26: Making it official -___-"

My SLY Fox


--Jonghyun's POV--

“Jonghyun... Can't we do it next time?”, Yerin tried to pull herself on the opposite direction where I am dragging her.

I stopped pulling and faced her but didn't let go of her hand.

 “Why?”, I asked her.

She stared at me for seconds before she sighed and bowed.

“Not yet ready. It's kinda embarassing...”, she trailed off.

I laughed. “Wait. What are we talking about here? We're just going to announce to the guys that we are together now but you sound like we're going to do something...err.. weird.”

She glared at me.

“I know that, okay? That's what I'm talking about. It's kinda embarrassing.”

“Why is it embarassing? They're your friends too and you know that they're aware of this.”

“Yes, but... I'm... I'm not used to this. You know that.”, she said almost like whispering.

I grinned, getting what she meant on what she said.

“Oh yes. I forgot that I'm your first boyfriend that's why you're not used to this kind of situation.”

She just looked at me helplessly and bowed her head again. I gently squeezed her hand and ruffled her hair with my other hand.

“C'mmon. They're all waiting for this. They waited with me since the very first time I started courting you so let's go now...”, I pulled her again and started walking, almost in front of the door of my house.

“Jonghyun... wait!” 

She struggled again but I just continued pulling her until I was already touching the door knob. She can't do anything but just hide behind me to protect himself from the 'embarrassment' she is talking about.

As soon as I pushed the door open, all the four boys, together with Yeonmi, stood up from their seats and looked at me with asking and anticipating expressions.

“So, how was it?”, Onew hyung asked.

For a bit of suspense, I stayed quiet first, with a blank face and looked at them all but later on, end up chuckling since I can't hold my excitement anymore and also because of Yerin holding tightly on my shirt while hiding like a scared child behind me.

“Actually, me and this girl hiding behind me have settled things and we're going to announce it now.”

They all stretched their necks sidewards, peeking at Yerin. I grabbed her hand holding my shirt and pulled her to come in front. She stepped a bit to show herself and bowed shyly in front of them.

“Why are you hiding there noona?”, Taemin asked.

“Uhm... nothing. Don't mind that.”, Yerin smiled awkwardly.

“So... What now? You can proceed to your announcement now.”, Key said impatiently.

I smiled and wrapped my arm on Yerin's shoulder. She looked at me with uneasiness so I smiled at her and pulled her closer to make her feel comfortable.

“After many tries, finally I made a successful plan. Now, me and Yerin are officially together.”, I announced with a big smiled.

“Woooh~”, they all yelled and cheered and chorus. They're even jumping and dancing around.

“Congratulations~!”, Yeonmi said shook mine and Yerin's hands. 

“Finally! We thought we're never going to here this.”, Minho said. 

I smiled proudly while looking at them cheer for us. When I turned to Yerin, she seemed more comfortable now, chuckling at how happy the guys were.

“I told you, there's nothing to be embarrased.”, I whispered and hugged her from the side.

“Look! Jonghyun hyung's skinship king mode is on again.”, Taemin said.

I saw Yerin blushed as she push me gently away from her. She looks so cute and innocent. 

“I think we should give you a warning Yerin.”, Key said.

“Warning on what?”, she asked. 

“Jonghyun is so fond of skinship. He'll do it everytime up to the point that it's so sickening and irritaing.”, he explained.

“When did skinship become irritating Kibum?”, i asked, raising an eyebrow.

“When overly done, hyung.”, Key answered.

“Oh no. I think you guys will have a problem on that issue.”, Yeonmi suddenly said.

We all looked at her asking for explanation.

She sighed. “Yerin isn't a very affectionate person. She barely even hugs me.”

“Let's just see...”, I grinned and turn to Yerin.

She blushed and looked away.

We all went out for dinner, my treat, of course for celebration. After that, I drove Yerin and Yeonmi home.

“Thanks for the ride, oppa.”, Yeonmi said when we arrived in front of their apartment.

I smiled at her and gave her a meaningful look. She smiled back, indicating that she got what I mean.

“I'll go inside first.”, she said before getting off the car.

“Goodnight.”, Yerin said. 

She was about to open the car door but I quickly grabbed both of her hands to stop her.

“Aren't you going to go home already? It's already late.”, she said.

“Just for a while.”, I held her hands firmly and twisted on my seat face her.

I stayed quiet and just stared at her. That's all I wanted to do now, stare at her freely, like this. I waited for this for so long, and now I just wanted to feel that I already achieved what I have always dreamed of since I met her.

“Are you planning to make me stay here all night and stare at me?”, she broke the silence.

I chuckled, pulled her closer and hugged her.

“No. My original plan is make you stay here all night and hug you.”

She chuckled as a response and we just stayed at that position for a few minutes. I still don't want to let go.

“Hey are you serious? We have to go to school tomorrow so you should go home now.”, she tried to push me but I'm still wrapping my arms around her tightly.

“Yerin....”, I called her softly.


“Thank you...”, i whispered as i hug her tighter.

“For what?”

“For giving me a chance. Though I waited for so long, I can say that it's all worth it. It just made me realize how I seriously love you.” 

She chuckled. “So you better good to me Jonghyun.”

“I won't be good. I'll be the best so you won't be able to consider leaving me anymore.”

“But first, you really need to go home now. It's very late and classes are early tomorrow.”, she pushed me away again and this time I let go. 

“Okay. Goodnight.”,I said.

“Goodnight.”, she smiled and was about to get off the car again only to be pulled back again. 

I pulled her closer to me and let my lips land on hers. She gasped and froze for a while but later on responded. The kiss feels like it's still the first. It's sweet that I don't feel like letting go.

When we broke the kiss, I saw her blushing. I chuckled and pinched her cheeks.

“Okay, No more pulling back. You can go and rest now. Godnight.”

“Goodnight.”, She bowed shyly and quickly got off the car.

I chuckled while watching her get inside their house. Who would have thought that the tough Yerin has an innocent and soft side like that. I definitely wanted to see more sides of her as we spend more time together.

--Yerin's POV--

“So, how was it?”, Yeonmi excitedly asked as soon as I got in the house.

I just smiled shyly and walked inside my room but she followed.

“Hey. Share me your experience~!”, she sat on my bed and seemed to have no plans of leaving until I answer her question.

I sighed and sat beside her. “What else do you need to hear? You already know the feeling because you already have a boyfriend.” 

“Of course, yours was different. So tell me, how does it feel experiencing it for the first time?”, she asked curiously.

I looked at her, weighing in my mind if i should tell her what I am feeling right now and also my worries. I sighed and started talking.

“Honestly, though the feeling is great, I can't remove some worries and insecurities in me.”, I sighed again.

“What worries?”

“I'm worried that I might not do well. You know he's my first boyfriend and I might end up doing things that he doesn't like and I might just disappoint him.”, I faced down, trying to ease the uncomfortableness.

My main concern now is how to act normal in front of him. I don't want to be awkward in front of him even though everytime I will look at him, I feel like blushing extremely and melting. After he eft earlier and I already got in the house, that's when the embarrassed feeling all started to sink in me. I don't even know how will I face him tomorrow, I'm sure it'll be really uneasy for me.

And the skinship issue... I'm not very into skinships. I'm not good at expressing myself in a very affectionate way like what Jonghyun is doing. And discovering that he's a skinship king, we might have problems with that.

She chuckled. “That's your worries? That's not even considered an issue. You know, relationships aren't planned. Everything happens by surprise and that's what make it more interesting so you don't really have to worry what to do.”

“What if I might do things that might satisfy him?”

“Aigoo. Just do what you normally do and what you feel like doing. Go with the flow and everything will follow. Trust me, I've experienced that.”, she smiled and my hair.

I smiled back and sighed, taking her advice.

'Right. Go with the flow and let's just see what will happen tomorrow.'


The next morning, we were heading to our classroom when I noticed that was different. The atmosphere in our campus is different.

“Am I the only only one noticing that there's something weird today?”, I asked Yeonmi.

Students, even those that I don't really know, greet me with full smiles this morning. Everyone seemed to be nice to me.

“Uhm actually no. I noticed it too.”, Yeonmi answered.

“Good morning Yerin~”, some random girl passed by and greeted me cheerfully so I just bowed slightly and smiled.

“See? I don't even know that girl and she greeted me. What's wrong with these people today?”

I looked around and received more stares from the students around. I'm starting to feel uncomfortable.


I flinched when Jonghyun suddenly appeared beside me and immediately grabbed my hand. I don't know how to react. This is what I am talking about, after all things sinked in me last night, it's now hard to act normal in front of him. I can't help feeling awkward.

“Good morning~”, he greeted cheerfully as he squeeze my hand gently. 

I tried to hide the awkwardness because he might feel uneasy about it. I just smiled at him and also to the other four boys with him.

“Hey Yerin. Maybe your boyfriend know why everyone in acting weird today.”, Yeonmi suddenly said.

“Oh right.”, I pulled my hand from Jonghyun's hold and faced him.

“Tell me, did you do something again? Everyone is acting weird today.

“I'm not doing anything.”, he looked at me innocently.

“I don't think so hyung.”, Taemin threw a suspicious look at Jonghyun. 

“What? I really did nothing.”, He defended himself.

“Oh really? How about that something you tweeted last night? I think it has something to do with what Yerin is saying.”, Key crossed his arms on his chest while eyeing at Jonghyun.

“Tweet? So that's why everyone is like this? They already knew it?”, I put both my hands on my waist while eyeing at Jonghyun. 

“Okay, I told them but it's totally fine. We're not hiding it anyway.”, he confidently said and held my hand again.

“Jonghyun, they're looking at us.”, I tried to pull my hands from him but he won't let go. He just tightened his grip.

“So what? It's just normal. Don't tell me you're hiding it.”, he pouted.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, controlling myself to be pissed.

“Uhm we'll go ahead, I think you two need to talk about this.”, Onew said and they all left us.

I followed them with my eyes as they walk away then I turned to Jonghyun. 

“You know I don't like being the center of attraction.”, I said seriously.

“Yeah. But it's not my intention. I just want them to know, specially the girls, that everything is different now and they should have limitations. It's for our own peace.”, he explained.

I have no choice but to just accept his explanation since it already happened and we can't take it back anymore. And besides, he has a point.

“Okay, fine. I'll go to my class now. You should go too.”, I turned around and started heading to my classroom but he followed.

I was just about to stop and tell him to go to his class already when someone passed to someone.

“Oh good morning.”, Sehun greeted me.

 Before I could greet him back, Jonghyun quickly slid himself between me and Sehun and hid me again behind him.

“Good morning Sehun.”, Jonghyun greeted him back instead of me.

I tried to push him aside but he's standing sturdily in front of Sehun and I think he's driving Sehun away with his stare.

“I'll go ahead. See you later at the class Yerin.”, Sehun felt unwantedness from Jonghyun so he bowed to say goodbye and left.

 After he left, that's when Jonghyun faced me.

“See? That's what 'limitation' I am talking about.”, he said.

 “What should I limit? Sehun is my friend. Aren't we over this issue yet?”, I raised an eyebrow.

 “I still don't feel comfortable when he's with you.”, he pouted.

I rolled my eyes. “Aishh... Enough. It'd be good if you would just go because classes will start in few minutes.”

He grinned and stretched his arms open wide. “Before I go...”

He wants me to hug him but I just looked at him blankly. Aside from the fact that we are in public, I don't also feel comfortable initiating skinship, like what i have said.

“Go now.”, I said and pushed him to walk instead of complying on his request.

“I don't understand how could you refuse the chance of hugging me.”, he made a face.

I glared at him. “I don't know where all those confidence coming from. Just go now!”, I drove him away. 

He stomped his foot. 'Arasseo. Pfff. I'll go now, ICE PRINCESS.”

He rolled his eyes and started marching away. Though I didn't understand why did he call me that, I chose not to ask anymore and entered our classroom.


Annyeong readers!!!!

Finally, I am able to update. It's hard to get back on writing after resting for quite long so please bare with this boring chapter. I'll update again later, maybe two more chapters? So PLEASE WAIT FOR IT.

Again, i will not be able to update often. Just every weekends (depending on my sched) but please still wait for my next chapters. KAMSAHAMNIDA!

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Shineelovingshawol #1
This was amazing! Well done! I really really enjoyed reading your story! Hwaiting!
Okay so this review is about four months late but LOOOOOL. I LOVED THIS STORY! It was really cute~~
Chapter 50: Omfg yay a sequel
blakenese #4
Chapter 49: i'm glad that you're making a sequel..i have been waiting for it..thak you so much author-nim
jessel_wooyoung2pm #6
Chapter 49: Yayyy!! I'm glad your making a sequel :) what's what's the title of the sequel?
lovescomplicate #7
Chapter 48: This story is awesome!!!!!^^ its one of the best story I ever read!
lovescomplicate #8
Chapter 28: Aww so sweet yerin finally open up to him
Chapter 48: Ahh~~ they're so sweet..i wish i have a boyfriend like jonghyun <3..is it end already?? You shoukd make a sequel..i enjoy read your story and thank you for writing a great story..Make a sequel please /puppy eyes/
Chapter 46: Blushingggg~~~~^^ It's geting cheesier time by time but I love it ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ