Chapter 40

Desire For Revenge

Kangjoo is working all day without a rest hoping to finish his works earlier. He don't feel relax by letting her alone in that cottage. Afraid that he will found out that she is gone when he return or something like that. Then, Gahee entered his office.

"You sure trying to finish all your works early. I wonder what's the reason?" Gahee asked Kangjoo. Pressing the word 'reason' to test for his reaction. 

"I just want to rest early. Is that wrong?" Kangjoo keeps his focus on his laptop. Hand keeps typing the report for the next week meeting.

"Really? Hmph. You been busy these days. You don't even return home for some days. I wonder.. where did you stay at night?" Gahee asked him with her sarcastic voice. Kangjoo then close his laptop since the last report is finally done by him.

"I don't even ask about your activities. What right you have to talk about me then?" Kangjoo smirked at her which Gahee only look at him feeling her pride being step on.

"You! *taking deep breath* At least remember I'm your fiancee." Gahee said while crossing her arm.

"*slightly laughed.* Don't you feel funny by saying that to me?" Kangjoo asked her back.

"What do you mean?" Gahee looked at him.

"You are my fiancee and yet you still circling around Kim Jaejoong all these times. Don't you?" Kangjoo said sarcasticly.

"Huh! Well can't I? You used to do the same right? Don't act all kind man infront of me. We both know who each other are very well." Gahee sarcasts him.

"Speak for yourself first can't you? You are the one who seduced me first. If I'm a villain, then you are the cause for it." - Kangjoo.

"*silent* Lee Kangjoo. You changed." - Gahee

"You are the one who teach me so don't tell me what I did!" - Kangjoo

"How brave for you to say that. Don't you afraid I might put an end to our engagement?" Gahee threaten him since she knows Kangjoo's mom favors her very much.

"That's good then." Kangjoo replied her.

"*shocked* What do you mean by that?" - Gahee

"Let's end our engagement." Kangjoo said to her coldly.


Jihyo is waiting for Kangjoo at the living area. She look at the clock turning to exactly 7.30 o'clock. Just then, she heard the car's engine being turn off and the doorknob being turn. Kangjoo appear at the living area. But he doesn't seems like to be in a good mood.

"Oppa? Are you okay?" Jihyo asked him. Kangjoo take off his suit and loosen his tie. Then, he take a sit infront of her.

"Seong Im yah. *he hugged her* Let start fresh. Okay?" Kangjoo ask her while embracing her.

"Start fresh? What do you mean?" Jihyo feel confused by his sudden statement.

"*pulled away* Let's go far away to a place that no one know us and get married. Let's just leave this place forever." Kangjoo try to convince Jihyo. But Jihyo only patted him softly. Finally understand that he must been in deep problem.


"Oppa, I know it is hard but running away is not a conclusion. I want to live being accepted by people around me. Being accepted by people around you. Let's hang in there together okay?" Jihyo said and smile to him which he only look at her feeling peaceful. Then he hugged her again.

'I was too blind in the past to ignore this side of you. She was never a match of you.' Kangjoo thought while holding her in his embrace.

'Where's gone all the butterflies? Why am I feeling like this. Something is not right. Something is empty.' - Jihyo's thought.


"Really?! Did you really found out who?!" Chae Won feels so excited as she thought that the man who assaulted Jaejoong before is found.

"Yup. But I won't take legal action first." Jaejoong replied.

"Eh?! *confused* Why?" Chae Won look at Jaejoong weirdly.

"Since I want to make sure Jihyo is not on his reach first. I need to save Jihyo first." - Jaejoong.

"Jihyo unnie was with the man who try to kill you? What are you talking about?" - Chae Won

"It was Lee Kangjoo who tried to kill me. At the same time, Jihyo been fetch by a man too. So I suspect that Kangjoo must been hiding her from me." Jaejoong explained.

"Hurm.. If that's true, why unnie doesn't try to contact you or something? I mean when she is in the hospital? I'm sure she is clever enough to find out a way to inform you." - Chae Won.

"Well, that's the question. Something must happened to her and it is my job to find out." - Jaejoong

"Hurm.. *thinking* At least unnie is still alive. That's what matter now, right?" - Chae Won.

"Yes." - Jaejoong

'But there's no peace if I didn't see her. Until then, she will never safe in my eyes.' - Jaejoong's thought.


*At the cottage..*

Jihyo and Kangjoo are eating their dinner.

"Erm oppa.." Jihyo are being careful.

"Hmph?" Kangjoo look at her.

"I'm just wondering, who is Kim Jaejoong?" Jihyo asked Kangjoo bluntly which makes Kangjoo accidentally drop his food.

"A- ah? Kim Jaejoong? Why did you ask?" Kangjoo nervously asked Jihyo back.

"Well I saw him in a newspaper inside the storage room. When I read his name and look at his picture, I feel like I have meet him before. It feels like, he is someone I know." Jihyo simply replied. But Kangjoo only look at her. Trying to put an excuse on Jihyo's thought.

"Really? Hmph.. He is just a young millionaire. It's impossible for you to know him. Maybe you read about him or saw him in news before. Well, he is a famous playboy so it's normal for him to appear on the newspaper regularly. Don't think too much." Kangjoo leisurely continue his eating.

"Hurm.. Maybe I did think too much then." Jihyo smile then continue eating her food.

'That's a narrow escape. What should I do so he will be removed from your memories entirely?' Kangjoo thought while eating his food. 

'Or should I just remove him entirely from this world before you remember about him?' Kangjoo smirk at his evil thought.

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Chapter 63: I enjoyed this story very much. So much that i kept reading for 2 days straight. Please keep on writing. And as for the next story, can you make fanfic between jihyo and jo insung. Mybe for those historical story that you are planning. Pretty please. :)
Bbydoll #2
Chapter 63: This is a really good story.i just spend my day reading this!!! I'm addicted!love this very muchhhhh
cheekylittlechubba #3
Chapter 63: The best story ever!!!! Great job authornim :D i likey likey :P
Foreverminho #4
Chapter 63: Wah..interesting... about bang sung joon..if I'm not mistaken..can't really remember his name..i think he suitable?? Maybe..haha..i started ship jihyo with him dy...well,, i actually ship jh with all handsome guy..hehe..he said he like jihyo after he saw jh crying in this one scene (still don't know what scene he see) in interview.. I don't whether it is long time dy..
songjihyo_fans #5
Chapter 63: wonder to know they first night...please author nim....
MikaelaWish #6
Chapter 63: can you try kenji wu and song jihyo?? hehehe.. ^^
shotstill75 #7
Chapter 63: Finally it's a happy ending. Seriously love all your superb works.
Thank you so much for your hard works.
For your new story I would like to suggest Jo Insung / Ji Sang Wook / Im Seulong cause from my opinion they fit in Historical drama. But anyway it's up to you authornim. *sorry for my very poor english*
shuishui #8