Thunder // Yoon Sanha // Rain Sequel // Two

Ficlets, Drabbles, and Discontinued Stories!

The next day at school Sanha was sick, sniffling every few minutes and sneezing like there was no tomorrow.

"I told you that you would get sick!" I stated as I walked past his desk to get a tissue from the back, grabbing him one as well.

Sanha pouted when I put the tissue on his desk, "I just wanted to see you..."

I laughed at his response, "Then you should have just knocked on my door instead of standing in the rain until I noticed you!"

"(Y/n)..." Sanha murmured before sneezing.

"Bless you, and what?" I replied as I turned around in my desk.

"You're graduating this year right? That means you're a senior... so why are you in a Junior class?" Sanha asked, poking his cheek with his index finger.

"History isn't one of my good subjects, so I got held back in the class." I stated plainly before turning to face the front before the teacher could scold us for talking during lessons.

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