A promise

Always and Forever right?

Jonghyun's POV:

"I was looking for this yesterday. Why was this at your.... umm never mind" he quickly said as he remembered why this shirt was at my house. Seeing red colour spreading to his cheeks made it hard for me not tease or laugh.

Flash back

"Bummje, your shirt is here?" I said pointing at the side of bed.

He looked back at me but not moving a inch away from my closet.

"I want to wear something from here" he said and turned back rummaging through my clothes.

Sitting on the bed tangled in the messy sheets I was having the greatest time. How you ask? Well you see I have the most beautiful view infront of me. Kibum standing with his back faced only in jeanes making his thin legs look so much ier. His beautifully curved back that I had my hands on a while ago was making me want to bring him back to bed and just explore. He was now slowly moving his hold and bending down every now and then. What a tease he is.

"Where is that black shirt of yours?" he asked.

"What black shirt?" I asked a bit confused about what shirt he is talking about since I have lots of black shirts.

"Found it." I heard him say.

Putting it on he turned around.

"This shirt. It big on me but I love it. It is very comfortable and feels like you" he said the last part silently. But I heard it.

"It is big on you but you look very cute." I complimented only making him blush hard.

"Okay then. I am taking this and you keep that" he said making his way to me.

Flash back ends.

After the practice by the time we left it was close to midnight.

The van was filled with chatter.

"Shall we make plans for dinner this week?" Minho suddenly popped the question out id nowhere.

"Not this week." Kibum said quickly.

"Why?" This time Jinki hyung asked.

"I am actually going on a trip for 2 days" he said the reason.

"To where?" I asked. It would only be normal if I did.

"Jeju-do. With Nicole, Jinwoo and other friends" he said.

"Then I guess we can't since next is practice and concert day" Jinki hyung said.

"Kibum, it's your stop" before anybody could say anything else manager said from his seat.

"Okay. Good night guys." he said getting off the van.

When it was my turn I said good night to the members and got out.

Getting inside the apartment I was met with darkness. Not bothering to on the lights as always I went inside the room to see the one thing that makes me feel less lonely. Roo.

Before anything I took a shower to get rid of the stickiness due to sweating. Feeling fresh I got out and put on my sleeping attire and got into bed.

As soon as I did Roo came and laid down next to me.

He was so excited about the trip. My mind took me to when he told about the trip. Even though he tried his best to contain his excitement each one of us knew how much excited he was.

I am glad that he is actually on a trip and having fun with his friends.

I miss him and I don't know what to do to make me not miss him atleast tomorrow.

With the question lingering on my mind I fell asleep.

Next day.

I woke up way early than I thought or wanted to. It's only 6 in the morning. I have been awake since 5 and have not been able to sleep since then.

Feeling like I had already laid for too long I stood up from the bed and went into the toilet. After brushing and washing my face I got out.

Today I drank a glass of juice instead of coffee. Taking some time I did this and that till the time hit 7. I dialed my manager's number. Before three rings he answered

"Hello" he greeted first.

"Oh. Hello. Good morning. Are you doing anything right now?" I asked.

"No. Why?" he asked

"I want to go to the gym. Could you pick me up?" I asked.

"Right now? You have a training session tonight." he said reminding me the sessions that I have every week.

"I know. Can we change it to morning as in for now?" I asked.

"Let me check and call" he said.

"Alright. Okay. I am hanging up" I said and hung up.

10 minutes later he called.

"Hello. What did she say?"

"She said you can change. And to be there in 30 minutes. So get ready I will be there in 10." he said and cut the line.

Throwing the phone on the sofa I literally ran inside the room and changed into training clothes and put on the shoes. In record time I was ready to.

Before manager could call I was down and waiting for him.

Exercise would distract me for a while and I need my morning work out.

Arriving at the gym I took off my shirt and with my bag I put it inside the locker and started my training. Something I take very seriously.


By the the time I did my last lift I was a sweating mess. But I was feeling so much better. Working out always made me feel better than I do.

Thanking my trainer I went to the locker room. Putting back my shirt on I took out my bag and went outside where manager was waiting for me.

Getting back to apartment the first thing I did was go into the shower. As much as I love working out I love the refreshing feeling I get taking the shower after that more.

Tying the towel around my waist I got out. I heard my phone ringing.

"Who might that be?" I asked to myself.

I took out my phone from the bag I had taken to the gym I answered.

It was Taemin.

"Hello Tae" I greeted first.

"Hello hyung. What are you doing?" he asked.

"Nothing actually. I just got out of the shower. Why you ask?' I asked.

"Can you come to the company building?" he asked.

"The company building?"

"Yes. I want some help in the music room and also because I know you have nothing to do today since Key hyung is out of town." he said.

Even if he was I would have nothing to do. I thought to myself.

"So will you come?" he asked.

"Yes. What time?" I asked

"Around 11 and we can have lunch together." he said.

"Alright. See you then Bye" I said.

"Yes bye hyung" and the line went dead.

There is still a hour till 11. Putting on clothes that I will be wearing when going out I went to the kitchen. Making myself a simple sandwich and a cup of coffee I settled myself on the sofa with the TV on. Nothing interesting was coming but it was watchable.

When it was 11 I left the apartment and went to the company.

Taemin was already waiting in the lobby area.

"Taemin" I called him.

He turned his eyes away from the phone and looked. A huge smile spread on his face. Standing up he put his phone inside his pocket and came towards me.

When he reached I hugged my dongsaeng and made way to the music room.

He let me listen to some of his own composition and a lyrics that he has been working on.

It was actually amazing. Both the lyrics and the composition he had made for the listened.

For another couple of hours I helped him. More like guided him. While he worked on his music I did a little bit of mine.

"What are you listening to hyung?" he asked.

I turned to him.

"Just a piece I had made last week" I answered.

"Can I listen?" he asked.

"Haha. I was about to say that. Here" I said handing him the other ear piece id the headset.

Second by second a smile formed and it grew wider and wider.

"Hyung this is great" he said still listening to it.

I smiled in response.

Like that we spent another hour before our stomachs made the embarrassing sound.

"Hungry?" I asked.

"Hehe. Yes" he replied.

"Let's go"

Stopping the work for a while Taemin and I headed outside to a close restaurant for the lunch.

Filling our stomachs with delicious food we got back to the company.

Going back Taemin started his work again.

By the time he was done it was after 6. For some reason he was standing strong on completing it still it was almost done anyways.

Leaving the building I was going to say bye when he beat me to it.

"Hyung you have to drop me" he said.

"Where is your car?" I asked.

"I came with manager hyung. I actually had some decisions to be made about the album, that's why I was already at the building" he answered.

"Hold up. What did you just say? Album? What album? How come none of us know?" I spilled question after question.

"Oops. I will tell you but can we get in the car?" he asked.

Not saying anything I walked to my car and got in. Moving away from the spot I stopped infront of Taemin and started driving as he got in.

"Okay so spill" I said.

"Actually it was decide after the Seoul concert. Preparations start tomorrow. Even my hair changes. " he explained the whole thing to me. Also how he did not tell it any of us because he wanted to be sure about it and to surprise us.

"Alright. Congratulations. I am so happy for you." I was genuinely happy for him and proud of him.

"I know you are hyung. Anyways did you hear from Key hyung today?" he asked.

"No." I answered honestly.

"You did not call?" he asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"Why?" he asked as if it's the most unbelievable thing.

"Hahaha. Why are you so shocked?" I asked finding his reaction funny.

"I am shocked. He is on a trip away from here for two days and you haven't even called once?" he asked.

"Yup. Not even once" I answered.

"But why?" he asked.

"My dear Taeminie, don't forget he is on a trip with his friends. I don't want to call him when he is having great time with his friends. Sometimes it's important to give space. You will understand one day" I answered omitting the real reason of me not calling.

"Ah. Okay. I think I get it." he said chuckling to himself.

"You are such a dumbo sometimes" I said laughing with him.

When we reached his place he left saying bye and good night.

I did not go to the apartment straight. I drove through the city.

Somehow I reached the beach. Getting out of the car I walked to the beach and sat on the sand looking at the darkness infront of me.

I don't know how I ended up this far.

Sitting on the spot I thought about him and how hard it is being away from him.

When I started getting the feeling it is getting very late I stood up and walked to the car. Driving away from the beach I drove into the city with the promise that when I come back it would be with him.

Yes its a new chapter on Jonghyun's POV. I know some may have been looking for Kibum's POV and the trip. I was thinking to write in his POV before I changed my mind at the last minute like always.

Enjoy and don't forget to vote.

Lots of love,

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