The instant my back hit the mattress I fell into the dreamless world immediately.

Kibum's POV:

I have called him a gazzillion times now and he has still not picked up his phone or called back. I had also texted him but no replies. He seen zoned them but no reply.

Before I suspected but now I am 110% sure that he is ignoring me. But why? That's my question.

Should I call his manager? Maybe he will know something?

No No. I am not doing that. I will just call Jjong one more time.

Hoping he would pick up I dialed his number. But he didn't. After couple of rings automatically the line was cut.

That's it. I am so not talking to him when I see him.

Switching off my phone I laid down and slept.

Next day:

I woke up to the disturbing rays of sunlight. Stupid sunlight. I sat up on the bed feeling the same frustration from last night coming to the surface.

The first thing I did was switch on my phone and check for any missed calls or a message from Jjong. I found none. Throwing the phone on the bed I got off and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

After freshening up I had breakfast then spent some time laying around. When it was afternoon I changed my bed sheets and laid down bored. In the middle of boredom and thinking I fell asleep.

When I woke up for the second time that day I still had got no calls or any message from him. I just laid around thinking how I had fallen asleep again. But have to admit I felt a bit better than I was feeling today morning.

I was planning on just laying on the bed for as long as I can because I don't feel like standing up. But that plan was thrown to water when I heard my door bell ring.

I checked my phone to see what the time is so I could have an idea of who it could be. When I saw the time rather than me getting an idea on who it could be I sat up straight on the bed shocked to the maximum level. It's 11 pm. How did I sleep for this long? Is this even possible?

My thoughts were interrupted when the bell rang again. Putting the phone on the bed I got off. I had almost reached the door way when whoever it was opened the door from outside.

I froze on the spot for a second thinking who it coule be.

When the person who opened the door came into view I will admit I was surprised. Why wouldn't I be? He was after all ignoring me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked when he closed the door. I did not show any kind of expression nor did I see any kind of expression on his face.

"Go get ready" he said ignoring my question.

"What?" why is he telling me to get ready.

"Go and get ready" he said again

"Why?" I asked.

"Why does anyone ask someone to get ready? To go out right. So get ready." he said again blankly.

"I am not g.....

"Just go and get ready Kibum. Don't ask or say anything and just go." he said sternly and wait what was that? Is he annoyed? Why is he annoyed? I should be the one annoyed.

My crossed hand dropped to side hearing the way he said it.

"If you don't move right now I will go and dress you up myself and it's not going to go well. So unless you want that you can stay" he said this time with a very scary but weirdly a tone that send chills through me.

I groaned in frustration at his word. Stomping I left the living room and to the room and got in the shower.

What has possessed him that he wants to go out when he had ignored me for three days? Today is the third day.

I am still sticking to not talking to him.

Day two completed. I wanted to write the third day from Kibum's POV, you know to let you know how Kibum was and how he reacted to Jonghyun suddenly coming over.

The detailed third day would be in Jonghyuns POV which is next chapter. So look forward to it. Hehehehe

Until then enjoy. Don't forget to vote and comment of you like.

Lots of love,
From me. ❤❤

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