Insanity // Yoonmin // One

Ficlets, Drabbles, and Discontinued Stories!

Insanity was originally a Yoonmin fanfiction I was writing where all of the chapters were going to be exactly 300 words. After a few chapters I gave up and lost the inspiration to keep writing.

-lower case intended-

the empty bottles on the coffee table gave me a headache just from looking at them. i recalled the events of last night - i wandered around the town going from bar to bar in an already drunken stuper. each one refusing my entry, a few even threatening to call the police. i almost got into a fist fight with one of the bouncers, that was fun. since i was quite smaller then the muscular man i was easily scooped up and carried away. after the man placed me down on the sidewalk away from the bar he walked away with a confident swagger. i was left to drag myself back to my dusty, depressing apartment in the pitiful state i was in. i slinked my way to the small kitchen and popped open the top of the coffee maker. I added cold water to the tank and ground coffee to the basket before slamming the top closed and turning the machine on. it hissed and steamed as the black liquid slowly fell to the pot, drop by drop. I looked to the mountain of dishes stacked up in the sink. i opened the cupboard in front of me and grabbed a chipped, white coffee cup. my nails tapped against the sides as i watched the pot slowly fill up with the bitter liquid, soon this hangover would end. I moved the hair from my eyes before looking to the now full pot and humming in satisfaction. i grabbed the handle of the pot, nearly burning my knuckles on the hot surface of the pot. the dark liquid splattered onto my pale skin as it sloshed into the cup. i didn't mind the stinging in my hand or the burning in my throat as i downed the bitter and smooth liquid.

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