
Infinite Daddies







"Achoo!" Ubi awoke that morning to a big red nose and puffy eyes. Sniffling profusely as she cried her lungs out while struggling to breathe for her daddies. Who, both instantly decided to call up her doctor and schedule an immediate appointment.

"No, don't cry, Baby. Don't cry~," Dongwoo did everything to console her in his arms as he wiped away her snot with his sleeve, "Shh, shhh it's ok. It's just a bad morning~ Sweetheart. But it'll go away, Daddy promises. ..Oh no~, no~. You'll be all better in no times~." While Hoya frantically grabbed her shoes and emergency bag to run out the door.

But by now, Ubi knew what a doctor was, and she didn't like them. So, instead of obediently letting Appa put her shoes on, she wailed even louder, "No! No! I want Nicki! Nicki's my doctor!" Inevitably leaving the two of them with no choice but to appease her. If only for a moment longer, as they allowed her to crawl over and shove her face into Nicki's soft fur. And, then regret it seconds later, "Guh! Guah! AAgghhhh!! Nugh, urgh eeeeeuuuugghhnnnng!!"

"Aigoo, Ubi are you ok!?" Dongwoo gasped, every cell in his body screaming in regret, as he swooped her back up into his arms and lightly rubbed his hand against to help her breathe. "Alright, that's it, we're leaving. I don't know how you got this sick, little Missy, but Nicki's no magician. She can't heal you on her own. You need to see a real doctor, and that's final. With or without your shoes." 

When Hoya caught his attention, from the sidelines, "Wait... Hyung, on second thought, I don't think she's sick..."

"Huh? What!?" Dongwoo looked over at his lover incredulously, "Can you not see our child right now!? Have you gone blind!? What the--!? Is everyone blind now!? Has the entire world gone mad!?"

"O...ok..Ok," Hoya coughed nervously at his hyung's overreaction for a second there. But, "Alright. A: Honey, Wow. And, B: Look," he pointed to the TV. Directing Dongwoo to watch the local weather lady as she explained how a huge gust of wind that morning had ruffled up a large amount of pollen and other allergens. "Ubi must be allergic"

"..." Dongwoo stared down at their poor baby coughing in his arms, "...Allergic? But allergic to what..?"

"Umm, I guess...everything?" 

"Even Nicki!?"

"..." Hoya paused for a second, when he remembered, "No, Hyung, I took Nicki out to pee an hour ago. She must've gotten some of it in her fur."

"Agh..." Dongwoo cringed, " did it get everywhere~? We'll have to give her another bath now..."

Regardless, after locking Nicki up in their own bedroom, off they all went to see Ubi's pediatrician and get this all sorted out. After first calling the others (and their managers) to let them know where they'd run off to so early in the morning.




"Ne, she's allergic to pollen alright, looks to be tree pollen specifically," Ubi's doctor concluded after analyzing her finalized test results, "It's going to be a bad year for pollen too. I'll prescribe enough to get you through the next two months. But remember to only give her the medicine when needed. If you vacuum regularly and give her a little honey now and again you shouldn't need to make her take it every day. And once spring is over, we can go from there."

"Agh," Hoya groaned, "Can't we just make her not allergic to pollen anymore?...No...? Right..." he awkwardly answered his own question.

As Dongwoo slowly nodded his head, "... But, aren't there shots that can last longer than oral medications?" 

"Yes, but I don't advise giving them to four-year-olds," Ubi's doctor replied.

"Agh, I see..."

"Yes, but for now," the lady continued, "we'll give her a small dose of this formula right here," which she pulled out of a cabinet, "and see how she reacts to it. And then, if she seems to be getting better in the next thirty minutes to an hour, I'll discharge her and you all can go home."

"Thank you."




Forty-five minutes and 15 missed calls later...

Delightfully, to both Hoya and Dongwoo's pleasure, Ubi was doing a lot better after drinking the "yucky yellow" liquid, and they were ready to get out of there. Papers and prescriptions in hand as they walked back out through the front lobby. Ubi fast asleep.

However, just then, something irritatingly familiar caught Dongwoo's ear, "Ya, Hoya..why do I recognize that screaming?"

"Screaming?" Hoya looked around to identify which of the small sick children Dongwoo was talking about, "I mean...there's like five screaming kids right now.." When it hit him, "Wait a minute, that sounds like Infi?"

"Isn't that scary?" Dongwoo asked him as he narrowed his eyes in suspicion, "How can another kid sound just like Infi? Or am I going mad here and all kids sound alike? Am I hallucinating?"

"No, then we'd both be hallucinating..." Hoya pointed out - seconding the crazy theory - as he turned back around and pulled out his phone to call Woogyu just in case. But before he could check it, he heard a second familiar voice sardonically scolding the little girl.

"Well, that's what happens when you decide to jump out a window."

"Aigoo!? Gyu!?" they were certain of it. Yes, they'd definitely both heard Sunggyu's voice coming from the room two doors down. Quickly running over to find him - arms crossed and fuming at the head at his unruly daughter. Who, on the other hand, was a ball of sopping wet tears clutching her swollen ankle.

"Oh my God!? What happened!? Sunggyu Hyung, what happened to Infi's ankle!?" they both freaked out.

When Gyu snapped at them too, "What do you think happened!? She jumped out the damn window! And now is when you both decide to show up!?"

"What--Wait--? But why!?" Dongwoo gasped.

When Woohyun quietly entered the room behind them with an ice pack on his head. Catching Hoya's attention, "And what happened to you, Hyung!?"

"..." Woohyun just exchanged knowing looks with Gyu from across the room. Before Gyu huffed, "Well for starters if you'd both have checked your phones earlier today, all of this wouldn't have had to happen."

"W-wait? W-what?" Dongwoo stuttered, "This is our fault?"

"Yes, it's your fault," Gyu sneered. 

As Hoya scoffed, "Ha! Yeah, right. She's your child, so how did we break her leg?"

"Because!" Gyu moved his hands to his hips, "If you'd have answered your damn phones when we called the first ten times, then Infi wouldn't have gone rogue and demanded to learn why the flowers, and trees," violently motioning to Woohyun's injured head," singled out and attacked her best friend!!" 

"Wait? What?" Dammit, Dongwoo, stop repeating the same thing like a dumb parrot.

"Ya! So, yes, it's all because of you two that she attacked the Tree King," again motioning to Woohyun," with a coffee cup, and then jumped out the window to punch flowers and straggle leaves!"

"How--" this time Hoya's voice box malfunctioned. Intending to ask, "How did that go?" only to shut down half-a-second later in self-preservation because Gyu would have punched him in the face. 

Needless to say though, Gyu took the hint, "Horribly," while clenching his fist, "she twisted her ankle on impact."


"So..." Dongwoo eventually broke the heated silence that was engulfing them, "Infi knows that Ubi's allergic to trees...?"

"..." Gyu glared at him, "Yes, and like I said, it's all your fault for calling to tell us that you were taking her to the hospital to get her allergies taken care of." 

"..." the room slipped back into silence. Neither Dongwoo or Hoya wanting to agree nor disagree with their enraged leader over who's really to blame here. But, I mean...Woogyu could have explained to Infi what allergies are a little better...

You know, those sort of thoughts filling up Hoya's mind until he chuckled, "Did you ever consider telling her that you're not actually a tree?"

When, *konk* Woohyun smacked him upside the head.

"Oww! But Hyung, what was that for? I just laughed, there's no need to hit me for it!"

Just then, Woohuyn smirked and replied in the most monotone voice, yet a hint of a French accent, "Vive la Tree Résistance."






That's right Hoya, the trees are coming for your whole- family!!

Sidenote: Who all's been around long enough to know that Infi's allergic to peanuts? 

Anyone else got serious allergies this week?



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sujinnie2 #1
Probably Kris Wu doesn't want to talk to sm ent now
sujinnie2 #2
sujinnie2 #3
so funnyyyyyyyyyy he was being bullieddd lol
Chapter 77: Oh God.. This was so funny.. Loved this
Chapter 77: Omfggg I can't!
That was too darn funny!
I love the pun!
Chapter 72: I APPROVE
Chapter 71: This was so good... I mean I had a good laugh. What a way of using the dialogues. I really enjoyed reading this❤️
Chapter 71: That was amazinggggg I can't I laughed so hard!!!
Myungki hanging on to the log at Splash Mountain and the ride being shut down
How did Jong find Myungki?!
Chapter 70: "Cinderella adopted us!"
"Take Ubi if you want but I'm going home!"
I burst out laughing omfgggg this is the best! I love the different reactions from both kids!
Also, this made me happy cause I'm SUPPOSED to go to Disney World this year.... stupid pandemic!
At least my cute little fictional girls are having the fun I could have had.
Chapter 69: i'm very excited to see what adventure you have up next!!!