Chapter 28: The Chaser/Follow Me

This is War: A Story of Friendship, Betrayal and Love
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Shinyi stood in front of Julia who was crying silently. Tracks of her tears glistened under the dim lighting in the room. Julia shook her head and her shoulders shook as Shinyi told her what they were going to do. Hoya held onto her shoulders with comfort as Shinyi had a grave look casted over her face. Myungsoo felt for Julia and held onto her hand, the only way to comfort her at this state. 

"No, Shinyi. This isn't your fight. They want me, not you." her voice barely a whisper as she spoke. 

"It is our fight, Julia. What kind of citizen will I be if I do not stand up to defend our country?" 

"But they want me! Not you. They want that god forsaken thing inside me right now. This is crazy! I am not allowing you to go there to die in vain." Julia snapped. 

"This isn't open for discussion! This is the only option we have right now, Julia whether you like it or not." Shinyi snapped back at her. 

Julia shook her head and Myungsoo squeezed her hand. She turned to her twin brother out of desperation. "Hoya..." she called to her brother desperately but he gave her a sad look. "He tried to convince me not to do it. All of them did but this is the only way." Shinyi explained to her. "Julia, if they capture you we are all doomed. If I go after them, it will buy us some time to get to Jinju."

"This is madness and you know it!" Julia said looking desperately at her.

Shinyi gave a small smile. "I've nothing to lose anymore. You have everything to lose: him," she said glancing at Myungsoo who was gripping onto Julia's hand tightly, "and Hoya." she said turning her attentio to her brother who held her close to him. She hiccuped as Shinyi said that. Julia knew she had more to lose but the thought of someone sacrificing their own life for her sake and for the people she loved, takes a lot of courage and she admired that. 

Julia tore herself away from Hoya and Myungsoo and went to her. Shinyi didn't expect Julia to pull her into a bone crushing hug.Shinyi was stunned momentarily by the gesture, her whole body froze as Julia buried her head onto her shoulders and cried. Shinyi sniffed as her own tears threatened to fall. 

"I can't let you do this, Shinyi." and the girl collapsed in a heap and the two boys rushed to the fallen girl. "I am sorry."


"Remember, we have to bring the girl in alive."

"What about the rest? Kill them?"

'If they resist, yes but I believe the Master would want them to be brought in as well. They may bring us an advantage." 

Sunggyu just sat there silently as he listened to their conversation. He looked around him and he felt it was unnecessary to bring the entire contigent to attack them since they are clearly outnumbered. But, it's the Master's orders and who are they to defile such a request? 

The sky was coloured with a mixture of red and orange hues, signs of daybreak approaching. He was surrounded by mostly Body Searchers. Being the lower caste of the alien race, the Body Searchers were more like savages: hissing, snarling, growling and in a crouched position. Just like their name suggests, they do not have a proper body like the Shape Shifters. Instead, they have an exoskeleton and one can see the muscles and the veins on their flesh. 

Once they get the human they wanted, like a snake that sheds their skin, they shed their exoskeleton and their 'soul' transfers into the human and they will live on the human. The Body Searchers are mostly are on the front line of the army while the Shape Shifters are not necessarily needed. There were often times that the Body Searchers will look at Sunggyu hungrily but then one of the Shape Shifters will hiss back and communicate to them in their own language, Zlavik.

"He is not a use to us." 

"Send Woohyun to the Body Searchers." 


Everyone turned to look at Sunggyu as if he was crazy. "No?" the leader asked. 

"We can reverse this. He can be an asset." 


"Find the person who did this to him." 

So, not only Sunggyu has to find Julia but he has to find th

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hey guys! i am revamping the first few chapters starting with chapter 1. I can't stand how cringe worthy my first few chapters were dear god HAHA. :P


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Chapter 58: Wellllll I wasn't expecting that :P
But seriously though my love for SunjongxShinyi is as strong as ever.
Omff how I love those two and their somewhat scandalous relationship <3
naznew #2
Chapter 58: oh my...the confession and they talk about their future...julia know that she will died in the war...
Chapter 57: When I saw it as one of the updated stories, yes I was surprised.
This epilogue made me remember how much I loved this story </3 ughh poor myungie
And pabo howon, if he loved her he shouldn't have waited ten years OTL
naznew #4
Chapter 57: make me surprised with this update..
Gomawo for the best epilogue..
i like that they still waiting for howon to return especially casey .. she still waiting for her lover..and finally being reunited....thanks to president hwang...
10 years....thats long time..
howon find his happiness....
Chapter 56: Omfg wow! This is actually a really great/awesome aft you wrote! Its amazing! I read the entire fanfic in one day!.. at the moment I'm lying on my bed in tears. ;~; truly such an amazing Fanfic! I loved your storyline and multiple conflicts. That ending thoo. Hoya bby! ;~; murderer or not, Hoya is our hoya.
RARA100 #7
Chapter 56: I really liked ur story!!!
Chapter 56: Omo....

I have so many thoughts I can hardly get my point across.

1. I'm glad there was a Hoya/Casey kiss but it obviously wasn't as amazing as my ShinJong kiss :P
2. When Hoya almost died, I was thinking how I would have preferred I it was Julia lol oh and why didn't he die (like the whole gene thing)
3. OH MY GOSHH THE ENDING WAS THE MOST EPIC AND HEART-WRENCHING THING. I generally consider her to be the main character and now she's gone and it's over and idk.. I feel empty 0.0
4. At the end, I thought Hoya was gonna put the shield around Julia and himself so that he could protect everyone and then the gene would explode, killing both of them.
6. Hoya baby, you're not a murderer in my eyes, Kay?
7. This chapter was so amazing OTL I can't even
8. Aww... I'm gonna miss this story :'(
9. I just wanted to say what a great story this was. I like wedding jitters and it's sequel but this one has a special place in my heart. It was so epic o.O fluff stories aren't usually my favourite anyways.
10. that poster is SOOO nice, like whoa :)
Chapter 55: Wahhh I re-read this chapter cuz I realized I had never commented on it -.- must have been during my absence...

I see my name ;) Yes you know how I have waited ;)

On to the last chapter... I'm scared O.o