New Experience

Always and Forever right?

Standing near the window while letting the chill air of the winter enter the room and brushing my bare skin is not such a good idea. But I had a cup of coffee in my hands to keep me warm.

It has only been a while since the sun has come up. I had woken before the day had started. After taking a shower I had made myself a cup of coffee and just stood at the room window. I was doing nothing particular. Not thinking or anything. Just standing and looking.

"You should wear my shirts more often"

I turned to look at the owner of the voice. Jjong was sitting up rubbing his eyes. He was not wearing any shirt and he will have to grab another one since I am wearing it. During last night at some point I had thrown his shirt some where around, later the night after cleaning he had not bothered finding the shirt or another one and just slept in sweat pants while I slept in boxers. I had him and the blanket to keep me warm. Also I was too tired. But in the morning I had found his shirt next to the bed so I just put it on and did not bother wearing anything else down other than a pair of boxers.

"Good morning" I said and and turned around to the view I was looking before.

Not even minutes later I felt a pair of arms wrap around and rest on my stomach and felt him rest his chin on my shoulder.

"Good morning"

His husky and heavy morning voice sent chills down my spine.

"You look very beautiful in my shirt and y showing your legs off" he teased me. God he knew that when he talks like that I get weak.

"Hehehhe. Now stop it Jjong. But thank you" I said smiling and trying to hide my blush.

"You are too cute" he said giving a gentle kiss on the side of my neck.

"I know" I said playfully.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked.

"Nothing" I answered honsetly.

"Then why are you standing near the window when its so cold?" He asked again.

"Just watching the view. I just ended up here" I said.

"Okay. But let's not stand here for too long. You will catch a cold. And I don't want that happening" he said leaving his hold on me and closing the window.

"Okay. Then I will go and make your morning coffee for you" I said walking out of the room.

Before I had fully stepped out of the room the last thing I heard was a very grateful "yes please" from him that made me chuckle.

My eyes opened to the disturbing sunlight beaming from my window and to the cold chill. Even though they both are the two things that I dislike as the reason to be woken up, today I did not feel annoyed. I felt myself smiling as my eyes came to focus.

"Good morning Jjong" I said to the space.

I turned to lay on a side facing the other side of the bed and smiled as if he is laying facing me. It still feels like that.

"Its the second time I have woken up with a memory of us. I promise to have a good day today. I love you"

With that I stood up from the bed and went into the bathroom. Doing all the necessary things and taking a shower I got out. Since I had a schedule to go to I dressed up in casual but warm clothes.

Breakfast was light. Coffee and Fruits. Something healthy is always important.

Just when I had finished eating breakfast manager called to come down.

Taking my bag and my sons I left the apartment. Today I had filming for Mnet Breakers and thats where I went. On the way I had dropped off my babies at the puppy care.


At the filming

Being a MC of a music show is always interesting. This is my first time MC-ing a full show on my own as the official host. I am not a guest or a temporary host.

Talking with artists I have not talked before and while giving opinions and learning something new is always the best part of any work.

But there is a moment I dread. Elimination. Being a MC of a show that has eliminations is not a nice feeling. I really dont like it. But this is a show and I am professional and not personal when it comes to work.

Through out the hours of filming I had got in sync with the artists and the audience. It's my job to keep the attention of the audience for the artists and I can't lie I am and was nervous but at the end its all fun and a new experience. But I feel sad that the audience have to keep standing through out the whole filming.

Filming end

"Good work Guys" I said to the audience and the staffs bowing before I left the stage.

I went straight to my changing room and changed into the clothes that I was wearing when I came. Letting the stylist take care of the clothes I walked out with my things after saying a thank and good night to the ones inside the room.

I wanted to meet with the PD before I left so I made way to the stage area. On the way I met the contestants whom I bowed and greeted nicely.

When I reached the stage area again to see that the PD and the staff was in some kind of discussion. Not wanting to interrupt I turned around to leave. But before I did so, I heard the PD call me asking me to come.

For a while we talked about the recording and he told me how I did and thankfully I got good compliments but that does not mean I will be laying back. This is a huge opportunity for me and I don't want to spoil it.

After the chat by the time I was in the van and on the road the clouds were getting darker. Meaning dinner time is close. Even though we talk everyday, it has been a while since I saw any of them. Jinki hyung is still in Japan and the three of us are busy.

Hoping that the one I want to eat dinner with is free I dialed his number.

By the fourth ring he answered his phone.


"Oh hello. Minho are you free?" I asked

"Yes I am. What's up?"

"Lets eat dinner together. It has been a while." I offered.

"I am in. Where are we going?" He asked

"Where are you right now? I will come pick you up"

"I am at the dorm. Where are you?"

"I am close by. I will be there in less than 10." I said letting him know.

"Alright I will be down right away. See you then"

"Alright" with that I hung up.

"Lets go to the dorm building" I told the manager after hanging up.

Just as said less than 10 minutes later the van parked right infront of Minho.

Once he got in we decided the place to go eat.

After a while of riding we were in a restaurant. We were sitting in a VIP room. When we chose, we took a place that had a VIP room.

After we ordered our food, manager left saying that he has some company work to do around here but not before telling us to call him once dinner is done.

Until the food came we talked about a lot of things and only stopped when the waitress came in and placed the food we ordered. When she left we got back to talking and started eating.

"I had totally forgotten to ask you. How was your trip to Paris? How was the show and how was the country?" I asked.

"You are asking me as if you haven't been there before" he said chuckling while pointing out the excitement in my voice.

"Hahahaha. I have been there but I want to know how it was for you. So tell me."

"Alright Alright. Sheesh Kibum, sometimes you sound like a kid" he said.

"I heard so" I said bursting into laughter as he followed.

When our laughter died down he started to tell me how ths trip was and the show was and how the country was.

As he talked about it I added things in and the topic lasted so long that it only ended with empty plates.

"I am full"

Minho was the first one to say it.

"Me too. I feel like I can stay without eating for another day" leaning back and resting my back on the chair. I am seriously full.

Resting for a couple of minutes I went out to pay with Minho. While I payed Minho called manager to come pick us up.

Thankfully it did not take much time for him to arrive.

"That dinner was really tasty, wasnt it?"

I turned to look at Minho who was getting comfortable in his seat.

"Yes it was. We all should go have dinner once Jinki hyung comes back" I said.

"There is still five more days left. I still can't believe that we are actually going to dubai"

Minho brought in Dubai out of the blue.

"Me neither. I am so excited for it but nervous too. And can't help but wish he was here cause he would be so happy going to dubai" I couldnt help but bring him in to the conversation.

"Me too. I wish he was here too. That remind me, has Taemin come back from LA?" He asked.

"No not yet. He is coming tomorrow. He was so excited when he left and that kid did not even contact once after he went. He must be having the time of his life dancing and living with his hyungs"

"That's so our maknae Taemin"

I saw a smile form on Minho's lips as mine copied that smile. Taemin is a grown up man but still he is a kid at heart. And the fun part is that neither of us still treat him as a grown up. When the five of us get together, we turn into kids. Laughing, teasing and joking around just like kids. For a moment like that we forget what's around us and our responsibilities.

"What are you smiling about?" I heard Minho ask.

"Nothing specific. Just thinking how we all turn into kids when we are together." I said looking out of the window.

"You are right. We do turn into kids. And honestly I like that feeling. Its a happy feeling" I looked at Minho when he said. And through to his words it is a happy feeling.

When we had reached the dorm building Minho got out after saying good night and giving me a hug.

Making sure that he entered the building safely manager drove me to my apartment.

Saying good night I got out of the van and walked inside the building. Tonight again a good friend took out my babies over to his house so I am home alone again.

Dialing the password I opened my door and entered. Only to be welcomed by the darkness that filled my whole apartment.

Not bothering to on any lights, I walked inside and to my living room.

It still feels like yesterday when I was welcomed by candles, a dinner and a handsomely breath taking you.

I sat down on the sofa leaning back and resting my head on the sofa head closing my eyes.

It was really a beautiful night. It was really a special night. And it still feels like yesterday.

How was it? Did you guys enjoy it? Cause thats all that matters.

Have a great day or night you all.

Lots of Love,
From Me


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