Chapter 19

Battle of the Century: Best Academy of the Year

Your POV

After lunch and dinner, we returned home, tired but happy after a fun day. We went to many places and bought many new things, we went to the street stalls and ate so much food!

“Ah! I’m so full right now.” Exclaimed Daehyun oppa while he slumped onto the sofa.

“Didn’t know you’ll ever be full, you have a stomach capacity of 5 cows.” Jonghyun oppa said.

“Like you’re not! That time when you were in Japan, all you did was eat, hyung!” Daehyun oppa exclaimed and we all burst out laughing.

“Hahaha! Oppa, I’m tired, I’ll go to bed first, thank you for today!” I went to hug each of them, which was quite a big number of hugs.


I walked up to my room and shut the door. I locked the door and changed into my grey long-sleeved shirt with comfortable pants. I then huddled on my bed and pulled my legs close to my chest. Suddenly tears blurred my vision as I started crying softly, not wanting to alert my brothers. Controlling my tears in front of them and faking all those laughters just now were such a torture. I did not want them to worry.


“I’ve disappointed them… You’re so pathetic Im Jae-na.” I covered my mouth as more tears rolled down my cheeks. I’ve let down every single one of them, they all helped me so much.

“You’re such a great leader Im Jae-na, yeah right. You are strong, oh really? Courage, I cannot even face myself right now. I shouldn’t even have taken part in this whole damn thing.” I walked out to the balcony, the moon light shone on me and my eyes turned grey.


I shifted into my bat form and flew into the dark night sky. The starry night was calming, I perched onto a tall tree on a small hill I call my secret place and hung upside down. Attempting to pour out all my troubles, I closed my eyes and listened to the night breeze, blowing a soothing melody into my sharp ears.


Out of the blue, I felt a sharp pain on my ear and shrieked, I opened my eyes only to see a huge wolf inches away from me, my ear was bleeding as hurriedly flew away, only to get caught on my leg, I screamed and shouted for help. At the same time, another greyish-white wolf approached me.


I am so going to die right here. I thought and closed my eyes, ready for the worse thing that could ever happen. They’re going to eat me together. However, opposite to what I thought though, the greyish-white wolf pushed the big grey wolf away and growled, causing the grey wolf to whimper and dash away. Okay he’s going to eat me alone. I shut my eyes and shivered.


“Hey, are you okay?” This voice. I opened my eyes and there he is, Kim Taehyung. I changed back into human form and he stumbled back.

“It’s you?” We both said together.

“Y-yeah.” We both said again. What…

“Er, your leg, are you okay?” He asked, I could actually see the concern in his eyes. Weird.

“Yeah, I can manage,” I didn’t want him to find out my power.

“Come, climb on.” He gestured to his back.

“I can walk.”

“Come on, don’t be like an ajumma.” He said teasingly.

“Yah!” I puffed out my cheeks while hitting him playfully. I carefully got onto his back.


“Ah!” I shrieked as he shifted into his wolf form. He was… Beautiful. His greyish-white fur shimmering under the clear moon and his icy blue eyes were simply stunning. Im Jae-na! Cancel those thoughts away! He is Kim Taehyung. I shook my head and looked at him.


“Sorry, easier to carry you like that. Hold on.” I wrapped my arms around his soft furry neck and he started walking.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“You’ll see.” He stated.


In awhile, we reached a beautiful lake, the clear water reflected the shining moon and he settled me down.


“Wash your wound.” He said as he changed to human form.

“Oh, nae.” I scooped some water and washed my wound, I looked at it and smiled. Not a deep wound.

“Why are smiling?” He asked.

“Oh, nothing.” I tore a little of my grey sleeve away and wrapped it around my ankle. Once he looked away, I quickly focused. A warm orange glow appeared and my wound was healed. I continued wrapping the cloth on my ankle to disguise it.


“You done?”

“Yes.” He sat down beside me.

“Isn’t it beautiful here?” He questioned while looking around.

“Yes, very amazing place. Oh, thank you for saving me. Was my screams really loud?” I scratched my neck sheepishly.

“No, not at all. I was nearby and heard a distant scream. So, I came over and took a look.” He answered.

“But, why did you save me? I’m a vampire.” I asked again.

“Hmmm… Isn’t right for me to just do nothing while seeing someone get hurt, no matter a wolf or vampire. Why are you here anyway?” He asked me back.

“That was my secret place, I’d say. You?”

“What? This is my secret place.”


We looked at each other and laughed.


“I guess we have to share.” He smiled at me. I nodded and smiled.

“Hmmm, actually,you’re the second vampire I saved,” I was really surprised.

“Really? When was your first?” I looked at him.

“Full moon night, a wolf was trying to catch a bat by its leg. I ran over and pushed it away as other bats came. Similar situation.” He said.

Youngjae oppa was caught like that as well… What if… Nah.. But, no harm asking right?


“When was it?” I carefully asked.

“Last full moon I guess.” He said while looking at the moon.


Youngjae oppa was hurt… Last full moon too! It must be a coincidence! Youngjae oppa was hurt in front of a flower shop.


“At where?” I asked with a beating heart.

“In front of a flower shop I guess.” He looked at me.


Omo… He was the one that saved oppa.


“You… You saved my brother.” I looked at him wide-eyed.

“What? Are you serious?” His raised his eyebrows, mouth forming into an ‘O’ shape.

“Yes… Thank you…” I looked at him.


I’ve wronged him. Aish…


“Talk about saving, I actually saved a werewolf last full moon too. Hahaha!” I said.





Did she say last full moon? Minseok hyung!


“At where?” This time I asked.

“In the forest beside Road Benevriane. ” She stated.

“Are you serious? What colour is that wolf?” I asked again.

“White I think, can’t remember.” She furrowed her eyebrows.

“This is such coincidence!” I exclaimed and jumped up.

“What?” She raised a brow in confusion.

“You saved Minseok hyung! My brother-like best friend!” I smiled widely.

“Jeongmal?! Such a tiny world.” She stated.


I’ve been hating on a wrong person after all.


“Hey, the Sun is about to rise.”

“What?! Oh gosh! I’ll not make it home in time!” She flustered and I laughed.

“Why are you laughing?! I’ll die!”

“You don’’t know about the speed of werewolves huh? Climb on and hold tight.” I said with a determined look.


She slowly climbed on. Once I made sure she held on tight. I sprinted top speed. I felt her clinging onto me. I don't know why but I felt good. Her light strawberry perfume is so sweet and nice-smelling. 


Your POV.

I felt so safe on his back. The light wind brushed past my face as he sprinted back. I could see his perspiration and lightly wiped it for him. He looked so... charismatic.



Author’s Narration.


They all got home and went back to their room.


“It was such a fun night.” Jae-na said while clsing her eyes and drifting offto dreamland for a little while.




“That was pretty weird but magical I guess.” Taehyung said and lay down on his bed and tried to sleep.



Author’s Corner:


Such an amazing night~ Thank you for reading! Please continue to subscribe and comment!:D


Welcome! My new subscribers! Have fun reading this story!^^ Thank you for subscribing! *bows*




Till next time! :D

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taeyeon2003 #1
Chapter 29: On a whole, this is a FabFantastic story!!!!!!! :)
taeyeon2003 #2
Chapter 28: I was a Sone first, then SNSD's Gee MV Featuring Minho led me to SHINee and to be a Shawol, and my friend led me to BTS to be an A.R.M.Y. Save me from cute guys and talented singers. :)
taeyeon2003 #3
Chapter 13: Damn autocorrect. I mean Jungkook
taeyeon2003 #4
Chapter 8: I'm a new A.R.M.Y., but I thought Jung look on the maknae of BTS? I may be wrong though
WutCanYouDo #5
Chapter 24: LOL KRIS THO
armylbae #6
I'm the new reader of your story! AND THIS IS PERFECT, this is the first time that i finished reading 50+ chapters so fast hahaha^^ good job authornim!
Chapter 36: Oh my.. Six days without our love ... Huhuuhuhu
Chapter 35: Ahhhh true love ~~~~~~~
Chapter 32: Seriously !!! This story have made me feel want to print all the chapter.. .. OMG ,!!! this is the best ASIANFANFICS since I register to the AFF ... Good Job Authornim... You are really good at making this Fanfics. But,,... There are not too much sweet scene in here.. Its okay. I'll read the next chapter.. ^_^
Chapter 58: This story is awesome ^^ thanks for writing this author ~ , and the whole battle scene between the hybrids and humans is really cool XD