Happy Chuseok

Infinite Daddies



Aight, so I rushed this one, but I forgot that today was Chuseok and I only had a few free hours. So yeah, Happy Chuseok!






"Remember Infi, we bow three times. Three times," Woohyun lovingly reminded his daughter before they joined everyone else at the table that morning, "Twice for our ancestors and once more for our living family members. Ok? Like this, sweetheart," demonstrating as such by placing his forehead all the way down onto the floorboards. "Ok. Now you try."

Alas, Infi merely shook her head as she stared up at her daddy in her adorable little pink hanbok, "I don't understand these human customs.." before continuing on her merry way, to climb up into her highchair all on her own like a big girl. 

Leaving a pout across his usually happy face, "But, we went over this last year, Baby~. Don't you remember everything that Daddy, Appa, and your awesomie-super-fantastic grandparents taught you? Today's Chuseok. Chuseok.Thanksgiving? That's why we're all dressed up real pretty and all of our friends and families are here~," he whined as he opened his arms up wide to point out each and every one of their visitors that day. "See, there's Grammy and Grampy, Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle Daeyeol, Uncle Hoya's parents," and on and on. 

Up until his mother shooshed him, "Oh just be quiet and sit down. If she didn't do it last year, they'll forgive her for not doing it this year too. You keep forgetting that she's only four. When you didn't even bow properly until you were at least six."

"Uwa!? Umma? What do you mean? I was a perfect little angel who always bowed!"

"Ha!" Gyu spit out his drink, "You? A perfect little angel!? Hahahahaha! More like a mischevious heathen."

While his mother just snickered at him as she cracked a joke of her own, "Oh, no, no, now I remember, you could fully bow all on your own, even as a 1-year-old. My mistake."

Allowing Hoya's mother to playfully intervene, "Ne, babies are very flexible these days, aren't they? But, in all truth, it's ok if Infi doesn't bow just yet. I'm sure that all of our ancestors will be kind and patient with her. Besides, Ubi just did a wonderful forward tumble just now in place of bowing, herself. So they are currently very pleased today. So don't worry too much about it. Perhaps she'll decide to bow next year."

But not without Dongwoo squirming in his seat at the mention of his daughter's impromptu action, "Ne, but she ripped up her pretty little hanbok doing it too..." Because, in truth, no one had encouraged Ubi to tumble. She'd just surprised everyone with it, after simply realizing that it was better than just softly headbutting the floor three times. 

Nevertheless, Woohyun begrudgingly gave up and sat down himself. But only after forcing Infi to promise that, "Next year, when we go to Grandpa and Grandma's house," per rotating holiday locations, "you will absolutely bow. Because we'll be visiting our ancestors' gravesites. Ok? Promise me? You can't disrespect them on their graves."

Infi reluctantly pinky swore on it.

"Ok! You promised. I'm holding you to it. Everyone's a witness."

Meanwhile, Myungsoo was spotted handing Myungki off to his father so that he could stuff his face freely without any distractions. Leaving Yeol to just roll his eyes at his food-obsessed hubby (who once didn't even recognize his own teacher serving him his order).




"Alright, it's picture time!" Soo called out after everyone had finished eating. Having set up his own fully functioning photography studio in the backyard. Which, by the way, was the main appeal of having everyone's families meet up at their dorm this year. Alongside, not wanting to travel long distances with infants...again. Teehee. But this way they could take all of the family portraits they wanted! Getting shots of everyone all together and split up into groups. All for free - courtesy of Kim Myungsoo!

"Great! Now let's get all of the kids together! Infi, smile~! Myungki, look at Daddy~. Ubi, sit like a lady, sweetheart." 

All in all, the day went by splendidly as everyone cheerfully took photographs, enjoyed each others company, and exchanged gifts all while playing folkgames and listening to music together. All cooing over Myungki as if he was the sun itself in all of his adorable glory as he sat giggling atop his plush palatine. While Infi and Ubi dastardly chased Spiri all throughout the yard - permanently destroying their cute colorful little hanbok dresses, and nearly demolishing Myungsoo's studio outright. 


Alas, just before the sun went down they all said their goodbyes, before all 7 Infinite boys collapsed onto the living room floor. 

Jongie taking a deep breath to complain, "I never knew holidays could be this exhausting..."

To which Gyu replied, "Of course they are...we're the parents now..." 

And Hoya snarked, "Ne, all hail our hardworking paren--I mean ancestors."

"You mean, all hail umma," Dongwoo corrected him with a snicker, "Since, at least none of us were responsible for cooking this time." 

Where Woohyun broke out into a fit of laughter, "Ne! That's right!" since it was true. All of their moms had pitched in and brought different dishes over like a pot-luck. 

"Oh right, but guys," Yeol still coughed up, "whose bright idea was it to invite everyone anyway?"

"I'm sorry..." Myungsoo apologized, "...I'm so sorry..."

"It's official, we're old.."

And with that short banter, they all decided to rest their eyes for just a moment. ....And by moment, I mean flat-out passed-out. Waking up hours later to the jolting realization that none of them knew where the kids were.

"Ubi!? Ubi!?" Dongwoo panicked as Soo ran straight to the last place he remembered seeing Myungki, "Monkey!?" while Yeol ran back outside to look further.

Woogyu putting their heads together as they hypothesized a probable scenario, "She probably fell asleep too."

"What are you insane?" Gyu shrieked, "We're talking about Infi! She's probably halfway up Mt. Everest by now! Or at least five blocks east of here riding some stranger's pet ox!"

Though, rest assured, one person wasn't panicking at all. That is...until Hoya found Nicki fast asleep in her own bed...without Ubi, "Oh !"






"It is time," Infi whispered in her demonic little voice, careful not to wake anybody up as she crept through the living room with Ubi, "Bring the pudgeling."

"Ne," Ubi whispered back as she quietly retrieved a small bag of hidden yogurt treats out from behind a dresser and ripping it open in front of Myungki. Dropping them one by one onto the carpet to get him to follow after her into Infi's bedroom.

Where, unbeknownst to anyone else, Infi'd constructed her own makeshift witchcraft circle to perform a seance. Complete with two already sacrificed stuffed animals, and Yoogeun gladly sitting on one side of the pentagram. 

"Now shall we begin?" she initiated the ceremony, "Everyone hold hands and join me. Because why visit our ancestors when they can come to visit us?"

Fast-forward to Monkey floating up and down in the center of the pentagram, wide-eyed and glowing red while unsure of how the heck he got up there, to begin with. But, "Don't worry," Infi reassured him, "The little stick people don't want to possess you, they just want to play."

Alas, Ubi wasn't so sure, "I don't know~, the smiley smudge man in the corner doesn't seem too nice..." Ready to abandon the seance at any minute now because he was making her cry. And honestly, the only reason that she hadn't already runoff was because Infi'd already warned her of the consequences of breaking the pact too early.  

But Infi insisted, "Ok, ok, I may have contacted the wrong people, but I can fix this." 

"You can?"

"Yes, all I need to do is read the squiggles out-loud some more," alluding to the Sumerian book that Yooguen gifted her earlier that month. "It says, hhhmmm doodoo whakum shiaka puti~." Yeah, that's right, Infi got her hands on a full-blown ancient magic book, full of God knows what! And, God, was she getting in over her head! 

But, don't worry. By the time their daddies found them, most of the monsters had gone away and everyone was fine. Thanks to Yoogeun's quick thinking and the aliens' intervention.

That, and she did eventually make contact with Infinite's ancestors - with the help of her biological mother. Who, was more than furious to find out about her daughter's "chaotic mishap." 

But all's well that ends well...Except for the brand new portal leading directly into the netherworld located inside of Infi's closet...





Psyche! Happy Friday the 13th, ers~! 

Just kidding, lol but Chuseok did land on Sept. 13th this year. 

Bye bye~ though. I need to go.



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sujinnie2 #1
Probably Kris Wu doesn't want to talk to sm ent now
sujinnie2 #2
sujinnie2 #3
so funnyyyyyyyyyy he was being bullieddd lol
Chapter 77: Oh God.. This was so funny.. Loved this
Chapter 77: Omfggg I can't!
That was too darn funny!
I love the pun!
Chapter 72: I APPROVE
Chapter 71: This was so good... I mean I had a good laugh. What a way of using the dialogues. I really enjoyed reading this❤️
Chapter 71: That was amazinggggg I can't I laughed so hard!!!
Myungki hanging on to the log at Splash Mountain and the ride being shut down
How did Jong find Myungki?!
Chapter 70: "Cinderella adopted us!"
"Take Ubi if you want but I'm going home!"
I burst out laughing omfgggg this is the best! I love the different reactions from both kids!
Also, this made me happy cause I'm SUPPOSED to go to Disney World this year.... stupid pandemic!
At least my cute little fictional girls are having the fun I could have had.
Chapter 69: i'm very excited to see what adventure you have up next!!!