Serious Talk

Real One 2



I got surprise when Suzy suddenly kiss me. She just press her lips on mine though but still it made me worry on what might Krystal will think about it. I took a glance at Krystal after Suzy pass out. She is looking at me with an expressionless face then she turn to Junsuk. I think she doesn't care about this at all. I bid my goodbye to them and give Suzy a ride into their house.


"Oh, you are still awake." I said to Yuri when I saw him in the living room. I drop my on the couch and grab the bowl of popcorn from his hand.


"Yeah, Sica wants me to watch this movie."he answered. I look at the TV screen and it seems like he is watching a romantic movie. "What's the title of that movie?" I asked him.


"My Sassy Girl." Yuri answered with a smirk.


"I think you can relate to the main character of that movie." I said to him and chuckled.


"Just a little."he replied with a timid smile. "Anyway, how was your clubbing? Did you met many friends or should I say, girls?"he asked me with a erted smile.


"I met our high school friends, with my fiancee and her boyfriend. It turns out that they are Suzy's friend." I said to him and let out a deep sigh.


"Tsk, fate is really cruel to you,huh?"Yuri replied as he patted me on my shoulder. "Well, I am rooting for you bro!"he cheered me.


"Thanks."I answered with a faint smile.




Krystal is just sitting quietly in tha car the whole time we are driving on our way back into their house. I began to think that Suzy and Amber's kissed bothers her. Even if she is my girlfriend, I still got jealous of Amber. It seems that, he still owns Krystal's heart.


"Thanks for tonight."she said to me with a smile when we reach the front of their house.


"No need to thank me."I answered.


When she was about to open the car door, I hold her hand. When she turn to me, I leaned closer to her and press my lips against hers. When I leaned back, I notice that she got surprise of what I did.


"Good night." I said to her and kiss her on her cheek.


"G-Good night."she replied with a faint smile and step out from the car. I hope my feelings reach her heart and erase her remaining feelings for Amber.




Every time Junsuk will kiss me, I observe that I didn't feel anything. It is not the same when Amber will kiss me before. Sometimes, I don't like when he kissed me but I can't push him away because he is my boyfriend now. It is normal for a couple to kiss. I got confuse of my feelings between Amber and Junsuk. I know that I love Junsuk because I agreed to be his girlfriend and about what I feel for Amber, I really don't know what is it. In our school, I decided to ignore and avoid him but we keep on running into each other. He always greet me with a smile and because I am trying to be nice to him, I smile back at him. One night, my Halmoni invited him and Yuri over dinner. I feel like not going out from my room. I don't want to face him. Halmoni keeps on calling me to go downstairs and face our visitors so I have no choice but to obey her. I don't want my grandma to get angry at me. They are having a fun chat during our dinner. I am just listening to them and laughing along with them. Then, grandma told me to hang with Amber after our dinner. We both went into our garden. I just bear the awkwardness between us.


"So, how are you and Junsuk?"he asked, breaking the silence between us as we sat down on the bench.


"We're fine."I answered shortly.


"Your house brings a lot of memories."he mumbled and smiled. "It seems to me that all of it just happened yesterday."he added.


"Yeah." I answered with a smile while reminiscing the past. I was cut off when I heard him speak again.


"Krystal, you know that I still love you, right?" he said to me which made me turn to him.


"Yeah, why?" I answered as I feel my face becomes warm.


"Nothing, I just want to remind you that I love you."he said casually with his dorky smile. "Forgive me about this, but I won't give up my feelings for you. I won't hand you to Junsuk without a fight."he continued.


"You are really stupid, arent' you?"I said to him sarcastically.


"If my stupidity keeps me from still loving you, then I don't mind being stupid at all."he answered and grinned.


He then look at me in the eyes and slowly lean his face closer to mine. I can feel my heart race when the distance between our lips are slowly getting shorter. I gather back all my senses and didn't let my emotion take over me. So before he can seal his lips to mine, I manage to push him away. He look a little bit surprise of what I did. I feel guilty when I see in his eyes that he got hurt of what I did.


"Sorry."he apologized.


"Amber, just let go of your feelings for me."I said to him.


"Is that what you really wanted? For me to forget my feelings for you?"he said in a sad tone of voice.


"I don't want to see you getting hurt."I answered. He looked at me with a sad eyes then he looked away.


"Uhm, we should get back inside, it's getting cold out here."he added. Without saying a word, he walk ahead of me.


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Chapter 8: Ok. Totally crushed now
Chapter 7: Dont who is . Drunk head
Chapter 6: Shes taken again
Chapter 5: Hes waking up!!!
Chapter 4: Oh .. Amber is on coma
Chapter 3: Wait what!?!
Chapter 2: Ow come on krys!!!
Chapter 1: First chap and its drama already!?!?
I just love ur story so much
babySavie #10
Chapter 40: This is soo gooddd..