Day 1

Always and Forever right?

Kibum's POV:

"Where are you?" Taemin asks.

"I am on my way" I said to the speaker.

"Alright. Come." he said.

"Hmm. I am hanging" I said to him and cut the line.

I sped up the car a little bit. After Jjong left I spent some time with my babies before getting ready to go to the dorm.

And I am running late.

Finally I reached the building. Parking my car in the lot I got out and into the building.

Dialling the passcode I got in. I could hear the members talking from the living room. Taking off and hanging my jacket on the coat hanger I walked into to living room.

"Haii guys" I greeted the members. Wait where is Jjong?

"He is on his way" I heard Minho say.

"Eh?" I asked startled.

"He is on his way" Minho said again.

"I never asked" I said taking the seat next Jinki hyung.

The sound of the door unlocking reached the ears of everyone.

"Talk about devil and here he comes" I said more like to myself.

I saw the members smile at my words.

He came into the living room and greeted us and took a seat between Minho and Taemin not even looking at me. Not even once

At some point we decided on what we are going to do.  First thing: we ordered lunch. Our stomachs were growling. When the food came we settled in the living room.

"Should I on the TV?" I asked before sitting down.

"Yeah" the members all said at once.

When I switched on the TV hello counselor was coming on KBS. Not changing the channel I kept it and say down with the guys to eat.

"Oh. This is a very interesting show" Taemin said. The other members looked at him and shook their heads before averting their eyes back to the TV and the food.

Through out the lunch we talked a lot. Commented on the problem that was shown on the show today and specially one other thing. We laughed a lot. At least I did. Due to that I choked on my food. If it was not for Jinki hyung who was sitting next to me I would have been in serious trouble. Jonghyun was sitting next to me too but he did not even attempt to give me a glass of water. Other than him everybody was showing concern.

Once every one was done with their lunch I took the plates to the kitchen to wash them. Minho gave a helping hand.

Helping me for a bit I sent Minho away. After I was done I went back into the living room too only to see them walking around except one person.

Once again thinking about the devil and here he comes. I heard the bathroom door close. I turned around to see the person I knew I would be seeing. He had his head down as he fixed his rolled sleeves. When he looked up our eyes met briefly but he looked away. Neither did he smile. It was expressionless. Without even saying a word he walked past me. My eyes followed him as he stopped infront of Taemin and Minho.

Oohkay. What is going on?

Jonghyun's POV:

When I walked back to the living room Kibum was standing on the way. Even though our eyes met briefly I looked away and walked past him without giving another glance and stopped infront of Taemin and Minho. I know he must be confused on what just happened but right now I have absolute no interest on clearing the confusion.

I felt someone's eyes on me so I looked to my left to meet with Jinki hyung to see a knowing smile on his face. I could not stop but smile remembering the conversation I had with him just a few hours before I came.


"What do you mean you are not coming?" Jinki hyung asked clearly disappointed.

"Sorry hyung but I can't go" I said to him.

"Why?" he asked once again.

"Because I just can't" I said.

"Is it because of Kibum?" he asked.

"Yeah. Kind of" I answered honestly.

"Something is going on isn't it? I knew it. Taemin was also telling me but when I asked Kibum he denied any such and said you both are okay" Jinki hyung said worriedly.

"Oh no no hyung. We are okay. Absolutely fine. It's just....." I stopped.

"It's just what?" Jinki hyung asked.

"It's just I am planning a surprise for him and I am planning to avoid him for three days to make the D-Day more surprising and memorable" I said to him. Before anything he started laughing.

"Hyung? Why are you laughing?" I asked shocked.

"Nothing. Sorry. But seriously Jonghyun." he said trying to calm himself.

"Why were you laughing?" I asked again when he had calmed down.

"Is that why you are not coming?" he said more like a statement than a question.

"Yeah" I said simply.

"I think you should come" he said.

"I just said.......

"I know what you said and I heard you very clearly. That's exactly why you need to come" he said making me very confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Look, if you don't come then Kibum will for sure know that something is going on. He will get worried like he always does. What if he goes over to your place to check on you? Then how will you ignore. So come and execute your plan. If you come and be with the members and avoid him  or ignore him. If you don't come and do all that how will he know. But if you come and do it infront of him he will clearly get the message" Hyung explained clearly.

I was speechless for minute as the things he said processed in my head. He is right. If Kibum comes over at any cost then it would be a huge problem and things like not asmwering the phone won't make him think that I am ignoring him. Atleast not anymore. Not unless I do it for another day. Hyung is right. I have to go. I can't believe I am doing this.

"You are right hyung. I will go. But after Kibum not before him." I said agreeing to him.

"That sounds good." he said.

Flashback ends.

I turned back to Minho and Taemin.

Kibum's POV:

When it was getting close to 6 we went out. Two of our manager's came to pick us up. But because I drove my car here I drove behind our van in my car. Taemin was going to come with me in my car because I will be alone but I told him to go with the rest.

Something does not feel right. It's just so sudden. Some times I am getting the feeling that Jonghyun is ignoring me but the other times my heart keeps telling me that it's probably because we are hanging out with the members that's why he is not talking.

I don't know. Actually know what? I won't think about this. It's probably again some stupid thought and I am not going to let it affect me.

The building came into the view. We are going  to play billiard. I parked my car next to the van and got out. Not waiting too long outside we went inside. Thankfully it was a bit empty. There is a reason why we chose this place. It has a bar. Which serves both mocktail and cocktail.

Four us paired. The fifth member was better at this than the four of us so he is to be played with the last.

"I have an idea" I said. Attention of the four turned to me.

"What?" Minho asked.

"How about after this we go to dinner but the loser pays for it" I said looking at the four of them.

I heard the members say "good idea" and "I am not going to loose".

By the time we had finished the whole  game it was almosy 9. In the middle of the game I had given up cause I did not know how to play the game. Because I had backed out so quickly naturally I became the loser. It means I ended up buying dinner for the guys, including our managers. They also teased me along with the members.

Even though the managers were careful with what they took the members weren't. How mean can my members me? They ordered so much good that for a instant I was suspicious on whether they will be able to finish them. But they did. Well I will be lying if i say I ate any less. Seeing the tasty food they were not the only one's who could not careless about all the oil in the foods. I did not either. The guilt that would come later will be dealt later.

During the dinner we chatted with each other except neither Jonghyun said anything directly to me nor did I.

After the dinner the members left in the van as I got into my car and headed to my apartment. This was a fun day. Days like this I miss the days when we use to be sticked to each other 24/7.

Time sure flies.


Enjoy the chapter and don't forget to Vote.

Lots of love,
From me.


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