Chapter 54

Battle of the Century: Best Academy of the Year

Your POV.

When Hyun Woo pinned Park Jin-young down, something in me told me that this just didn't click. How did Park Jin-young get so strong? I remember the Preseident always said that he was a weak man who always relies on his soldiers for protection. So how was he able to be so swift and fast in his attacks? 

Well, I soon got my answer.

"JAE-NA! BE CAREFUL!" At that moment, my vision blurred once again as I became vulnerable and open to all attacks. 

Right in that instance, I felt a sharp pain to my chest.

"Game over for you, Vampire girl." I could almost feel his sickening smirk against my ears and I leant onto the attacker, then tumbling down onto the ground. That man was a soldier after all, he used a despicable move to get to me, cowardly and weak, damn you Park Jin-young.

I knew my brothers were able to sense this but I just pray hard that Taehyung wouldn't have to see me die. It's going to be too much for him. My brothers will be broken too, I'm sorry for being so weak everyone. I'm sorry I've let you down.

"JAE-NA!" The last thing I heard was Jung Ha screaming my name before I fell into total darkness.

Author's Narration.

At the exact moment when Jae-na became unconscious, her brothers felt it immediately.

"OH MY GOSH. WHAT IS THIS?!" Himchan panted in pain.

"Oh no. J-Jae-na's in danger." Woohyun limped and clutched his chest in agony.

"W-We have to g-go see her..." Jonghyun tried to run as fast as he could to get to the spot where they heard Jung Ha scream. 

When reached the spot, their jaws dropped and their heart sank. Their worst nightmare has happened right before their eyes. Their precious sister lying on the ground lifeless with a silver dagger in her. They stared at the man laughing hysterically, as they were ready to pounce and kill that Park Jin-young when they heard a voice.

"JAE!" Their heads slowly turned around.

V's POV.

When I heard Jung Ha's loud scream, I know something went terribly wrong, I rushed to the site and what I saw made my heart break into pieces. Jae-na was lying on the floor with no signs of life and worse, a silver dagger was in her.


I rushed forward and swung my claws at Park Jin-young, inflicting a deep gash in his back but that was not my intention, I wanted to kill him, I NEEDED to kill him.

"Taehyung. L-Let us." I turned back and saw Jae-na's brothers along with my brothers, all carrying wounds and bruises but their eyes are shining with the same anger and their tear stained face made feel useless. Jae-na's brothers looked torn. Their precious baby sister, the only girl who can make them cry, laugh, angry and make them feel loved. They witness her growth from when she was a baby until now, a grown beautiful lady who was strong enough to sacrifice herself for the people.

I nodded and ran to where Jae-na was and carried her in my arms. Caressing her face with tears rolling down my cheeks. I knew from young what a silver dagger can do to all of us, I just wished that the person lying down now was me and not Jae. She meant too much to all of us. She was our life, the one we are cared for deeply. I loved her like no other. 

"Jae... Wake up!" I mumbled and leaned my forehead onto her cold one.

Onew's POV.

We all sat down on the ground in a circle.

"We're all gathered here today," I chanted.
"To kill, to defeat and to slay." They all chorused after me.
"The one who dared to kill a part of us."
"We'll never let them walk away!" We all chanted together.

Immediately, I felt all my remaining power surge through me and I replayed all the moments where we all spent time with our little girl Jae-na. All our powers surge out and reached into the sky, forming a vibrant rainbow colour that twirled and swirled, creating a havoc to anything near it. Soon the rainbow turned a dark grey, the colour of all our vampire souls. We never used this power unless we were desperate, this power will drain all of our energy and we'll fall into a coma the next day, for who know how long.

"WE'LL NEVER LET HIM WALK AWAY!" I chanted at the top of my lungs.

The grey cloud immediately spread out over all the humans and right there, they sprawled onto the floor, clutching their necks trying to breathe. They screamed and shouted in pain for us to stop. Our power slowly shut the airways in their body as they died a painful and torturing death. All that left was Park Jin-young.


V's POV. 

I slowly pulled out the silver dagger from Jae-na and kissed her forehead before walking over to Park Jin-young. He grabbed onto my leg with his last remaining strength.

"P-Please let me go! I promise to never come near again!" He pleaded to me, I smirked.

"Will your promise ever bring Jae-na back?! I WILL NEVER LET YOU WALK AWAY!" 

I jumped into the air and plunged the dagger straight through his heart, ending everything once and for all. I heaved and panted as tears trickled down my cheeks. Jae-na... What am I going to do without you in my life? The war was over but so what? We're back to peace again it so what? The love of my life was gone. She's never coming back.

Suddenly a bright flash of light shone in the sky. I ran over as fast as I could to Jae-na's body, afraid that something might happen to her. We all squinted our eyes and blocked the light with our hands. A beautiful Goddess appeared in the sky. She donned a pearly coset top and a shining black flowy dress that reached over her feet. Realizing that she probably won't do anything to harm Jae, I slowly stepped up and walked forward.

"W-Who are you?" I asked, my voice trembling.

"I am the Goddess of Eclipse. Here to present to you, the Power of the Eclipse since you won the war, Taehyung." 

Author's Corner :


Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and well, sad to say, this story is coming to an end soon. Please leave me some comments to let me know what you think of this chapter! Do subscribe to my story and join our little family! 

Till next time!
With love, 
Janice. xx






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taeyeon2003 #1
Chapter 29: On a whole, this is a FabFantastic story!!!!!!! :)
taeyeon2003 #2
Chapter 28: I was a Sone first, then SNSD's Gee MV Featuring Minho led me to SHINee and to be a Shawol, and my friend led me to BTS to be an A.R.M.Y. Save me from cute guys and talented singers. :)
taeyeon2003 #3
Chapter 13: Damn autocorrect. I mean Jungkook
taeyeon2003 #4
Chapter 8: I'm a new A.R.M.Y., but I thought Jung look on the maknae of BTS? I may be wrong though
WutCanYouDo #5
Chapter 24: LOL KRIS THO
armylbae #6
I'm the new reader of your story! AND THIS IS PERFECT, this is the first time that i finished reading 50+ chapters so fast hahaha^^ good job authornim!
Chapter 36: Oh my.. Six days without our love ... Huhuuhuhu
Chapter 35: Ahhhh true love ~~~~~~~
Chapter 32: Seriously !!! This story have made me feel want to print all the chapter.. .. OMG ,!!! this is the best ASIANFANFICS since I register to the AFF ... Good Job Authornim... You are really good at making this Fanfics. But,,... There are not too much sweet scene in here.. Its okay. I'll read the next chapter.. ^_^
Chapter 58: This story is awesome ^^ thanks for writing this author ~ , and the whole battle scene between the hybrids and humans is really cool XD