Day 3

Always and Forever right?

Jonghyun's POV:

When morning came for the third day I could barely stay on my feet. I was so excited. It was around 10 in the morning and I was getting ready. Manager will be coming to pick me up on the time so we could reach the place on the time we had decided we would. It's not even close to the time but he is coming to pick me up early so we could go shopping to get the stuffs we need for the setting.

I was almost ready when I heard the door bell ring. That has to be Manager. I walked out of the room and to the door.

Wait. This can't be manager. When I called him just five minutes ago, he said that it will take him another twenty minutes to come due to a emergency at the company.

I looked from the screen to see who it was.

"Ohmma" I said to myself. Shoot. What should I do? If she see me like this ready to go out then she would ask questions an I can't lie and I can't just send her away. It's not like she lives near by. She rang the bell again.

I quickly ran to the room. and took of jacket and put my mask and cap back into the drawer. Looking into the mirror I made sure I did not look like someone that was going to go out.

Giving one last look into the room I walked out. I forgot that I had not told her that I had changed the password. Thanks god to that or else I would not have got time to change myself.

Quickly I opened the door for her to come in.

"When did you change the password?" she asked.

"Just two days ago. I forgot to tell you." I said leading her to the living room.

I sat with her in the living room chating. Our chat was interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing which was coming from the room.

"I will come back" I said standing up leaving to the room.

Closing the door behind me I went and took the phone on the bed. It was manager.

"Hello" I greeted first.

"Hello, are you ready?" he asked.

"I was ready but not anymore. My mom is here" I said.

"Oh no. Then? We have lot to do and we are running out of time." he said making me worried.

"I know that. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to say to her" I said getting more and more worried.

Seems like manager sensed my worry. "It's going to be okay. First take a deep breath. Then go tell your mom that you have to go to a meeting with your manager as in me." he said.

"Okay that can be done" I said feeling a bit calm tham before.

"I will give you two hours. After two hours I will come pick you up. Okay?" he offered.


"Okay. Then cut the phone and go. See you in two hours. Look at the things we do for your lover boy" he said before hanging up, making me laugh.

With the phone in hand I went back to the living room where mom was waiting.

"Is something wrong?" she asked.

"No. Nothing is wrong but that was a call from my manager. I have to go to a meeting with him" I said sitting back down.

"Then I should go." she said attempting to stand up but I stopped her.

"I still have two hours before I leave" I said.

"Alright. Have you had your breakfast?' Ohmma asked.

"No. Not yet" I said.

"Then come have breakfast. I brought food for you. And you can take some for your manager" she said going into the kitchen and started taking out the food she has packed for me.


Two hours later I was once again ready to leave. Ohmma and I left the house together. She got into her car while I got into manager's car.

"You brought your personal car?" I questioned.

"Yeah. We are not going on a schedule so it won't be safe to ride in SHINee's Van." he said the reason.

"Aah. Okay. Let's go then" I said putting on the seat belt.

"Let's go do some shopping" he sounded more excited than I was. hahaha.

We drove through many places finding and buying the things we needed for the set up.

Thankfully it did not take too much time to buy all the things on the list.

By the time we got to the chosen spot with everything it was getting close to evening. Not wasting another minute we got to work. The first thing was ofcourse the cleaning and it took a lot of time.

By the time we were done the sky has gotten dark. A small sitting table was set near the wall so the view looked and felt closer and a long chair folding chair. The lights were hanged and placed in the right places. I had everything planned.

For a try we decided to on the lights. .

We stepped back next to the door and with the count of three manager switched on the lights.

Even I had to admit the place looked beautiful. Did we do all this?

"It looked amazing. Kibum will surely like it" he commented.

"Do you really think so?" I asked.

"No. I know so." he said confidentally.

"Okay then shall we go" I said grabbing both of our stuffs.

"Let's go.You need to go home and take a shower too. And after dropping you off I too will go home and then bring the flowers. I have to keep it inside right?" he asked. Switching off the lights he stepped out with me.

After manager dropped me off I had taken a bit of time selecting a nice outfit. I had taken a long shower. Washing off the tension and nervousness with the sweat and dirt.

Getting out of the shower I started getting ready.

Once I was done I looked at myself in the mirror examining myself.

I was wearing a simple plain Navy blue long sleeve V neck cotton shirt and black jeans. I had tucked the shirt since it was loose and it looked better. Rather than keeping the hair down I styled it up like I always do when when I am going out in special occasions.

Putting on my signature perfume and putting on the selected black long Jacket I got out of the room after making sure I had everything I needed. I wore black and white sneakers.

Before leaving the apartment I checked the time. It read 10:45. Perfect. It would be a little bit past 11 when I reach his apartment.

By the time I got into the car and started driving, it was getting harder and harder to contain my excitement. Today I was not driving my Lamborgini. My manager offered me his personal car just for the night since my car could attract unnecessary attention.

When I got to his building and to his door I rang the bell. He did not open the door at first bell so I rang again. Still no answer. Dialing the passcode I got in.

He was standing in the door way. Closing the door I looked at him properly. As always he looked great. But there was something different.

"What are you doing here?" he asked. Yups...he is angry. Not for long bummie.

"Go get ready." I said with no expressions ignoring his question.


"Go and get ready" I said clearly but with a blank face.

"Why?"he asked.

"Why does anyone ask someone to get ready? To go out right. So go and get ready" I said sounding annoyed. I was not actually annoyed but I wanted him to think like that.

"I am not g......

"Just go and get ready Kibum. Don't ask or say anything else and just go" I said a bit more sternly hoping this would make him go.

His crossed hands dropped to his side. He was shocked to hear me talk like this. Just a little longer bummie. Unfortunately this also did not make him move a inch.

But this one would.

"If you don't move right now, I will go and dress you up myself and that's not going to well. So unless you want that you can stay" I said to him looking straight into his eyes so he will know I was not kidding. He knows if he stays he would be giving in and his pride won't allow him that.

Stomping he left to the room. It is going be an hour since he went to get ready. He was purposely taking his precious time. In the middle of waiting I got a call from my manager letting me know that the small desserts, bottle of wine and the flowers have been taken to the place and the last minute things that needed to be done has been completed.

Exactly a hour later he came out looking breath takingly beautiful. When he had stepped out of his room briefly to go to his closet room to take his clothes I had no clue he was going to look this good.Well he always looks great but tonight he is over the meter.

He was wearing a white loose long sleeve V neck T-shirt and blue jeans. His shirt was tucked into his jeans. He had his brown leather jacket rested on his hands. Nothing else expect his black cap and mask was in his hands.

"Let's go" I said moving my eyes away from him and walking towards the door.

Secretly praying that he would like my surprise.

The third day is completed. It's past 12 now. The special place is waiting for their arrival. Will Kibum like the surprise? Will Jonghyun say sorry for ignoring him? Will Kibum forgive him? Will the night go as planned? Stick to find out.

Ps: I am not good when it comes to guys fashion sense so hahahahha. But then again Jonghyun and Kibum looks good in anything. 😉

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Until the next one don't forget to Vote.

Lots of love,
From me.


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