Never Dare To Love Her Again

Real One 2



My relationship to Krystal is getting better everyday. There are no more awkwardness between us. My everyday life is becoming more happier because of her. Yoona though didn't hang out with me that often, maybe because she wants me and Krystal to have some time alone. Today, I drop by into Vic's house. I haven't visit her that often because I got busy becuase of school matters lately. We hang in their living room. 


"Are you and Krystal are together now?"Vic asked me.


"Uhm, not yet."I answered timidly.


"Aish! What's talking you too long?"she replied sounding annoyed.


"I think it is not yet the right time for us to get back together,Vic."I replied.


"Anytime is the right time,AMBER, it is up to you if you wanted to make it this time as the right time."she said to me with a glare.


"Jeez, Umma! I will ask the girl you wnated to become your daughter-in-law to become my girlfriend as of now."I replied to her jokingly and chuckled. She slap me on my head.


"You better do it this day before someone will snatch her away from you again."she said to me.


"She said that she loves me,so I don't think she will entertain other guys now."I replied to her with a confident smirk.


"Don't be too confident dork, you should still asked her to be your girlfriend now so that you can seal you relationship with her."Vic said to me.


"Alright, I will go in their house this afternoon to asked her to become my girlfriend again."I replied to her.


After my visit with Vic, I headed back home to prepare myself from asking Krystal to be my girlfriend again. I don't know why but I feel nervous about it. I face the mirror, trying to practice myself on what I have to say to her. This is a very different setting than last time. She is the one who suddenly barge in our house and now, I will be the one who will go into their house now to confess my feelings to her and asked her to become my girlfriend. I hope nothing will goes wrong today. When I had my enough preparation, I headed to the Jung's house. Nicole is the one who open the door. I greeted her with a smile and she did the same.


"Are you looking for Krystal?"she asked me.


"Yeah, is she here?"I replied.


"You just missed her. She went outside."she answered.


"Oh."I muttered in disappointment. "Do you know where will she go?"


"She told me that she will go to the Magic Cafe. I think you can still catch up with her there now."she answered.


"Thanks, Nic."I said to her and kissed her on her cheek after I said my goodbye.


I went to the cafe that Nicole had told me. I drop by to the flower shop first to buy a bouquet of flower for Krystal. I never had given her a bouquet of flower for more than three years now. I choose the most beautifully arrange and fragrant one. A smile was drawn on my face when I finally located the cafe. I went inside, and I roam my eyes to see where she is. The smile on my face suddenly disappears when I saw her with Junsuk. I feel my feet was nailed on the spot where I am standing on, nearby the counter. They are sitting on one table at the corner of the place. Junsuk's hand is holding her hand on top of the table. They were talking about something and I don't know what it is. I can see a confuse look in Krytal's eyes, like she didn't know what to do. Then, what made my heart crushed into pieces is when I saw that she let him kiss her on her lips. I can feel my knees become weak. I tighten my grip on the bouquet. When Krystal turn into my direction, she was so surprise to see me. I mentally calmed myself and marched towards them.


"I'm happy for you. Sorry but I'm done."I said to her as I give the bouquet and hurriedly left.


I know once is enough but I still did try again, and now in the second time, I think it is more than enough and already too much for me. My vision becomes blur because of my tears. I drove to the place where I can be alone. The place where no one will be able to find me, especially her. I should really have to let go of krystal Jung, and never dare to love her again.


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Chapter 8: Ok. Totally crushed now
Chapter 7: Dont who is . Drunk head
Chapter 6: Shes taken again
Chapter 5: Hes waking up!!!
Chapter 4: Oh .. Amber is on coma
Chapter 3: Wait what!?!
Chapter 2: Ow come on krys!!!
Chapter 1: First chap and its drama already!?!?
I just love ur story so much
babySavie #10
Chapter 40: This is soo gooddd..