A day of fun

Always and Forever right?


Third person:

It has been three days since "hell of a night" happened. Since that day neither Jonghyun or Kibum tried too hard. Something changed betwen them. Something good ofcourse. Strangely everything was at ease. Maybe that's all that's about the couple. They understand each other. Like phsycics, they read each others mind. It's crazy.

Only if they could be out. For sure everyone would make them their relationship goals. From the begining they both clicked. When they met each other for the first time who would have known that they would ever be romantically involved.

After that night they went to their usual lives. The life they lived when they were not together. The only reason why he stayed home the whole month was because he was worried.

But now everything is okay. They both are living their lives. But as many people says; something's never change. They start their morning together and end their night together with a goodnight message and I love you.

It feels like once again the mini storm that seem to pass through their relationship once in a while has passed. But for how long? How long is their relationship going to be at ease?

Who knows maybe the next time the storm comes its more bigger than the others? Will then Jonghyun still be able to keep the promise that he sealed with their kiss? The promise that he made to Kibum and swore never to break. The promise that he keeps in his heart everyday. Will this time Kibum be able to bear everything and mask it like he always have?

Most importantly will their love survive? Is it strong enough to survive the storm that may come?

Who knows, Only time will tell.

Taemin's POV:

"Hyung, where are you?" I asked the person at the other end.

"I am going out with Nicole. Why?" Key hyung asked.

"Nothing. I am bored. Everybody is so busy" I said.

"Where are the other members?" he asked.

"Jonghyun hyung is making music, Minho hyung is at his parents and I haven't called Jinki hyung yet." I said.

"Then call him. See you tomorrow. I will be going over to the dorm tomorrow." he spoke.

"Ah, Okay. Bye." I said.

"Bye" and the line went dead.

The next number in the line was Jinki hyung. And that exactly whom I called next.

After three rings he answered the phone.

"Hello" I greeted first.

"Hello. What's wrong Taemin-ah?" he asked.

"Will I be only calling if there Is something wrong?" I asked acting as if I was offended.

But as the person Jinki hyung is he laughed it off. "Ofcourse not. You are bored aren't you?" he asked.

"You know me so well hyung. Hahaha. Yes I am bored. What are you upto?" I asked.

"Nothing yet. But I was thinking of going out to eat a bit of ice cream and take a drive or something else" he listed a couple of options and I like them all.

"That sounds good. I will get ready. Come pick up" I said.

Before he could say anything I felt my phone vibrate. I moved the phone away from my ear an checked who was calling. It's meager hyung.

Placing the phone back near my ear I quickly said to him "Ah hyung, manager hyung is calling. I will have to hang up. I will be ready on time" I said. As soon as I heard him say okay and bye I hung up his call and answered manager hyungs call.

"Yes, hyung" I said.

"Where are you?" he asked

"I am home yet" I answered.

"Yet?" he asked.

"Yes. I am going out with Jinki hyung" I told my plan for the night.

"Ah okay. It's almost night be careful" as always worrying. I really love my manager hyung. He is so caring.

"Yes hyung, I won't." I said

"Okay. Bye." he said and hung up.

After hanging up I quickly started getting ready.

Exactly 30 minutes later I was down in the parking lot with mask and hat on.

Not too long after Jinki hyung car parked infromt of me. I got in without any struggles. Since it's night it's a bit safe to go out alone.

"Hello hyung" I ask getting in the car and putting the seat belt on.

"Hello Taemin" he said back.

"So where first?" I asked.

"First food. I am very hungry. It's okay right?" he asked making me chuckle.

"Ofcourse hyung, I am also hungry" I said.

Without anymore words he started the engine going who knows where.

Through the ride me and hyung chatted non-stop. Thankfully hyung is a very smooth driver so I was at ease and comfortable the whole time. I always am.

After what felt like a short time but in real almost an hour later the car stopped making me stop and turning the head outside to see where we are.

It was a restaurant I have never seen before. But it's looks very nice.

"Where are we?" I asked still looking outside

"It's a restaurant" he stated the obvious.

I started laughing. This hyung really

"Really? I didnot know. Thank you for telling me hyung" I said facing him, my words filled with sacarsm.

Even though he didnot laugh he had a smile on him.

Parking the car in a safe place we both got out and headed into the restaurant. Opening the door and getting in I saw that there were so less people. Just two or three couple only.

Without looking anywhere Jinki hyung walked in bowing a little to the cashier lady. I did the same and followed him to a table at the corner of the restaurant. The whole restaurant had glass walls except the corners.

Hyung chose the table in the corner but still had a full view of the outside.

Taking a seat infront of him I waited till the waiter brings the menue.

Once he brought the menu and left I removed my mask, it was getting a bit stuffy.

The whole menus had so delicious choice's in it. But my eyes were only on one section. The meat section.

Looking up from the menue I saw that Jinki hyung too had removed his mask and was only wearing his hat.

"What are you taking?" I asked.

"Fried rice with beef. you?" he asked looking up from the menu.

I looked back down to the menue.

"Umm the meal set. You know the one with rice, grilled beef and salad and Kimchi" I said reading the menue.

"Why that?" he asked.

"It has grilled beef" I said.

"Hahaha. Okay. So let's order" he said and raised his hand.

After giving out the order not too late our food came.

The second food was placed we both dogged into our food like hungry dogs. Ahahaha. I am just exaggerating. We didn't eat like hungry dogs.

Once we were done with food Jinki hyung laid the bill and tips on the table before leaving the restaurant.

"The five of us should totally come here together" I said to hyung as I put the seat belt on.

"Yeah. I told Minho about this place so that all five can come here. It's nice isn't it?" Hyung asked

"Yes it is and now I really need something sweet." I said.

"That's what is exactly in my mind." I said starting the engine.

The ride to get something sweet was silent. Jinki hyung did not say anything. And I was looking outside the whole time.

Minutes later we stopped infront of baskin Robbins. Getting in I ordered chocolate ice cream for both of us. Because Jinki hyung paid for the dinner I paid for the ice-cream. Even though it's night it's hot. It is a summer night.

Getting back in the car hyung drive us to the bridge side. The place had so few cars on the road. Parking the car at the side hyung and I both got out and stood near the railing. Even the land was hot the wind coming from the sea was so comforting. I could sleep here on the spot.

"You are awfully quiet hyung" I said still looking at the sea.

"Its nothing. I am just not in the mood to talk much" he said.

"Aah okay. " I said looking at him before turning to look at the sea again.

"Were you really the cupid between Jonghyun and Kibum?" hyung suddenly asked.

"Where did that come from?" I asked looking at him. Nobody except Jonghyun hyung knows that I knew about Key hyung feelings way before anyone knew.

"Were you?" he asked again. Now he was looking at me.

"No I was not. It was all them. But I knew about Key hyungs feelings before anyone" there was no need to hide it anymore. At that time I had a valid reason why I couldnot tell hyung.

"But then again why are you suddenly asking about it?" I asked.

"Because you told everything three nights ago when you were drunk" he said now with a teasing smile on him.

This hyung. Really.

"Aah. Hahahaha." I laughed.

"But why didn't you tell me about it?" he asked.

I took a deep breath.

"At that time I couldn't. And it was never my place to tell it to anyone. I would also have not know about it if I didn't confront him. Oh god hyung. I can never forget that night" I said closing my eyes and shaking my head hoping to get rid of the image and sound of Key hyung crying.

"Why?" he asked clearly concern lacing his voice.

"He was crying so hard that it really broke my heart. He has always cried during concerts and all, but it was nothing compared to that night. He was in so much pain. Argh. I don't want to think about it." I said.

"Okay. Then let's go. It's not safe to stay here for too long" he said and I agreed.

Getting back in the car he started driving. I was not sure where we are going.

"So we're you really the spy?" he asked.


"You said that you made the plan to help Kibum to make Jonghyun like him and that you will be the one to talk to him and share the progress. So did you really tell kibum or even ask Jonghyun about any of it?" he asked.

"Aah" I undertsoond.

"No I didnot. I didnot tell Key Hyung anything. You Hyungs know that most of the time I am always lost in my world and most of the time I don't even know what you guys are talking about till late. But I was keeping an eye on Jonghyun hyung the whole time. I knew what was happening. I knew Key hyung was hurting but I stood at the side and just waited. I wanted Jonghyun hyung to realise it himself. It was never my place to tell anything to anyone. Now look at them. The place where they are now, them being together; is all them." by now I had smile on me.

I looked at. Even though hyung was driving I knew he was listening intently because of the smile he had.

"You are right. I am very happy for them. I am more happy because it's Kibum and Jonghyun. As a leader and their hyung I feel at ease that they are both very smart and loving. Don't you agree?" he asked looking away from the road.

"I don't know hyung. I am immensly happy for them. But who knows what will happen. But my best wishes is with them" I said answering his question.

"Anyways hyung, where are we going?" I asked.

"Games" he said giving me the brightest smile ever.

I returned the smile. It has been too long since I had some fun.

That's how the night went. Playing game after game, Talking, Laughing and having fun.

At the end I ended up sleeping in the dorm. Hyung was too tired to drive any much longer and I was too tired to protest. And why should I? Dorm is home afterall.


I just wonder what how strong this storm is going to be?

I wrote a bit from a third person POV. I have always wanted to write it like that so I gave it a go.

I hope you like and enjoy it. That's what matters.

Lots of Love,
From Me.


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