His New Roomate

New School

He took his stuff to his new room. He reached for the door knob and when he opened it he saw his new roommate…

His new roommate was the guy he saw in the hallway earlier that day. He must have changed though. The last time that Minhyuk saw this guy he was wearing his uniform, but now he was wearing black shorts with a black tank top which had a face of a tiger on it. He thought that his uniform made him look hot, but now… Minhyuk can’t keep his eyes off of this guy.

Minhyuk’s new roommate walked towards him. When he reached Minhyuk he introduced himself.

“Hey, Names Ilhoon… Jung Ilhoon. You must be my new roommate. That’s your bed over there” said Ilhoon while pointed towards an empty bed.

“Hi, My names Lee Minhyuk… Nice to meet you.” Minhyuk replied while he was shaking Ilhoon’s hand.

“Well, I’ll let you get settled in, unpack, and wash up. I’ll meet you back in here in an hour. I’ll show you around and introduce you to some of my friends”

“Alright. Thanks”

“No Problem Minhyuk-hyung. Your older than me by like a couple of months aren’t you? I saw when your birthday was so I’m gonna call you Hyung”

“Okay, Ilhoon-ah”

“Well, I guess I’ll see you in one hour”

After saying that Ilhoon left. Minhyuk lied down on his bed and he tried to forget about Ilhoon… He wasn’t trying to forget him because he thought he was a bad person or anything. He was trying to forget him because Minhyuk was positive he was straight, but there was just something about Ilhoon that was different. Minhyuk would feel like he was going to pass out when he saw him.

Minhyuk looked at the clock and decided that he should probably get ready to meet Ilhoon in one hour.

After Minhyuk finished getting ready, Ilhoon walked in.

“Hyung, Let’s take a walk around the school. Like I said I’ll give you a tour”


Of course Minhyuk agreed, but for some reason a part of him was excited to be hanging out with Ilhoon, but another part was nervous to hang out with Ilhoon. Minhyuk wanted to impress Ilhoon for some reason, he wasn’t sure why though…


*Please tell me what you think

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Phoenix358 #1
Chapter 3: Hehehehehehehehehe! This story is really good. (I haven't been finding many minhoon fanfics TT_TT)
Chapter 54: Omg I thot I won't be able to read sooooo many chps. In one day BT I did XD man it was sooooo fantastic looooved it~~~
Chapter 54: The story is good!
I wish you best luck for the future.
Chapter 53: Ahh cant wait for next chapter!!
Chapter 51: Ack!! Cliffhanger! !☆
Chapter 48: Yess you should add them it was a great great idea
Chapter 48: nooooo plz no exo couples stick with btob abd bap thankssssss
Chapter 47: Cute~ waiting for next update ☆
Chapter 45: Good job the you Daehyun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But poor Peniel cause Sungjae is still on Ilhoon.
Looking forward to your next update!!!!!!!