
Infinite Daddies



On the complexities of pockets.



Hoya was casually leaning up against a counter, in the middle of giving an interview for a popular magazine, when he strangely felt a pair of tiny hands trying to shove something into his back pocket. Looking behind him to instantly identify the little perpetrator as his baby girl (who'd snuck up on him and climbed on top of a chair to reach his ). While politely raising his hand to halt the interview for a few seconds, "Ubi, do you need something, baby? Do you want Appa to hold your doll for you?"

But it was as if Ubi didn't hear a word of it, as she continued attempting to shove her toy pony into the back jean pocket. Clearly frustrated that she couldn't make it fit, "Mmphh it's too big.." Making both Hoya and the female interviewer chuckle because, obviously, it wasn't going to anytime soon. I mean, Ubi's pony wasn't enormous, but it was sizable enough to at least need two pockets in order to fit. 

So Hoya humorously asked, "Ne, your pony's too big? Then should I hold it in my hand, ins--?"

However before he could complete his alternative offer, Ubi aggressively cut him off with, "No, your ," while giving one last determined shove that sent his upper half toppling over on top of the counter. Half from embarrassment and the other half pure force that he didn't know could come from such a tiny body as he gasped, "My ?" while looking over at the interviewer with his mouth still gaping wide open, "My 's too big? It's not your pony, it's my that's too big?"

When Ubi just huffed, fed up with her failed mission. Throwing the pony to the floor, "I quit!" before attempting to storm off.

To which, Hoya just gave the interviewer an apologetic look, seeing as this whole ordeal would seemingly take longer than expected. Before kneeling down to pick the toy back up and address the issue head-on, "Ubi, what is it? Are you mad that it won't fit?"

"Ne!" she screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Ai--Aigoo!? Inside voice, sweetie."

"..Ne.." she begrudgingly replied a little quieter as Hoya pulled her closer to him. 

"So what's really going on here? Did Pony make you angry?"

"No.." she shook her head.

"No? So then what is it? Why did you try to shove her into Appa's pants so badly?"

"..." Ubi frowned before grumbling something under her breath.

So "Ne?" Hoya leaned in closer.

"...Because boys have pockets and girls don't..."

"Because boys have pockets?" he snickered in sheer amusement. "Oh, I see now~. Pony should go in my pocket because I have a pocket and Ubi's dress doesn't~. Is that what this is about? You're jealous of Appa's pockets?"


"But, baby, you could have just handed Pony to me."

Yet, no, her adorable little cheeks just turned red with anger, "I want pockets!"


Venting her rage, "Appa, I want pockets! I want my own pockets! I need them! I have things to carry! Give me pockets! It's not fair! I want pockets!"

"Tch, haha, Is this tantrum really all about pockets?"


"Ok, call! Appa will buy you more clothes with pockets! Ok?"

"Good!" she huffed one last time.

As Dongwoo finally, sheepishly, poked his head out from behind the doorway, "But Ubi, what about Daddy's purse?" Having already had this argument with her a few minutes earlier. 

To which she just snapped on him in full force all over again, "I don't want a purse! I want pockets! I said pockets! I need pockets for my puppies, and my snacks, and my puppies' snacks! I need them for dirt and--and my hands! I need pockets! I don't want your stupid purse!"

Leaving a bewildered look on both her fathers' faces, "Wow, someone's grumpy today~." Hoya getting up to whisper in Dongwoo's ear, "Did she take her afternoon nap?"

Irritating said-little-girl even more, "I'm not grumpy!" as she simultaneously stomped off while trying to rip up her cute little blue dress with all of her tiny might. "I need pockets! Hmph!"

When the female interview just burst into a fit of laughter, "Oh my God, your daughter is right though, she needs pockets." Decisively taking the initiative to try her hand at calming the little girl down while directing the microphone at her, "Ne, isn't that right Ubi? Would you like to tell me more? Can I interview you?"

"Hmm.." Ubi gave her the stanky-face instead.

Nevertheless, she persisted, "No? How about I show you all of the things that I can have in my pockets?" Showing Ubi her backstage pass and car keys, "I have lip balm too. Because members of the press can't bring purses back here. So I have to keep them all in my pockets or on a lanyard."

"..I need my tootsie pop..."

"Umm, ok..."

"Pfft," Hoya snorted at his daughter's forwardness, "She's extorting you." 

"Oh," the lady then realized, "Umm, I have...I don't have any candy, I'm sorry, sweetie."

"But, I do," Dongwoo came to the rescue with a tootsie pop, "Here Ubi, this was in Daddy's purse. Uwaaaa~."

Great, yes? Nope, "Shut up about your stupid purse."


Regardless, his daughter happily accepted the bribe. Popping it into before turning back to the nice lady. While Dongwoo was just left quietly grimacing while telling himself to, "Take a deep breath...this is just a phase. Besides, it's only healthy to express one's anger...even if misdirected at Daddy..."

"Very misdirected at Daddy," Hoya snarkily added. Nevertheless, no more puppy treats for baby today. Nope, none. Not after that last insult. Only an extra long nap.

Nevertheless, Ubi was already engrossed in the interview, "But why do you get pockets?"

"Because I'm wearing jeans."


"I like jeans."

"I like jeans too. You know what? I love them. But Ubi~," she fake cried, "Even the pockets on girls' jeans are smaller than boys jeans. Isn't that unfair~?"

"Omo, is that true!?" 

"Ne~. And do you know the history behind pockets? Men always have the best pockets, but we get little fake ones~. It's so cruel~."

"It is cruel..." 

"I know right~ they're so tiny that we can't hold anything. So here's what we do about it," the lady began snickering, "Let's write a whole column together on the importance of pockets and give it to my editor, ok?"

"Ne! ..Wait...what's an editor? And what's a column?" 

"Ubi, the editor is my boss, and a column is just a long string of sentences."

"Ooohhh~." Ubi slowly began nodding her head.

All the while Hoya and Dongwoo were just left standing there, feeling totally hoodwinked as they slowly caught on, "Agh, so you're completely abandoning our interview?"

"Hehehe," the lady giggled, "I'm sorry, but we can resume anytime that you're available. But for now, I am a fashion columnist and I must follow the hottest trends as I see them. Hehe."

"Ne~" Dongwoo reluctantly agreed, "So then, pockets really are a big deal?"

"Yes, they are," she nodded her head with determined enthusiasm, "Women's pockets are a hot topic in the fashion industry as of right now. And I am just positively blown away by your daughter's foresight and bravery to take on such a discriminatory practice at such a young age. I really must interview her."

"No, you're really trying to exploit her for your own agenda.."

"Maybe," she smirked, "But she's totally down for it, aren't you Ubi?"

"Ne," Ubi shouted in her favor. Honestly just ready to rant about anything and everything that disgruntled her at that point.

Which was when Hoya just walked off, "Aight, I'm out." Leaving only Dongwoo to oversee how their grumpy 4-year-old would incite a riot against the unrighteous bias in children's clothing. Which, inevitably landed right on the front page of Cosmo Magazine. Entitled, "The ist War on Children's Pockets! A Young Girls Fight to Carry Her Things!"

And, later on, when Yadong were asked about it:

Dongwoo, still dumbfounded by the whole incident, "Children need...lots of naps...and lots of pockets too.."

Hoya, "She threw a fit after trying to shove a pony down my . Haha, let's just give her all the pockets she wants. I--I'm-I'm done. I can't Appa anymore today haha." Before turning to his boyfriend with a concerned look on his face, "By the way, where is your purse?"

Dongwoo frowned, "...I don't have it anymore...I'm ashamed of it now.."


"Because Ubi went off on me for stealing women's clothing, when she couldn't steal men's clothing.." After she'd met with Cosmo's lead editor several times now, and began to idolize her up to the point of repeating after her every little fashion critique. Namely against Dongwoo... Despite never having an issue with Daddy's fashion sense beforehand.

"Umm, ok...I just thought that you'd decided to dress boringly today, but ok. So, we're taking Ubi to the boy's side from now on, right?"

"I don't know anymore...But, I'm a disaster..."

"Right, so," Hoya turned back to the cameraman, "We'll no longer be in contact with Cosmo Magazine because they're having a negative impact on our family dynamic. But, rest assured, Ubi can still have all of the pockets she wants, for her things...Though I still don't know what those things are. She never specified. Bye."

Thankfully, within a week, Ubi was back to her normal squishy/lovable self and Dongwoo could embrace his man purse again. 

"That's right Hyung, you wave that man-purse around with authority while wearing that flashy green monstrosity with pride! Don't forget your light-up roller shoes on the way to work!" God Hoya, hated himself right now, but his boyfriend really needed the ego boost...So, in the end, he too was raiding the older man's ridiculous closet for the worst outfits imaginable. "Save me...How did ing pockets cause all of this..?"

And even convincing Ubi to wear outrageous mismatched disasters as well, "Because remember, sweety, your original goal was to encourage people to wear whatever they heck they want without prejudice."

"Was it? Was it, Appa? I don't think so, I just wanted pockets."

"Please just do this, sweetheart, Daddy needs this," he begged on the brink of having a mental breakdown.

"I look like a sparkly marshmallow."

"But you're a sparkly marshmallow with horns and a frilly tutu." 

"...I think I need more sparkles."

"That's the spirit. Appa will even let you wear your puppy tail to daycare today."

"Oh..? ...Wait...where are my pockets?" 

"..." Oh God, Hoya'd forgot, "...I'll...I'll make you a pocket..." before retrieving a small knife and cutting a makeshift hole in her jacket with this drained look in his eyes. Those damned things would be the death of him... 





As for Infi's take on the whole situation?

Solved by Woohyun within seconds, of course, "Socks, they're pockets for your feet!"

End of story, that's all she needed to hear to shut up and start using Daddy's socks for makeshift purses. And whenever she needed, she just had to roll them up and store them down the front of her dress.

Gyu, "Woohyun, she smells like your dirty feet."

"Yeah, but she has pockets."

"You know that she's bound to store rocks in them one day and hurl them right at your head, right?"





And just for the fun of it, one of Myungki's favorite pastimes is to wear Yeol's socks on his arms and flap around like a chicken. 





Agh..good ol' socks.. haha



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sujinnie2 #1
Probably Kris Wu doesn't want to talk to sm ent now
sujinnie2 #2
sujinnie2 #3
so funnyyyyyyyyyy he was being bullieddd lol
Chapter 77: Oh God.. This was so funny.. Loved this
Chapter 77: Omfggg I can't!
That was too darn funny!
I love the pun!
Chapter 72: I APPROVE
Chapter 71: This was so good... I mean I had a good laugh. What a way of using the dialogues. I really enjoyed reading this❤️
Chapter 71: That was amazinggggg I can't I laughed so hard!!!
Myungki hanging on to the log at Splash Mountain and the ride being shut down
How did Jong find Myungki?!
Chapter 70: "Cinderella adopted us!"
"Take Ubi if you want but I'm going home!"
I burst out laughing omfgggg this is the best! I love the different reactions from both kids!
Also, this made me happy cause I'm SUPPOSED to go to Disney World this year.... stupid pandemic!
At least my cute little fictional girls are having the fun I could have had.
Chapter 69: i'm very excited to see what adventure you have up next!!!