Valentines Day Part 2

Infinite Daddies




"Happy Valentines Day!" Miss Jaekyung happily cheered as she excitedly clapped her hands at the front of the classroom, "Did you hear that? It's Valentines Day, and that means that it's party time~!" Encouraging all of the little toddlers to scream, "Yeaahh!" alongside her and, "Let's party!" while she performed a cute little dance routine for them. "Ne! But remember now," she continued, "you must be on your best behavior and be nice to everyone, ok~?"

"Ne, Miss Jaekyung!" the obediently shouted.

"Oh, goodie~" she cutely wrinkled up her nose at her adorable students, "Ok then, let's get things started. Everyone line up in front of Ubi's appa."

"Ne, Miss Jaekyung," the children happily cheered one last time before getting up from their seats and, a little hectically (but not disorderly), lining up at the food station. Where Hoya was ready (as Food Cupid #1) to fill their plates up with a selection of yummy squid-shaped hot dogs, tiny mandus, and bindae-tteok. Then, sitting right next to him was Minah (Food Cupid #2) ready with bone-shaped cookies (Ubi's suggestion clearly) and tasty apple juice pouches. Followed by Food Cupid #3, Daddy Woohyun, with jelly, ketchup, applesauce, and chips. Why? Because the mischevious little kids had all voted that they needed jelly, ketchup, applesauce, and chips.

The consequences, of course: grape jelly covered hot dogs, barbeque flavored chips dipped in applesauce, and ketchup smothered bindae-tteok. A toddler's delight! Plus the bonus mandu and cookie treat! Everything that their tiny, clever little mouths couldn't normally get away with at home.

And yes, Infi'd started it all, "I want to mix grape jelly with my mandu this time."

Woohyun chuckled as he sipped on his own juice box next to his daughter (after everyone else had their plates too). Before opening his mouth up wide to appease his duties as the royal taste-tester. But not without one of his usual cheeky jokes, "Why not just put the jelly directly on Daddy's cheek and eat me, hehe?" Encouraging his daughter to laugh as she did just that. Her tiny index finger smearing grape jelly onto his face as she held the real mandu up to his mouth.

"One..two..three.." he had to psych himself up before chowing down on it, "nom." Yep, yucky, it was yucky just like everything else that'd she'd fed him prior.

But he had to bear it as his baby girl only watched his reaction momentarily before popping the other half into . Analyzing the texture and taste as she gladly swallowed while declaring, "I like it!" 

"Ne?" Woohyun dryly coughed before taking another long sip from his fourth juice box, "You like this mix too?"

"Ne!" Infi gleefully giggled while already moving on to her next experiment. Grabbing a chopstick to began mixing jelly with applesauce, "Now this one."

To her daddy's dismay as the life drained from his face, "Oh? Another one? Aren't you full?" 

Infi stopped stirring for a second and rubbed her tummy, " ate most of it.."

*Blink blink* .... That was true, the royal taste-tester had regretfully eaten most of Infi's Valentine's Day lunch...involuntarily. While she'd merely nibbled on the remains while nomming down on her cookie. "You manipulative little..." Woohyun thought to himself before accusingly asking her, "Ne, but why aren't you eating more? Isn't everything so tasty?" out loud.

"Ne," Infi spooned her jelly-sauce up for Daddy, "but I'm saving room for chocolate."

"Oooohh...I see," Woohyun sarcastically nodded his head as he reluctantly leaned down to take the whole spoon in-between his teeth, "Nnngh, ne, I see."


But then when he hadn't returned it after a while (refusing to swallow), Infi simply resolved to taste her jelly-sauce on her own. her fingers before shoving her whole hand into the tiny bowl. After which, deciding that she liked her latest concoction so much that she'd mix it with the remainder of her big cookie.

All the while, Woohyun just looked on in disbelief...

Likewise, Hoya rubbed his own stomach as he felt the impending tummyache coming on, "Aigoo.. bindae-tteok sure is crunchy with chips in it. Let's not add ketchup this time. I think it's tasty enough." Almost begging his own daughter to stop force-feeding him, "Actually, why don't we eat another cookie instead?"

Overall though, all of the children really did love these new unexpected combinations. Maybe it was because they were all still young and had under-developed tastebuds, or maybe their wild imaginations had fooled them into thinking that these abominations were delicious? But both father's just couldn't believe it, and neither could the other voluntary Cupids (I mean victims) either. One parent had actually already thrown up in secret.

...Oh, the joys of parenthood and what you'd do for your own little crotch goblin...

Alas, Miss Jaekyung certainly wasn't helping either as she glided through the room, complimenting all of the toddlers' creativity skills, "Uwwaaa~ these are so good~! Do you taste that? But you wouldn't expect it would you? Uwa~ how wonderful! Two foods that you would never have thought could go together so well really do~! Just like how two kids who don't think that they can get along can surprise you too! Have you met your best friend yet? What is something that they like but you're not so sure about? Have you given it a try yet? Why not? You might like it too? Let's be adventurous and try all sorts of fun new things together, ok!"

"Of course she planned on this being a life lesson..." Hoya silently mouthed across the room, for his hyung to read his lips and begrudging nod his head.

While the daycare teacher continued on, "Ne~ anyway, why don't we start exchanging Valentines Day Cards? And, remember every card is special because each and every one of you little angels are special. So you should cherish every single one, no matter if you dislike the friend who is giving it to you or not. Because just like our lunch right now you never know who'll go perfectly with you. You just have to get to know them a little better~."

"Ne, Miss Jaekyung!" Woohyun obediently cheered alongside the kids this time. While silently scoffing because he couldn't really argue with her methods. I mean, it was a cute activity that engaged the kids... It just had a few casualties along the way.

That and her little speech reminded him of their old trainee days where he'd fought almost nonstop with his now-husband. Chuckling, "I'm the jelly," and the mandu.  Everything sweet, really. And Gyu, he's everything spicy. But , they went so well together.

"Ne! So, who wants to go first?" Miss Jaekyung continued.

As everyone jumped up and down, "Me, me, me, me!" Including Woohyun and Hoya, just for giggles. But not Dongwoo, he was too busy retrieving "The Wheel of Name-ies" out of the closet. Because, you know, it's only fair to spin a big wheel with all of the students' names on it in order to fairly choose who gets to go first.

"Ok, the wheel it is since everyone is so eager to go!" Miss Jaekyung cheerfully agreed with him before covering her eyes as she spun it around. Only peeking after the clicking sound had dissipated, "Uwa! Hyun Seunghee, please grab your Valentine's Day cards and begin handing them out~!"

"Ne, Miss Jaekyung!" the lucky little girl in a pretty pink dress happily hopped up out of her seat to collect her cards from her mommy (Yoona). Who in return helped her loving daughter graciously pass them out to all 14 children (while scooting around on her own kneecaps to stay low to the ground). Every customized card just as pretty and pink as Seunghee herself, the vision of a fairy princess gracing her adoring fans, and covered in flowers.

AKA, a total eyesore in Infi's opinion as she begrudgingly thanked Little Miss Perfect for her girly monstrosity. All the while remembering Miss Jaekyung's advice to pretend to get along with the irritating thorn in her side, "Thank you Seunghee." After all, it's not like Daddy was aware of their long-standing feud because, for the most part, the two girls had kept it secret until now. Only discretely arguing with each other during recess or "accidentally" tripping each other in the hallway. 

Next up, Hoshi and Nayoung passed out dinosaur-themed and butterfly-themed cards, respectively. Followed by Jaeho and Vernon, and so forth. Until finally when it was oo and Moomoo's turn, they split their deck and each handed out 7 fart joke cards. Finally, ones that Infi liked, "Haha, Daddy what does it say?"

Woohyun gave his daughter (who was currently sitting in his lap) an Eskimo kiss as he leaned over to open the card, "Let's see~." Reading it out loud, "It says, Happy Valentines Day. Do you smell a noble gas? Omo! Did you fart, my Queen?" Chuckling at the illustration of the Queen of England farting before realizing that Infi was probably too young to get the whole joke. So he simplified it, "The queen is a noble (royal) lady so she only farts noble gasses, just like my little royal lady~."

"Oohh~" Infi took the card back from him and giggled, "She farted."

With that, he just snickered, "Ne, Baby, she farted." 

"And Daddy farts too."

"Ne-Ne, Daddy farts too, haha," Woohyun chuckled at the unexpected comment, though added," Psst, but so does Infi." 

"Wait, let me check," Infi wiggled her a little and tried to expel a toot. *Poot* "Ne, still got it!"

And by now the other parents were looking at them, but all Woohyun could do was hug his little troublemaker tighter and laugh, "Omo, did you just fart on Daddy~?"


Later on, it was finally Ubi's turn to pass out her doggie-themed cards. But Hoya Appa wasn't about to make this easy on her. First off, he refused to help his shy little angel pass them out, seeing this as the perfect opportunity to make her interact with the other kids (which she'd otherwise try to avoid). And Secondly, he wanted her to have fun (or his definition of fun anyway) while doing it, so he played some music and instructed her to dance to it as well.

Sure, he got a few judgemental looks at first from the other parents for making his easily embarrassed daughter do something that she obviously didn't want to. Including Dongwoo, but they'd already talked this over at home and he'd decidedly backed off. Allowing it to happen in the hopes that she'd finally come out of her shell because her only friends were Infi, oo, and Moomoo, after all, and no one else. She'd never even tried to befriend anyone without Infi's help. But even when she did befriend someone new, it'd always go sour because she'd cower away the second that Infi disappeared. Or be too quiet and/or "boring," as one parent (no, not the kid, the kid's parent) had actually said once. But their daughter wasn't "boring," she was just extremely shy. And worse, her shyness seemed to be getting worse as the days passed by...which is why they'd started taking her to therapy. 

Agh..their poor shy baby...

Alas, she needed to learn confidence and this little experiment wasn't so bad, right? Especially since several of the other little kids had started dancing along with her - to one of their favorite children's songs. So after the fourth card or so, Ubi loosened up a bit and a slight smile graced her face. "Here go, Eunha," while swaying left and right and handing the other little girl her new card and doggie plushie.

"Ne, thank you," Eunha's eyes instantly lit up in return, especially upon seeing the small Dalmatian. Jumping up to take it from Ubi, but not without giving her a little twirl in excitement, "I love it! Dalmatians are my favorite!"

But, of course, Hoya and Dongwoo already knew that, after making sure to ask around beforehand. Eunha loves Dalmations, Jisung loves German Shepards, and of course, Infi loves Spiri, etc. So, they'd purposefully matched all of the dogs to each toddler's preference. And, nonetheless, the kids quickly picked up on this and were already jumping around and energetically dancing alongside Ubi as they eagerly awaited their own cute plushies. "I want a Chihuahua, I want a Chihuahua!" "Do you have a Bulldog?"

An adorable scene for all to see.

And once it was over Hoya rejoiced as she rejoined her parents with a big bright smile. While noting that, "This is what it feels like to be popular, Ubi." 

"Ne? I'm popular?"

"Ne, you are, sweetie. Everyone loves their gifts and wants to be friends with you," he then congratulated his brave daughter with a kiss on the cheek, "Mwah, you're very popular now, so there's no need to be shy anymore, ok."

Alas, "Omo, everyone?" he'd ed up. "...That's too many friends," her face unexpectedly dropped as the existential dread kicked in.

Leaving Hoya at a loss as he mumbled to himself, "But I thought this would--...You are way too young to be this full of dread..."

" tried," Dongwoo just sighed as he Hoya on the back while restraining himself from saying, "I told you so."

"Right...Back to therapy, it is then..."

"Ne," Dongwoo closed his eyes as he nodded his head, "I'll call as soon as we leave here." While already secretly texting Ubi's therapist to complain about how Hoya's plan to make Ubi "popular" (thus forcing her to interact with everyone too early) had subsequently backfired.

Nevertheless, inevitably it was eventually Infi's turn, near the end of the party. "No, I want to do it myself."

"Omo, but--?" Woohyun pouted, "But I wanted to go with you~. Daddy wants to help~."

"A queen doesn't need help."


Hoya snickered, "Ne, Hyung, The Queen has spoken. Sit down."

"Agh.." Woohuyn cleared his throat as he sat back down, "Al-Alright then, you can do it all by yourself..." Alas, he'd pout for the rest of the day. But his daughter was right, she needed to do this alone. Otherwise, Daddy'd mess it up for sure because he's too much of a softy and clumsy to boot. 

Starting off with Sojin, "Sojinnie, please hold out your wrist."

"Oh? ok," the little girl expectantly held both of her hands out in anticipation of receiving another cute card. When instead, she was surprised to witness Infi pull out an adorable fluffy rainbow-colored unicorn bracelet from her bag of goodies and wrap it around her right arm.

While reciting the lines, "Sojinnie, with this bracelet I give you my love. Do you accept me?"

Which was when Yadong ing lost it, "Pffft!!" Hoya spitting out his drink, before catching this cheeky grin on Woohyun's face. He'd flat out told Infi to propose to each and every kid in her class like this. 

"Haha," yep. And that was why Woohyun had wanted to "help" her. AKA film every proposal up close.

Though honestly, as wide-eyed and innocent as they all were, every excited little boy and girl happily pledged their undying love to their superior overlord over a cute  Valentines Day bracelet. That is until it was Seunghee's turn (last) and all she got was a, "You can have this ugly zombie one." Blowing her otherwise secret feud out into the open. But she just couldn't do it. Seunghee's obnoxious smile was just sooooo irritating to look at, and her puffy pink princess dress made Infi want to vomit up close.

And of course, "Infi!" Woohyun instinctually shouted at her from across the room, "That's not nice! Seunghee was nice to you, why can't you be nice to--!?"

But just then he was cut off be Seunghee herself, "That's ok, I love it! Thank you, Infi! I never knew that I'd like an ugly zombie until now!" 

Infi's eye twitched as she gritted her teeth, knowing that it was a blatant lie while subduing her inner hatred for her arch-nemesis. Who'd, cleverly out-smarted her by pretending to like her gift, "Oh? Then do you like a unicorn instead?"

Seunghee shook her head, still with the most pleasant smile on her face. All the while masking her own disgust towards her enemy better than Infi was, "No, I like this one just fine."

"..." Infi calculated the situation carefully while putting on a fake apologetic smile, "Are you sure, I wanted to give you a unicorn since I know that you like them. But I ran out. I'm sorry. It's alright if you trade with someone else though." Putting the ball back in Seunghee's field to see if she'd really do it.

"Oh, you did? Is it really? ...No, I think I'll keep this one because it's unique. It stands out, and it's just like you, Infi."

Meanwhile Woohyun cocked his head behind them, "Wait a minute..." recalling how Seunghee's name had been the one and only choice for the zombie bracelet. All the while contemplating exactly what, "It's just like you," means. Was that a catty remark? Was he missing something here? He'd ask Yoona if she knew anything about it later on. 

Yet, "Ne, it's alright. I'm glad that you like it," Infi nodded her head. And then, she did the worst thing imaginable. She hugged Seunghee before returning to her seat. Dumbfounding her mortal enemy and winning their little confrontation.

Mysteriously, later on, as everyone was leaving, Woohyun found the card that Seunghee had gifted Infi ripped up and thrown away into the trashcan. Likewise, the zombie bracelet had been shoved into his car's tailpipe in the parking lot. "Alright...I'm definitely missing something.." he coughed.

Regardless, he'd have to solve this one later on. Right now, though, he had to drive straight home. After leaving Infi with Yadong because they'd agreed to take both girls to their favorite children's activity center to run around and go wild. Hence, Woogyu got to celebrate Valentines Day in private first, and then Yadong got to celebrate later. After Ubi and Infi passed the hell out.





Infi stood all the way up on her tippytoes and swayed cutely in her sundress, "I'm volatile~."  (definition: liable to change rapidly and unpredictable for the worse)

Woohyun coughed, "She means Happy Valentines Day."




Sorry, the creative juices aren't flowing much, and I don't feel like editing much this round. > <

Also, I'll get to some private Woogyu and Yadong romance time later. ;P


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sujinnie2 #1
Probably Kris Wu doesn't want to talk to sm ent now
sujinnie2 #2
sujinnie2 #3
so funnyyyyyyyyyy he was being bullieddd lol
Chapter 77: Oh God.. This was so funny.. Loved this
Chapter 77: Omfggg I can't!
That was too darn funny!
I love the pun!
Chapter 72: I APPROVE
Chapter 71: This was so good... I mean I had a good laugh. What a way of using the dialogues. I really enjoyed reading this❤️
Chapter 71: That was amazinggggg I can't I laughed so hard!!!
Myungki hanging on to the log at Splash Mountain and the ride being shut down
How did Jong find Myungki?!
Chapter 70: "Cinderella adopted us!"
"Take Ubi if you want but I'm going home!"
I burst out laughing omfgggg this is the best! I love the different reactions from both kids!
Also, this made me happy cause I'm SUPPOSED to go to Disney World this year.... stupid pandemic!
At least my cute little fictional girls are having the fun I could have had.
Chapter 69: i'm very excited to see what adventure you have up next!!!