Vmin (1,891 vmin stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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By zgzdtz Updated
Tags  vmin 
With 450 views, 46 words

by 安步南(种果子得兔子)   朴智旻是在一个空无一人的房间醒来的。准确来说,是在自己大学宿舍的书桌旁醒来的。他睁开眼睛后只觉得一阵头晕,捂住头缓了一会,才突然意识到什么慌张打量起四周环境。   两人间,学生宿舍,身旁的书桌上台灯散发白色冷光,身后的另一张书桌上已经落灰,堆叠着书本, 中央放置了一台笔记本电脑。一切都是熟悉又陌生的样子,这里的家具和布置像极了朴智旻大学时的宿舍,只是他依稀记得自己是左边床位,如今却换作右边。   等等,朴智旻眉头紧皱,头疼加剧。他努力回忆,却发现自己的记忆出现损伤无法连贯。但很肯定的一点是,他早在四年前大学毕业,找到了工作也在大城市有了家,已经整整四年没有踏入校园,怎么会突然回到自己的学生宿舍?   正当他烦躁不安时,余光瞥见压在自己台灯下的纸张,那是从笔记本上撕下来的,上面写了行行黑字。   “很不幸,你因为一些未知原因落入这个空间,被困在这栋宿舍楼。你将在这里度过接下来


By DeadRose Updated
With 15 chapters, 3 votes, 31 subscribers, 1960 views, 23 comments, 26780 words
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By Jinskookie Updated
Tags  bts   jinkook   vmin   kookjin 
Characters BTS, Jungkook, Seokjin, Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung, Namjoon, Hoseok, Beomgyu
With 15 chapters, 5 votes, 2720 views, 5 comments, 214666 words
Status Subscribers Only

In the world of the supernatural, nothing is ever what is seems. Always a crisis around every corner... lies, secrecy, love, hate... seven personalities must band together to set the world right. If the team is all together, they will always face everything head on, but...  will they be able to survive another dangerous mission?     IMPORTANT! NOTE


By kookie-jikook Updated
Tags  bts   kimnamjoon   kimtaehyung   jikook   minyoongi   kimseokjin   jeonjungkook   junghoseok   taekook   vmin   taegi   namjin   parkjiminbts   sope 
Characters Kim Seokjin Min Youngi Jung Hoseok Kim Namjoon Park Jimin Kim Taehyung Jeon Jeonkook
With 16 chapters, 25 subscribers, 2340 views, 25453 words
Status [M]

BTS Oneshots {s}

By samsaek_goyangi93 Updated
Characters Kim Seokjin; Jeon Jungkook; Kim Namjoon; Min Yoongi; Jung Hoseok; Park Jimin; Kim Taehyung
With 11 chapters, 2 votes, 38 subscribers, 2870 views, 76237 words

第二篇章:迷失世界(Lost world)

By zgzdtz Updated
Tags  vmin 
With 890 views, 26 words

                   by 安步南(种果子得兔子)     “记忆就像灯塔,毁了灯塔迷失方向,至于是触礁沉没还是走向新生,无人知晓。”   “那就以爱为引,让他成为我们的傀儡。”   ———————————————————————     (1)   金泰亨醒来时,发现自己躺在床上,映入眼帘的是一片洁白。双目酸涩不刺眼的阳光逼得他重新闭眼,缓了一会儿才重见光明。   是病房,他在混乱的大脑里不停搜索,才依稀记起自己是在一次任务失败后受伤,被紧急送到军队医院救治。   任务,是什么任务来着?他的太阳穴传来阵阵刺痛,却实在想不起什么细节,伸手摸了摸才发现头顶缠着绷带,估计是撞击到了头部才会丢失记忆吧。   愣神之际,病房房门被推开。来者是自己的上司,搭档,也是自己的o

虚假记忆(Fake Memory)

By zgzdtz Updated
Tags  vmin 
With 430 views, 61 words
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                       by 安步南(种果子得兔子)     “金泰亨,你脑海中最美好的记忆是什么?”   “……有关他的一切。”     (1)   金泰亨来到基地的第一天,有关omega上级的传闻就萦绕在新兵之间,源源不断传进金泰亨的耳朵。   他们都是从各个地方兵团中精挑细选,进入到这个代号为A的特殊前线部队的。在这个几乎全员alpha,连少数文职都是beta担任的地方,竟然有omega的存在,甚至还是他们的顶头上司,这无疑是爆炸性消息,瞬间点燃了所有新兵的好奇与激情。   金泰亨也不例外,他虽然表面没怎么附和周围人的讨论,却也按耐不住好奇心想要早日见到传说中唯一一位以omega之身进入A部队的朴教官。   只是并不是所有人都有机会一窥真容。三天的简单适

Just Once is enough

By Jin_fanboys Updated
Tags  jin   jimin   bts   taejin   jungkook   taehyung   jinkook   jikook   seokjin   btsv   btsjin   vmin   taejinkook   bottomjin   alphataehyung   omegajin   toptaehyung 
Characters Jin Taehyung Namjoon Jimin Sangyeob Ken Yoongi Hoseok Jungkook
With 4 chapters, 2 votes, 6 subscribers, 700 views, 3 comments, 1432 words
Status Members Only

Jin's world comes crashing down when he realises how cruel everyone actually had been to him.. although Taehyung doesn't believe that.

Jealousy love

By joejoexnielie Updated
Tags  yoonmin   bts   vhope   vmin   namjin 
Characters yoonmin vhope namjin
With 4 chapters, 21 subscribers, 930 views, 1002 words
Status [M]


By seyafox Updated
Tags  bts   vmin 
Characters 金泰亨,朴智旻
With 1270 views, 34 words

*95 酒舞

Like Crazy

By baxter Updated
Tags  jimin   bts   parkjimin   taehyung   kimtaehyung   vmin 
Characters Jimin Taehyung Namjoon Jin Yoongi Hoseok Jungkook OC
With 5 chapters, 5 subscribers, 370 views, 43744 words
Status [M], Members Only, Subscribers Only

Hold Me Tight

By Kolsangel Updated
Tags  leetaemin   yoonmin   leeseunggi   kimjongin   bts   parkjimin   kimnamjoon   bangtan   kimtaehyung   jikook   minyoongi   kimseokjin   jeonjungkook   junghoseok   vhope   vmin   jinmin   nammin 
Characters park jimin, Kim Taehyung, Kim Namjoon, Lee Taemin, Kim Jonging,Jeon Jungkook, Jung Hoseok, Kim Seokjin, Lee Seung Gi
With 22 chapters, 5 votes, 169 subscribers, 2640 views, 7 comments, 52063 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only

We're Just Best Friends

By baxter Updated
Tags  jin   jimin   bts   jhope   taehyung   jikook   hoseok   seokjin   vmin   2seok 
Characters VMin, JiKook, 2Seok
With 24 chapters, 1 votes, 77 subscribers, 1980 views, 1 comments, 76149 words
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What happens when the gap between two people become a cause for friction? Can two people from different worlds truly be happy together or will past mistakes and circumstances prevent a happy ending. This is a story about Love, cheating, betrayal, and unconditional friendship. Jimin 19 – College Freshman (Taehyungs best friend, dating Jungkook)


By zgzdtz Updated
Tags  vmin 
With 290 views, 1 words
Status [M], Members Only


By zgzdtz Updated
Tags  vmin 
With 50 views, 1 words
Status [M], Members Only


By zgzdtz Updated
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With 140 views, 1 words
Status [M], Members Only


By zgzdtz Updated
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With 20 views, 1 words
Status [M], Members Only


By zgzdtz Updated
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With 20 views, 1 words
Status [M], Members Only


By zgzdtz Updated
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With 20 views
Status [M], Members Only


By zgzdtz Updated
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With 50 views, 1 words
Status [M], Members Only


By zgzdtz Updated
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With 40 views, 1 words
Status [M], Members Only


By zgzdtz Updated
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With 20 views, 1 words
Status [M], Members Only


By zgzdtz Updated
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With 40 views, 1 words
Status [M]


By zgzdtz Updated
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With 180 views, 1 words
Status [M]


By zgzdtz Updated
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With 120 views, 1 words
Status [M]

Lack of Dominance [kookmin]

By increibletae Updated
Characters Jeon Jungkook, Park Jimin, Kim Seokjin, Jung Hoseok, Kim Taehyung, Kim Namjoon, Min Yoongi
With 5 chapters, 1 subscribers, 140 views, 15214 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

I Said I Love You

By bangdaejong Updated
Tags  heechul   yunjae   myunggyu   mpreg   exo   luhan   sehun   jongup   bap   daehyun   daejong   kris   himjae   daeup   krislu   bts   taehyung   jikook   vmin   krisup   taeup 
Characters Moon Jongup | Jung Daehyun | Kris Wu | Luhan | Kim Taehyung | BAP | EXO | BTS | Others
With 43 chapters, 91 votes, 829 subscribers, 38590 views, 863 comments, 190907 words
Status Subscribers Only

  In which a 25-year-old handsome young man received a phone call at 2.30am and without bothering to look at the caller ID, he grumpily answered the call and snapped at the person on the other line.   “WHAT?! IS YOUR STUP


By zgzdtz Updated
Tags  vmin 
With 2400 views, 6 words

                       by 安步南(种果子得兔子)   (1) “我很乐意和您相识。”装修精致的咖啡厅里,两个年轻人正面对面交谈。“但是为了不浪费彼此的时间,我还是需要先和您说一下我的情况。” 对面的女生点点头,望着对面面容清秀的男人,紧张中带点期待。 “我是一名法医,工作很忙且不定时下班,日常的工作就是去第一现场勘察搜集,以及待在解剖室里处理尸体。” 话音未落,女生的表情明显有些凝固了。 然而朴智旻自顾自地继续说。 “我也不怎么喜欢社交,说实话我见尸体的时间可能比见活人的时间还多,身上沾了什么味道也是常有的事情,一刀下去腐烂的气味直冲鼻孔。” 说这话的时候他的角还故意带了点自嘲的笑意。 “毕竟经常要面对那些残肢断骸,我是已经习以为常,有时候半夜还在想方设法拼凑起来好让尸体有个像样点的模样,然后再通宵写报告,经常回不了家。” “如果你能接受这些的

hold me tight

By akirafans Updated
Tags  angst   jimin   taehyung   vmin   kookmin   bottomjimin   toptaehyung 
With 11 chapters, 17 votes, 12270 views, 221 comments, 16273 words
Status [M], Members Only, Subscribers Only

fragile heart

By starrypix Updated
Tags  angst   vmin   vminkook 
Characters Jimin | Taehyung | Jungkook | BTS |
With 8 subscribers, 380 views, 1 comments, 218 words
Status Subscribers Only

Only Jimin knew the exact feeling when the love that he had was unrequited. He tried his best to be the best for Taehyung but the latter never see his efforts. Whenever Taehyung pissed off with his crush, Jimin will become his prey. He let Taehyung did every violent thing to him since he was so in love with him. But all that Taehyung can see is only Jungkook.Jeon Jungkook. The guy who was secretly in love with Jimin.    "My mistake was


By zgzdtz Updated
Tags  vmin 
With 1050 views, 3 words

真心话                  by 安步南(种果子得兔子) 第一次公开提及喜欢这个词,是在大一一次社团聚餐上。他们围坐在一起,玩着真心话大冒险的游戏,幸运儿朴智旻又抽到了真心话,翻开卡牌,背面那行字清晰无比。 “说出你喜欢的人。” 他皱了皱眉,下意识望向斜对面,又迅速收回目光盯着牌,旁边的同学已经凑过来开始起哄,要他赶紧说,不许想着逃跑。 逃是逃不了的,就他们这兴奋的架势不得到答案不会罢休。 “我确实有一个…喜欢的人。” “哦!!快说快说。”捕捉到关键词的他们明显迫不及待。 “一个喜欢了两年的人。” 斜对面的金泰亨有些惊讶地抬眼,他有些疑惑,两年的话应该是高三,怎么那会儿也没听朴智旻提起过啊? “是高中同学吗?”旁边的学姐插问道。 “…是。”朴智旻瞥了学姐一眼,目光又精准地落回金泰亨身上。 他对上他的视线,角微扬着,

时差(Time Difference)

By zgzdtz Updated
Tags  vmin 
With 5190 views, 7 words
Status [M]

Can I Be Your Puppy

By baxter Updated
Tags  bts   taejin   jungkookbts   jhope   suga   jiminbts   jinbts   vmin   taehyungbts   yoongibts   namjoonbts   hoseokbts   taejinmin   sopefriendship 
Characters Jin Jimin Taehyung Namjoon Yoongi Hoseok Jungkook SUGA JHope Seokjin
With 11 chapters, 1 votes, 23 subscribers, 700 views, 1 comments, 15632 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

A story of a lonely boy, his older brother and a pet that came into their lives Or What happens when a Hybrid come into the life of two boys that are trying to find love? Story is a work in progress so description    

Saving You

By TyranieOfficial Updated
Characters BTS, Kim Taehyung, Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook, Min Yoongi, Kim Seokjin, Kim Namjoon, Jung Hoseok
With 8 chapters, 3 votes, 6 subscribers, 260 views, 1 comments, 23180 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

愿望清单(Wish List)

By zgzdtz Updated
Tags  vmin 
With 1570 views, 4 words

愿望清单                                                                                       by 安步南(种果子得兔子)     (

Blood Sweat & Tears {BTS Recommendations}

By Amseok Updated
Tags  yoonmin   bts   parkjimin   taejin   jinkook   kimtaehyung   minyoongi   kimseokjin   jeonjungkook   taekook   yoonkook   vmin   taegi   namjin   vkook   jinmin   kookjin 
With 654 chapters, 18 votes, 1761 subscribers, 18700 views, 27 comments, 46783 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only


By zgzdtz Updated
Tags  vmin 
With 1950 views, 5 words

                                                     by 安步南(种果子得兔子)     (1)  

It's Unexpected [That Voice]

By Ladylake Updated
Tags  iusinger   baekhyun   bangtan   jungkook   btsjungkook   vmin   baekhyunxiu   twice   satzu   jungkookxiu   kooku   taetzu 
Characters Jungkook, IU, BTS, TWICE etc.
With 39 chapters, 3 votes, 251 subscribers, 2780 views, 6 comments, 32450 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

A celebrity you admire and you a celebrity that is worldwide popular How hard could it be? Will your feelings reach the one you like? What if you have to sacrifice something important? Y ou never know. Things are unexpected. Nothing is impossible. If your worth then why not?   Please support and love the story❤️❤️❤️ i wish it will become a nice story.

BTS Roleplay Search

By JiKookluver16 Updated
Tags  angst   minjoon   yoonmin   jin   love   yoongi   jimin   yoonseok   jhope   jungkook   suga   taehyung   namjoon   jikook   hoseok   seokjin   vmin   taegi   sugav   jihope   namjin   jinmin   kookmin   rapmin   nammin   cuddles   sope 
Characters Park Jimin Jeon Jungkook Jung Hoseok Kim Seokjin Kim Namjoon Kim Taehyung Min Yoongi
With 6 chapters, 9 subscribers, 2140 views, 1 comments, 1598 words
Status Completed, Members Only

Hello everyone! i'm searching for a Roleplay with our beloved BTS!    I should mention i love Jimin with pretty much everyone XD and prefer to play Jimin    i love fantasy plots, ABO, vampires, werewolves, etc so i would like to try to build a setting around that, and i love College/High School/ Cafe/work settings :D (this all can be further discussed in the Inbox :) )   I would also be playing bottoms(or power bottoms) perferablly, or i can pla

Fake friend(Best Friend)

By Khaireen Updated
Characters Vmin-junghope-taegi-namjin-all the friendship in bts
With 6 chapters, 1 votes, 2 subscribers, 360 views, 4426 words
Status Subscribers Only

Mengisahkan dua sahabat baik yang dibesarkan bersama-sama dalam pusat jagaan anak-anak yatim. Dari belajar bersama, bermain bersama, tidur bersama bahkan tertawa dan menangis bersama. Sehingga mereka dikenali sebagai 95 duo. Tidak ada Jimin tanpa Taehyung. Tidak ada Taehyung tanpa Jimin. Semua yang mereka lakukan mesti akan dilakukan bersama. Sehingga di satu saat, mereka lupa erti 'bersama' akibat peristiwa hitam yang menimpa pada salah seorang dari mereka. Seorang menyimpan dendam benci yan

Be my guest

By jminnie Updated
Tags  bullying   fluff   happyending   collegeau   jisoo   yoongi   jimin   bts   parkjimin   jhope   suga   taehyung   kimtaehyung   vmin   gamerau   blackpink   blackpinkbts   roseblackpink   pubg 
Characters Taehyung, Jimin, members of BTS, Blackpink
With 2 chapters, 14 subscribers, 400 views, 1 comments, 2083 words
Status Subscribers Only

Taehyung, currently a sophomore in The Scene College. He is the college's biggest heartthrob due to his heavenly visual and masculine bodyline. Known as V, he is the well-known E-sport player who does livestream every weekend. He even creates custom room to play with his fans, known as the best gamer boy ever! Jimin, he is a valedictorian back in Busan High, and the best dancer of the school. Now, he is in his third year in The S

Have We Met Before?

By Skyful_Poof Updated
Characters KIm Taehyung, Park Jimin, etc.
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 14 subscribers, 710 views, 2 comments, 6156 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Kim Taehyung was a florist with a big heart - an ordinary person living an ordinary life, until there came a day when he found himself chasing after something he didn't even know of. Nothing felt right, nothing felt normal, nothing felt enough. When he meets a strangely intriguing Park Jimin at his favourite place, things start falling into place even with some difficulty. Suddenly, there was a new life that he wished to protect. He was starting to feel complete again. However, he realised th


By OrangeLuv Updated
Tags  jimin   taehyung   vmin   vminbesties 
With 1 chapters, 2 subscribers, 470 views, 1 comments, 1970 words

You are my soulmate

殊途(Different Roads)

By zgzdtz Updated
Tags  vmin 
With 780 views, 5 words

殊途                                                by 安步南(种果子得兔子)   我是金泰亨,是一名唱跳歌手,或者你要称我为爱豆也可以。我只是一个刚出道两年多的小爱豆,我和我的成员们都很努力,很团结,我们都渴望梦想实现,站上万人演唱会的舞台。但是我们似乎少了一点运气,至今不温不火,大家也因此经历一段情绪低落自我怀疑的艰难时期。   哦,忘记和你介绍,在我身边这位,是朴智旻,我的挚友,也是我的恋人。   我们从练习生时期相遇,一起上学,一起练习,一起出道,从同学到队友,从朋友到恋人,相伴至今。   说来也奇怪,我思维跳跃异想天开,外向的性格习惯了自来熟。而他冷静沉稳又要强固执,怕生的孩子多少有点慢热。我们原本是八竿子打不着的性子,刚认识那会儿没少因为不在一个频道而彼此无言以对。却又不知道从练习生生活的何时起,我和朴智旻成了彼此亲密无间的人,没日没夜黏糊在一起。再回头,朴智旻

Quite Unfortunate

By Lupusm Updated
With 40 chapters, 6 votes, 42 subscribers, 2820 views, 5 comments, 189872 words
Status [M]


By zgzdtz Updated
Tags  vmin 
With 1 subscribers, 2580 views, 86 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

Entre libros y acordes

By kth_1302 Updated
Tags  vmin 
With 50 views, 710 words

Dos almas completamente diferentes, sin posibilidades de conocerse. O quizás si. Park Jimin famoso escritor y director ejecutivo de HITSITE una editorial en ascenso que el ha venido manejando oficialmente desde que se graduó de la

Sweet Escape

By Lupusm Updated
With 32 chapters, 5 votes, 77 subscribers, 2370 views, 2 comments, 154222 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only

You're like a religion, so can I call you Ji-sus?

By sakuracherry Updated
Tags  comedy   fluff   romance   jimin   bts   taehyung   vmin 
With 3 chapters, 2 votes, 106 subscribers, 1560 views, 4 comments, 2111 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Standing in front of the notorious music club, the last thing Jimin expects is to be hit on by a cute brunet with a boxy smile.  

Jimin Is The New Black

By PsychoSass Updated
Characters Bangtan Sonyeondan + Like Literally Everybody
With 18 chapters, 11 votes, 400 subscribers, 7760 views, 62 comments, 170909 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only

So long as the wind blows

By ariadne22 Updated
Tags  drama   oneshot   romance   sliceoflife   collegeau   healing   unrequitedlove   soulmates   yoongi   bts   bangtanboys   bangtan   jungkook   taehyung   btsjungkook   namjoon   hoseok   btsjimin   btsv   btstaehyung   vmin   taegi   btssuga   95z   inmyfeelings 
Characters Taehyung, Yoongi, Jimin, Hoseok, BTS
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 2 subscribers, 920 views, 1 comments, 8479 words
Status Completed

The first hint Kim Taehyung was irrevocably in love with Park Jimin was that he saw Jimin in everything.