Moving On

Real One 2



My sister change a lot after what happened between her and Amber. I myself can't believe too that Amber will runaway from her. I thought he really loved Krystal but I guess I was wrong. Maybe, he do love her but he was not sure if he want to spend the rest of his life with her. My sister is in college now and she distance herself from all the guys. She get cold to them. I feel worried at her. I asked Yuri about Amber but he will just shrugged his shoulder because he too doesn't have any idea about his cousin. He said to me that his cousin didn't contacted him since it went back to America.


"I really thought that Amber is a nice guy but I think I got wrong. He even made a promise to my sister that he will going to come back before their wedding day. He is a jerk!" I complained to Yuri.


"Don't judge him, Sica."Yuri answered to me.


"Oh come on, Yul. I know he is your cousin but don't you think that what he did to my sister makes him a total jerk?" I said to him as I raised my brows.


"Maybe if we hear Amber's side, we can understand him why he didn't came back here." Yuri answered.


"I will mince him if he will come back here again." I said to Yuri with an annoyed tone of voice.


"Calm down, Sica." Yuri said to me as he wrap his arms around my waist. "I'm planning to pay him a visit in America, do you want to come with me?" he asked me.


"Do you want me to mince your cousin?" I asked him.


"Okay, I will go alone then. I will leave after our first sem." he said to me. "If you change your mind, just tell me." he added.


"Alright." I answered and blew a sigh. "Is Hae will come with you?" I asked curiously.


"Yeah. In fact, he will continue his studies in America." Yuri informed me.


"Does Nicole know about that?" I asked him. I got a little bit surprise of what he said.


"I think so. My cousin never hide anything from his girlfriend."Yuri answered and chuckled.


"If only Amber was like that to my sister." I mumbled.




I waited for Amber to come back but he didn't show up. Our wedding got cancelled. I didn't expect that he will do this to me. I tried to call him but I can't reach his phone anymore. His family sincerley apologize to me and to my family too. I am not mad at them but I am surely mad and angry at Amber. I felt betrayed by him. Becaue of what he did, I find it hard to smile again and to trust myself in terms of love. All Amber's family went back to America. I decided to forget Amber and slowly move on. I swear to myself that I will never going to forgive him.


"Hi!" a guy from our class greeted me.


"What do you want?" I replied to him coldly.


"I just want to become friends with you, my name is Lee Junsuk."He said with a smile.


"Sorry, but I am not looking for a new friend right now." I brushed him off. I find it hard to trust someone again except to my old friends.


"I know the reason why you are like this, I understand you, but I think you should slowly move on and accept everything that happened." he said to me which made me look at him. "I am hoping that you will accept me as your friend, someday."he said and walk away.


Junsuk somehow reminded me of Amber. He is stubborn though and he always hang with me even if I brushed him off. Months have passed, Hae and Yuri went to America to pay a visit to Amber.  They asked me to go with them but I don't think I can stand the sight of the guy who betrayed me and crushed my heart into tiny pieces. Junsuk is being patient with me, and as the time goes by, without me knowing it, I got comfortable and close to him. He is like a bestfriend to me because he is always there for me, cheer me up, and never let me down. It took me more than a  year to got my old self back, I slowly learn how to smile again and be happy with my life. I completely forgot about Amber. I didn't even think about him anymore. I think, I really have to start over right now and prevent myself from doing the same mistake again.


"Krys, I decided to go with Yuri to America this time. Do you want to come with me?" my Unnie said to me one night while we are hanging in the living room.


"What for?" I asked her without living my eyes on the TV.


"Do you want to see Amber?" she asked me. It's been almost two years now since the last time someone mention his name to me.


"No. I am over him Unnie.  We don't have nothing to talk about so there is no need for us to see each other again." I answered her.

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Chapter 8: Ok. Totally crushed now
Chapter 7: Dont who is . Drunk head
Chapter 6: Shes taken again
Chapter 5: Hes waking up!!!
Chapter 4: Oh .. Amber is on coma
Chapter 3: Wait what!?!
Chapter 2: Ow come on krys!!!
Chapter 1: First chap and its drama already!?!?
I just love ur story so much
babySavie #10
Chapter 40: This is soo gooddd..