Are you dating?

Always and Forever right?

Kibum's POV:

"Are you dating?" the question popped out of nowhere.

I almost chocked on mocktail but lucky me the timing was good and I had already swallowed the sip.

"Why out of the blue?" I asked.

"It's not out of the blue. Since you came here I have been noticing that you are extra extra happy and you are shining." he said taking me off guard.

"Hahaha. Really. But to asnwer your question, no I am not dating. I am too busy to get into relationships and I haven't met someone that I click with" I lied to my friend. I can't tell him 'Yes  I am dating and it's not a she and his name is Kim Jonghyun aka my group member plus hyung'

"Then why are you so happy? Something good must have happened" he asked again.

"Because Today I am getting the bag that I have been waiting for the past 4 months. I am so happy that finally I am getting it and no more waiting. That's all" I made up a lie. It's not actually fully a lie. I am indeed getting that bag today.

"Aah. No wonder why. You always get super excited and happy when it comes to clothes and bags. I believe you" he said. I hope you do. I just really hope you actually believed it.

Dropping the topic right there we called some more friends so we could all go for dinner. It would take another hour for the whole group to be completed.

Meanwhile me and Jinwoo, we talked about this and that. Nothing particular. He was telling me something very interesting when he was put to a halt by my phone ring.

"Just a minute" taking my phone from  the bag I checked the caller ID. If there was No one with me I would have smiled bigly seeing the caller ID but instead I put the normal expression I have when I am talking to my members and answered. 

"Hello" I greeted first.

"Hello Kibum. I need to ask  for a urgent favour" he asked. Kinda in a serious tone.

"What is it hyung?" I asked.

"Hyung? Are you with someone? No never mind that. When you are coming back can you bring some Ice-cream for me on the way" he said this time in a small voice.

When he said Ice-cream I could not help but laugh real hard. Jinwoo looked at me like he would look at a mad man. I shaked my hand infront of him to not bother asking.

"Yah. Don't laugh. Why are you laughing?" he was getting annoyed.

"Nothing. Okay hyung. I will remember to take it" I said swallowing the laughter that was bubbling inside me. I really wanted to and I would have but it's risky. The teasing would go to a level that I would rather not want anybody else to hear.

"Thank you. Okay bye. I don't want to take too much of your time. See you tonight. I love you." he said.

It took everything in me to not smile or blush or say it back.

"Okay. Bye. And Yes hyung" I said hoping he would get the message behind my yes. I am not sure if he did or not he cut the line after saying bye one more time.

I put my phone back in the bag. Just then the friends whom me and Jinwoo called walk into the cafe. They kept looking around. I put my hands up so they could see us. Jinwoo looked behind because I lifted my hands up. When they finally noticed us they came and took a seat.

"I thought you guys would take a hour to come here" I teased them. This is the first time they are here before a hour so I had to take the chance.

"Oh please. So what's in the agenda?"

"We are having dinner" Jinwook filled her with the agenda.

Spending a little more time in the cafe we left for dinner.

By the time we reached our selected restaurant the sun has already set and darkness was taking over the bright clouds.

Once we got to the restaurant we slipped in quietly and into the VIP room.

Few minutes later a waiter came in and took our orders. We have always loved the food in this restaurant.

We were so lost in the talking that none of us noticed the waiter come in with our food.

2 hours later.

With two buckets of Baskin Robbin ice cream in hand I walked into Jonghyun's apartment building.  I drank a bit with the friends which was making me feel a little tipsy.

I got to his apartment and rang the bell just once before I dialled the password and entered. The apartment was dark as always. I heard T.V. noises from the living room side. I entered fully removing my shoes and keeping it aside.

When I walked into the living room I saw Jjong laying on the sofa asleep and a movie was playing from the T.V. He must have fallen asleep while watching the movie.

I took off my Jacket and put on the kitchen table with my bag. Before deciding what I should do I just looked at him. Should I wake him up? If I don't give him the ice cream tomorrow morning he will be all grumpy.

I will just wake him up. I took one bucket of cold ice cream in one hand and say down next to him. Gently I touched the bucket to his cheeks. The coolness woke him up instantly.

"What the.... Bummie?" he sat up rubbing his eyes looking a bit confused.

"Sorry for disturbing" I started feeling guilty for waking him up.

"No. It's okay. I can't believe I fell asleep." he said.

"Maybe because the movie was boring?" I asked.

"Ahaha. No. It was a pretty interesting movie actually. And I was waiting for my desert" he said a smile forming as he mentioned dessert.

I stood up and walked back into the kitchen. Taking two spoons and the other bucket which I bought for myself I got back to him. Putting a spoon in the the bucket for him I handed him it and sat next to him.

"What have you been doing the whole day since you left my apartment?" I asked him.

"Nothing actually. I tried writing some lyrics and compose a bit when I suddenly craved for some ice cream but was too lazy to go outside so I called you. Later ordered some dinner after that I sat here to watch a movie and now this" he explained.

"What about you?" he asked.

"After you left I went out with my friends. I came here straight from the dinner and drank like 2 glass of wine. When you called me I was with Jinwoo." I explained my day.

"That explain why you look flushed." he said making me touch my cheeks.

"Today Jinwoo asked me if I was dating. Ofcourse I denied. He said I look so much happier so I had to make up a lie explaining why I am happy" I told him about the sudden question that popped up infront of me today.

"Do you like hidding like this?" Jjong asked me. I had never thought about it.

"I don't know. Yes it would be great if we could be open about it. But I like this too. Actually I like this more. Creating moments that is just for ourselves." I said with a gentle smile forming on my lips.

"You are so cute" I felt a cold thing touch my nose. He did not just do that.

"Did you just put ice cream on my nose?" I asked. Unbelievable this guy.

"Maybe I did" he answred.

I was about to stand up to wash my face when he kissed the ice-cream away.

Due to the fast beating of my heart I was not able to say anything. I felt the coolness touch my cheeks and outline my lips. He leaned in and kissesd away from each cheek and lastly my lips. He planted a open mouth kiss on my lips and pulled away.

"The ice-cream tastes delicious" he said with a smirk.

I think I went beetroot red when he said that.

"How do you do that?' Jjong asked suddenly.

"What?" I as ked.

"That. Blush so cutely that makes me kiss you so badly" he said.

"God seriously. You are so cheesy." I said standing up to leave.

"Where are you going?"

"To put this in the fridge." I said showing him the ice cream.

"Take this too" he gave me his ice cream too.

I put the ice creams in the fridge and walked back to the living room. Suddenly a dizziness came to me real hard. I was falling but I didnot but the ground instead the concerned voice of Jjong reached my ears.

"Kibum. Oh god" I felt him pull me up and take me somewhere and lay me down.

Carefully I opened my eyes to only meet with his concerned ones.

"What just happened?" he asked.

"It must be the exhaustion of today" I said.

"Okay. You are not getting up from here. You need sleep so sleep." he said in a stern but worried tone.

"Okay. Come lay with me." I said and that's what he did. Putting his arms around me he got comfortable. I easily fell asleep in his arms.

No matter how hectic a day is or who I spend the whole day with if Jjong is the person I end my day with, I am okay. I don't need anything else.


 I genuinely hope you like it.

Until then have good days and be healthy.

Lots of love,
From me.

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