Telling The Truth

Real One 2



Amber look confused when I told him that he didn't called me for three years. Seeing the way he looked at me when Junsuk called me babe made me feel a little bit guilty. I don't know why I felt it. Junsuk introduced himself to him. Ambare looked at him then back to me then to him again.


"I'm Amber Joseph Liu."he answered.


Junsuk look at me and I smile at him. He knows about Amber. He smiled back and look at Amber again.


"Glad to finally meet you, bro."Junsuk said to him and force a smile. "Let's go babe."he said when he shifted his gaze to me.


I look at Amber and he is looking at me. I want him to say something but he just stood there and shut his mouth. He is really stupid. I'm giving him a chance to explain to me everything but he choose to shut up. Before Junsuk and I pass him, I got surprise when he suddenly grab me on my arm which made me stop.


"I will get you back."he mumbled before he let go and walk away.




I'm reading my book in my room. My concentration was disturbed when my door slammed open. Amber then stormed in like a mad man. He looked at me intensely and I think he finally met Krystal and know that he is not living in the same year he did before he got into an accident.


"What's up?" I asked him.


"Why did you keep the truth from me? Why you didn't tell me that I was in a coma for a long time?"he said to me in a stern voice.


"It is the doctor's order not to tell you immediately."I answered to him.


"How about Krystal? Why you didn't tell her the truth about me?" he replied.


"We chose not to, because we are not sure if you are going to wake up again. We don't want to make her suffer for a long time,waiting for you to wake up but only got hurt at the end."I explained. He let out a big sigh then sat down on the edge of my bed.


"She thought that I ran away from her, didn't she?"he said to me with a sad voice.


"Yes."I answered shortly.


"You should have told her the truth, Yul. Now, she hates me."he replied.


"She is just hurt of what happened to both of you, but I am sure that she didn't hate you. Trust me!"I assured him.


"I hope so."he answered and smile faintly.




Krystal is in here third year college and I am still in first year. It really because she will graduate ahead of me with that guy. I met Luna and Sulli, even them are angry at me. Good thing Yuri, Sica and Nicole help me to explain to them what really happened to me. They both feel sorry for me and hugged me tightly. I decided to tell Krystal the truth too but I haven't seen her. I think we had a conflict schedules. I asked Luna and Sulli about her schedule. I found out that we have the same vacant time in the afternoon. I waited for her in the library,which Luna and Sullit told me where she is spending her vacant time. I spotted her in one table, sitting alone and focusing her attention in reading a book. I sat on the chair across her. She is too focus in reading that she didn't even notice me. I stared at her, watch her read the book. I think she felt that someone is watching her because she lifted her head and looked at me.


"Hi Krys!" I greeted her with a smile.


"If you don't want to die early, stay away from me!"she said to me coldly as she glared at me.


She then quickly gather her stuff and walk away. I followed her when she headed outside. She got irritated of me following her. She stop and turn to face me. Her eyes pierced into my bone.


"What do you want from me?!"she raised her voice.


"I want you to listen to me. I know that you are thinking that I abandon you but I really did not." I said to her.


"Oh really? How do you call that what you did?"she said to me in a sarcastic tone of voice.


"Listen Krys, I got into an accident okay! Me and my Dad got into an accident when we were heading to the airport to go back here in Korea. I got into coma and I just woke up three months ago. My family kept what happened to me from you because they were not sure if I am going to wake up again or not."I said to her. Hoping that she will believe me.


"Stop saying lies to me! I will never ever going to believe you again!"she said to me.


Hearing what she said hurts me. I think I can't blame her because I broke the promised that I made before. I don't know what to say to her anymore. She is looking at me with full of anger in her eyes. Then, our attention was shifted when we heard someone from behind.


"He is telling the truth, Krys."Sica said.


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Chapter 8: Ok. Totally crushed now
Chapter 7: Dont who is . Drunk head
Chapter 6: Shes taken again
Chapter 5: Hes waking up!!!
Chapter 4: Oh .. Amber is on coma
Chapter 3: Wait what!?!
Chapter 2: Ow come on krys!!!
Chapter 1: First chap and its drama already!?!?
I just love ur story so much
babySavie #10
Chapter 40: This is soo gooddd..