The Truth

Bittersweet Journey

[Baekhyun P.O.V]

As soon as I reached the club, I immediately leave the car to Suho hyung and run straight into the club. I searched for one or two familiar figure but I can’t find one. As I scanned the whole room, suddenly my phone rang.

“YAH, WHERE ARE YOU!?” I yelled at the caller.

“Have you arrived yet? Just go to the back room of the bar, ask the bartender. Hurry,” she said. I scowled and immediately asked the bartender which he willingly showed me the way. I barged into the room and I saw Taeyeon lying on a bench, with her head on Yuri’s lap and a man standing beside them.

“WHAT THE HAPPENED!?” I hollered at Yuri. I scanned Taeyeon’s face, there is a scratch near her left eye. I saw some bruised too on her arms, a small cut on finger and her bleeding knees that was showed from the ripped jeans she wore.

“I will tell you later. Let’s bring her to the hospital first please,” said Yuri. Her eyes swelled up from the cry she had. I took Taeyeon’s body from her and lift her bridal style. The rest of the boys have waited outside and we immediately rushed to the nearest hospital. I was so mad, I don’t even spend my time to talk to Yuri about the thing happened. I’ll let her pass for now since my mind was so occupied with my girlfriend current state. She looks so pale for God’s sake. And all the cuts and bruises she gets, what the had just happened to her? Whoever caused that will deserve my rage later, I ing promise to myself.

We arrived at the hospital in minutes and Taeyeon got delivered to the emergency room. We’re asked to wait outside and the doctor told me that she will be fine. I sighed, leaning on to the hospital’s wall. I feel like my energy was all drained already. I closed my eyes, trying to recall everything happened today. It’s just 5 hours ago we did that secret glance at each other during the meeting. But now she was lying there, unconscious with all the cuts and bruises on her body. I’m such a stupid and bad boyfriend to let that happened to her, it makes me want to beat myself in the face to be honest.

“Baekhyun,” I heard a female voice calling my name. I opened my eyes, only to saw Yuri standing in front of me and the rest of the boys standing near the wall opposite while watching me.

“Not now,” I said.

“I’m sorry, I should have told you about my plan,” she said.

I raised my eyebrows. “What plan?” I asked.

She looks hesitant and nervous for a moment, I can see how guilty she is right now, but I don’t really care. I need an explanation. She sighed before she finally speaks. “I actually want to meet someone and I asked Taeyeon to come with me. I’ve been told that this person will spend his last night in Korea at this club, before he departs to New York tomorrow. I…somehow, really need to meet this person, but I’m too afraid to go alone, that’s why I asked Taeyeon to come. At first she refused to come but--,” she stopped. I’m staring at her intently, trying to read her facial expression. She pales momentarily which makes me even more curious.

“What is it?” I asked her.

She gulped down her own saliva before she continued. “She refused it at first for a reason…”

“What reason?”

“Uh…I can’t tell you now. You should just ask her by yourself. You should hear it from her own mouth,” she said with a quiet voice.

“Why are you like this? Seriously, what happened to Taeyeon?” I asked her. The curiosity rises as she gave me such ambiguous answer.

“She got attacked…by a drunk man…” she stopped. I can see her tears rolling down her eyes. “She almost got…you know what I mean right?” she said as she wiped her tears. It seems like God just took away all my remaining energy because I can feel my legs shaking. I almost fell but luckily I got a support by leaning on to the wall. I can also feel blood boiling inside my body and my mind turn cloudy. The rest of the boys gasped at Yuri’s reply. They definitely understand what she meant.

“HOW THE THAT—OH MY GOD,” I hollered as I pulled my hair in frustration.

“I’m sorry that I didn’t take a good care of her… I should’ve never let her go alone. I should have accompanied her there… She must be in trauma again…” she said while choking. I stared at her in disbelief. I may hate her for her y side but I know she’s not the right one to be blamed. But then something caught my attention.

“What do you mean by trauma?” I asked her.

She blinked in surprise. “Oh?”

“You said she must be in trauma again…What do you mean? Don’t tell me that—“

“Excuse me,” someone cuts me off. It’s the doctor. “Taeyeon-ssi is fine, we’ve treated her well and now she’s awake already. You may come into the room if you want to see her,” he said.

“Thank you much, Doctor,” I said. He nodded at me and excused himself to leave. We entered the room only to saw Taeyeon already had some bandage on her arms, fingers and knee and a tiny band aid on her cheek. Yuri ran to her and hugged her while crying.

“I’m so sorry Taeyeon, I’m so sorry… I should have protected you from that , . I’m so sorry,” she mumbled.

“It’s not your fault,” Taeyeon said weakly as she patted Yuri’s back. I feel numb, hearing her voice like that hurts me. She looks so tiny and so weak, it makes my heart aches from the view. Yuri released her hug and wiped her tears.

“I’m so sorry, I can’t help you to move on…” she said. I stared at them in confusion. I can see Taeyeon stealing a glance at me. Damn, she looks scared and nervous. What the happened?

“I’ve accidently spilled it to him. I’m sorry…” said Yuri to Taeyeon. She gasped in surprise but I couldn’t care less. The rest of the boys walked closer to Taeyeon’s bed and told her how worried they are. She replied all of them with a weak smile and said ‘I’m fine’ repeatedly. I didn’t talk to her yet. I want to know everything, but not with everyone here.

“Baekhyun, come here. Say something to Taeyeon,” said Suho hyung as I was just staring at them from a far. Taeyeon didn’t even dare to look at me in the eyes, which makes my heart hurts even more.

“Uhh…I think we should go out for a moment,” said Yuri. Maybe she noticed the situation between me and Taeyeon.

“Ahh, why? We should stay here and accompany noona,” said Sehun, no clue at all. Suho hyung who seems had finally understood the situation sent a glare to Sehun and asked the rest to leave the room. Finally they leave me with Taeyeon alone in this room. I walked closer to her bed but she avoid my stare. She just stared at her fidgeting fingers while biting her lips.

“Taeyeon-ah,” I called her name. She didn’t raise her head, but she stopped fidgeting her fingers.

“I’m sorry, Baek,” she said in a very weak tone. I sat on to the edge of her bed.

“Look at me,” I said.

“I can’t,” she said. I can see a tear rolling down her cheek. Damn, it hurts.

“Why?” I carefully asked her.

“I’ve made a mistake for not telling you. I’ve made you worried… I’m sorry,” she said as she wiped her tears. I closed my eyes, trying to prevent myself from looking at her. Seeing her crying was the least thing I want to see in my life. “I should have told you everything,” she said in a quiet voice.

I opened my eyes. That’s right; this is the time where I should ask her for everything Yuri has told to me. “Tell me… What happened at you when Yuri said you’ll get a trauma again over the things happened to you right now,” I said.

She raised her head on me and stared at me with her wavering eyes. She looks lost and scared.

“ it, Taeyeon. What happened to you?” I said as I cupped her cheeks. She closed her eyes, causing a single tear to escape from her puffy eyes. Oh my God, she is in pain. I bet it was something awful. I released my hands from her face and held her hand, trying to assure her to tell me her story.

She sighed before she finally speaks. “Back then, when Yuri, Tiffany and I just turned legal, we decided to celebrate it by going to a club. It was a club near Tiffany’s neighborhood in Seoul. In short, we had fun that time. But one time, I’m in need for toilet so I told the rest that I will go to a toilet for a while. The toilet is located on the corner of an aisle in the back room of the club. It was 8 p.m. already that time. As I just was about to enter the toilet, I heard something from my behind. I turned around and saw a…drunk ahjussi, staring at me,” she stopped talking. At this time, I know where is this going on. I just hope it won’t be the worst one.

She inhaled and exhaled once before she finally continued. “I was afraid but then I try to act ignorant. I pretended that I never saw him and I entered the toilet, hoping he will go away when I finished, but I was wrong. When I exited the toilet, I saw him, still leaning on to the wall with his mischievous eyes staring at me. I tried to act strong and calm. As I walked past him, he suddenly grabbed my arm. I yanked it back and I tried to scream but he closed my mouth with his big hand…” she stopped again. I can see her hurts expression, which is so painful to see.

“He pushed me to the locker room next to the toilet. I kicked my leg everywhere, reached out my hand to grab his face or to scratch him but he’s too strong. He managed to lock my hands with only a single arm. I cried hard as she pushed me against the wall… He breathed closer next to my ears… He was trying to kiss me and I resist it so hard. I remembered how hard I turned my face at every direction to avoid him… It was so painful. He slapped me in the face because I keep resisting. He also—“ she paused. I held her hand tighter, trying to give some comfort to her.

“He even…had his hand inside my shirt—“ this time she choked on her words and she’s crying again. I pulled her closer and hugged her. I closed my eyes, not letting my tears to fall. I have to be strong. I have to be the reliable one.

“I was so scared… He almost me, Baek. But thank God, Yuri came with Tiffany in time. She immediately screamed, making that bastard to release my body. He almost hurt Yuri but she managed to dodge and kicked that bastard’s face with her flying kick. And no longer after that, two security guys came and helped us. She fought for justice; she fought for me to get a proper right, making that man to be jailed,” she mumbled.

“And I can’t imagine that thing happened again to me today. When I want to receive your call, I decided to go outside from the back door of the club where it’s quieter. I want to ask Yuri to accompany me but she was occupied with someone and I don’t want to disturb her. This man has followed me from the club… He attacked me and pushed me against the wall. I tried to scream but he closed my mouth. It was so similar but I try to be stronger. I fought back, which resulted some cuts and bruises on some part of my body. But then he slapped me hard at my face, making my head hit a wall next to me. And when I was drifting from consciousness, I can hear Yuri’s screaming voice, which kinda make me relaxed a bit. At least I know, I’ll be safe,” she said.

“I’m so sorry, Taeyeon. I’m sorry,” I said repeatedly as I patted her back. She leaned back and stared into my eyes.

“It’s not and never your fault, Baek,” she said.

I brushed her cheek. “I’m sorry that I’m not there. I’m sorry I can’t protect you. I’m sorry I can’t be your protector,” I said. She shook her head.

“No, don’t say sorry. It must be me. I’m sorry for making you worried. It’s just I can’t ignore Yuri’s request. She’s always there when I need her. She’s like my big sister; she protects me and takes a good care of me since high school. I should do something to repay everything,” she said.

“I know, I understand. But next time, please tell me everything. I don’t want you to get hurt,” I said as I kissed her forehead. I can feel her tensed body relaxed a bit as she leaned on to my kiss.

“I love you, Taeyeon. I don’t want to see you in pain anymore,” I murmured with my lips still against her forehead. She nodded and hugged me back.

“I’m sorry, Baek. I’m sorry for making you like this. I’m so sorry,” she said. I pulled back and kissed her eyes. Then I wiped her tears and stared at her eyes.

“Please don’t cry. It hurts my heart seeing you like this. You have no idea how crazy I am when Yuri called me and told me that you fainted and bleeding. And when I saw you lying on Yuri’s lap, unconscious with a lot of cuts and bruises all over your body, I swear to God it was the worst thing in my life. I felt so weak, it’s like all my energy was drained from me,” I said.

“I’m sorry,” she mumbled. Her eyes swelled with tears again.

“No, please don’t cry. I’m telling you this to make you understand how mad and panic I am the last few hours. But I’m thankful that God still hear my prayer. He still protects you and let you safe now here,” I said.

I closed my eyes and exhaled before I continued. “You’re my everything Taeyeon. Seeing you hurt and cry is the least thing on earth I want to witness. So please, promise me that in the future, you won’t do things like this again. At least, let me be informed,” I said.

She nodded and put her palm on my cheek. “I promise you, Baek. Thank you for understanding me,” she said. I leaned on to her touch. It calms my heart, and it feels like I regain some energy again.

“I miss you,” I said.

She smiled her genuine smile again. “Me too,” she said with her quiet voice.

I smiled and leaned closer. She closed her eyes as I landed my lips against her. It feels like it’s been so long we haven’t kissed where the fact we just kissed this morning. I kissed her tenderly, knowing that she’s still weak from all the thing happened to her. We move our lips slowly against each other, following the rhythm. I can sense her smile in between our kiss which makes me smile too. I pulled back and pecked her lips again.

“Go to sleep, you need to rest. Tomorrow, we’ll discharge from here,” I said as I usher her to lie on her bed again.


“I’ll be here. I’ll always be here,” I said. She nodded and held my hand before she closed her eyes.

“I’m sorry and thank you, Baek. For everything. I love you,” she whispered.

I nodded and kissed her cheek. “I love you too. Now sleep,” I said. She smiled and she closed her eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep.

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Chapter 14 is out! Sorry that i haven't update for such times... I'm a bit occupied for some family time haha~~~ But please enjoy! I will highly appreciate if y


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Foriegn21 #1
Chapter 2: I can't read this story bcoz text are become double I don't know how to say this English is not my language authornim please help me
Chapter 38: I loved this! Thanks for writing!😍
HeartGirlsGeneration #3
I love the story
KimHyunaTaeyeon #4
Chapter 21: Sooyoung would've played a better cousin IMO hahah! Lovveeeee this story!
KimHyunaTaeyeon #5
Chapter 13: So fucing cuteeeeeeee!!! Ahhhhh I love this story!!!
Chapter 38: Awww so touching >< keep up the good work authornim!! I'll support ur stories forever!!^^
Chapter 38: Wahhh!!!
It's a happy ending~
But a cliche~
But I don't care~
Chapter 36: TT_TT
I thought it was gonna end...
Their relationship...
But, fortunately...
Chapter 31: F*** you Hyemi.
Congrats for being the b****iest girl ever.
Chapter 29: TT_TT
I swear to god Baek, if you leave her for good, I WILL BASH YOU.