Future is Unknown

Always and Forever right?

Kibum's POV:

I felt his hands wrap around me in a back hug and rest his chin on my shoulder.

"What are you thinking about?" his smooth voice reached my ears like a whisper.

"Nothing. Just looking outside at the busy road" I answered without moving my eyes away from the view.

He did not ask anymore questions and a comfortable silence fell on us.

"Jjong?" I called his name breaking the silence after a while.


"Will there ever come a time when our lives are not hectic and always peaceful the way it is right now between us?" I asked a question that has been lingering in my heart.

I felt him pull away from me. I was about to ask him what's wrong when he held my shoulders and turned me to face him.

"Where did that come from?" he asked looking into my eyes as if searching for my answer.

"It just a question that came into my head while I looked at the busy road" I answered.

Leaving my shoulder he placed his hands on both the sides of head before leaning in and placing a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"Don't think too much Bummie" he said looking into my eyes.

Leaving my head he took a step back and took my hand in his before pulling me with him to the sofa and sitting down.

"Come lay with me" he said giving me space to lay between his legs using his chest as a pillow.

Settling down I got comfortable. His arms around me made me feel warm like always.

We were not talking. It was silence. Through the silence he had intervened our fingers and was playing with it. Typical Jjong. Always playing with my hands. I am not sure why but I got lost into that. Seeing our fingers intervined in a way that felt so intimate and full of love.

"Do you ever think about the future?" the sudden question from Jjong pulled my attention away from our hands and to him.

"What?" I asked wanting to hear the question again.

"Do you think about the future?" he asked again.

"Do I answer honestly?" I asked


"Of course I do. I think about it all the time. But times like this I don't" I answered honestly.

"Times like this?" he asked

"Yeah. When I am with you. Like this. Happy and smiling, I don't think about the future. How about you? Do you think about the future?" I asked.

"Of course I do you. I think about it a lot. Maybe more than I should actually" he said earning a humorous laugh from me. He never thinks less than a too much.

"So what's your conclusion of a future with all that thinking?" I asked

"I want to keep being a singer and write songs and compose. And I want to be with you" he said as if it's the most casual thing in the world but it made me sit up and then just look at him.

"What? Do you not want to be with me in the future?" he asked the question taking me off guard but my answer is something I have always told myself.

"Of course I do. I would never want to be not with you and you know that. The idea of not being with you is something I never wanna have. But even in the future I always wonder if we will be hiding like this, keeping our relationship as a secret?" I spilled the question and fear that I always have in my heart.

"I wish I could answer that Kibum. But that's a question neither of us can answer. But what I know is that I will always want you" he said looking into my eyes lovingly.

"And I will always want you too. If I could, I want to spend my whole life with you my Jjongie" I said looking back into his eyes lovingly and playfully.

"Well then come here my love" he said pulling me onto him again which earned a chuckle from the both of us.

Crashing back on him I looked up, into those eyes that held Love that was only meant for me.

Pushing myself up slightly I leaned in placing a soft kiss on his lips.

"I love you"  I said and snuggled into his neck tightening my hold on him.

"Do you now? I had no idea Kim Kibum loved me?" he said with that playful tone of his that he clearly knows that annoys me.

"What? Say that again?" I looked up at him.

"I was saying I love you too" he said still with that playful going in his eyes.

"You better be" Playfully hitting him on the chest I again snuggled into his neck and wrapping my hands around him.

His laughter due to my actions reached my ears as he wrapped his arms around me and making me feel secure and warm.

My eyes fluttered open due to the disturbing sunlight that was emitting through the curtains. The first thing that I saw as I opened my eyes was the empty side of Jjongs bed.

I felt a wetness on my cheeks that made me touch it. Tears. That was just a dream.

I felt my lips curl into a small smile.

"Good morning Jjong" I said looking at his side of the bed and closing my eyes for a few seconds just enough time to hear his good morning in my head.

I layed on the bed for just probably a long time before I sat up, hearing Jjongs mom from outside.

I should get up too. I thought to myself and stood up from the bed and walking into the bathroom with the extra towel I had used last night and the clothes.

After brushing my teeth I got to removing my clothes. While taking off his hoodie the familiar scent of his engulfed my nose making me sigh.

I did not take too much in the shower but just enough time. Drying myself and wearing the outfit I had wored yesterday I got out of the bathroom.

Putting the towel away nicely I sat down infront of the dressing table he has. Cause I will just be going back home I did not put any thing except the moisturizer and balm.

Even though I was done I just sat infront of the mirror just staring at a specific nothing letting a small memory slip in.

Flash back

"I have seen you do that make up more than countless times but it still amazes me. How do you do that everyday?" he asked as if it's the first time seeing me doing this.

I looked at him from the mirror to see a very amazed looking Jjong on the bed.

"I do this from my hands. Why are you looking like that? As you said you have seen me do this more than a countless times" I said getting back to doing what I was doing.

"But still......"

"Close your mouth Jjong. A fly may get in" I said looking at him again from the mirror.

My words made him shut his mouth instantly and making me laugh.

"Aww Jjong" the more I laughed I saw his face get red from emberassment.

Flashback ends.

I looked at the bed from the mirror imagining he was laying right there.

"Today, I woke up with a dream. Not just a dream. A memory. A memory of you and me talking about the future and laughing and smiling. It's the first time I have seen a memory in my dreams. I believe that you were enjoying with me, watching our memory. Today I am not going to cry. Today I am going to smile because I woke with your laughter." I took a deep breath closing my eyes and opening it exhaling.

"I promise" saying that into the mirror I stood up and grabbed my jacket and bag before walking to the door. Turning around I looked into the room. Carefully.

Before turning around and opening the door with a smile and in a whisper I said bye eventhough I know I won't be hearing a bye back from him like I actually would.

When I got out of the room I was enveloped with the mouth watering smell of breakfast. Jjong's mom is a great cook.

Closing the door gently I went into the kitchen and saw her being busy.

"Good morning"

To the sound of me she moved her eyes from what she was doing and looked at me with a smile forming instantly.

"Good morning Kibum-ah. Did you sleep well?" she asked.

"Yes. I actually did. How about you?" I answered with a smile. It's the first time after I came from Europe that I was able to sleep well. It has been hard but last night I was able to sleep very well.

"Very good then. I also slept well. I am making breakfast go and sit down" she said getting back to her work.

"Let me help" I said putting my bag and jacket on the chair infront of the kitchen counter.

"No need. Go and sit. I will come. And don't try saying other wise. Now go. Quick" she said quickly before I could say anything else.

"Okay" I turned away listening to her.

Even though it was not easy I stayed put until she came and sat with me after arranging the table.

The breakfast was filled with talks. I talked to her about the movie and the concerts that's coming up and the variety show that I am going to be on. With everything she kept saying how she was so happy for me and kept telling me encouraging words which I needed very much.

After the breakfast and a warm cup of coffee I left his house promising that I would come back soon.

The ride back home was not too long but it felt long enough. On the way I had picked up my babies from the care taker.

Back at the apartment I had nothing to do. No plans for the day and I do not want to go out. So I started doing what I do the best when I am home. Cleaning the house.

The whole day went by and all I did was clean. Every crook and nook of my home. By the time night came, I was too exhausted to do anything other than take a relaxing shower and sleep.

And that's exactly what I did. Shower and Sleep. Before the sleep took over me completely the last thing I saw was his smiling face and instanly I knew, I will be sleeping very well.

Too short right? Don't worry, the next chapter won't be.

I just want to say that I am very thankful that there are still readers who are reading this.Thank you.

Lots of love,
From me.


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