Real One For Me

Real One 2



I didn't expect that grandma will say that to Yoona. I thought she only likes Krystal for me but I guess she had change her mind. I am more close to Yoona now but I only see her as my dongsaeng. I think I am not ready to open my heart again. In our school, I ran to Sica on the halllway. Because we both headed to the same destination which is the cafeteria, we decided to go together. It's been a while too since we last hang out alone.


"How's Halmoni?"she asked me after we sat down on our table.


"She's fine, still strong and looking young."I answered jokingly and chuckled.


"Stupid."she mumbled and giggled.


"You will see her in your house later. I think she will visit your grandma today."I replied before I took a bite on my food.


"You and Yuri, are you coming with her?"she asked.


"I got some other plans. I think Yuri will come with her."I answered. "Oh, when will you and Yuri are planning to get married. You are going to graduate this year right?" When I asked her this, I notice that Sica blushed. I laugh at her so I received a smack from her on my head. "Still violent,Sica huh?" I continued as I rub my head.


"Because you are teasing and loving at me."she replied with a glare.


"Sorry."I replied with an apologetic smile. "But seriously, do you and my cousin plan to get married next year?"I asked her.


"No, we plan to get married after three years."she replied.


"I think 25 years old is the perfect age to get married."I answered and chcukled.


"How about you?Uhm..are you still planning to get married to my sister?"she asked me curiously.




I think my sister will have a hard time in winning back Amber's heart. I see in Amber's reaction that he is not sure about my sister anymore when I asked him that question. I even heard from Yuri that grandma likes Yoona for Amber.


"I had decided that I am not going to pursue someone who is in love with someone else,Sica."He replied with a faint smile.


"Do you still love her?"I asked him.


"I don't know if I still love her, maybe yes and maybe no. Sometimes we thought that we love that person right that in fact,we only just cared for them."he answered to me. I furrowed my brows of this statement of his.


"So you are saying to me that you are unsure now on your feelings for her?"I replied.


"Yeah."he answered shortly.


"Do you like Im Yoona?"I asked him.


"Yeah,I like her and I think later on, I will fall in love with her. Yoona is a great girl, don't you think?"he said to me with a cheeky smile.


"Yeah."I answered to him and then a wide grin was flashed on his face.


I think my sister will really have a hard time about winning Amber's heart back. If she won't show him that she love him, I'm sure Amber will really end up with Yoona sooner or later.




I had fun spending my free time with Sica. We separated our ways before our free time ends. I headed back into my classroom and saw Yoona is already there. She is hanging with our other classmates. She greet with a smile and I did the same. I greet her friends too. From my seat, I looked at her. In my mind, I'm thinking about what I said to Sica earlier about the possibility for me to fall in love with Yoona. I think I can really fall in love with her, if my heart will choose to.


"Hey! I can feel your eyes on me back there."she said jokingly when she sat down on her seat which is next to mine. "Do you have something to say to me."she continued.


"I just notice that you and Krystal kinda look like a twins."I answered.


"Oh really?"she replied with raise brows and I nod my head. "Well, I heard it from our classmates too."she continued and grin. "We always hang out together and you just notice it now?"she added and giggled.


"I haven't stare at you before for a long time."I replied. 


"Oppa, if you continue that,you will fall in love with me!"she answered and laugh. I just laugh along with her.


Well, I really don't mind falling in love with this girl. I think she will be a perfect girlfriend for me. Maybe Krystal is indeed not the real one for me but instead the real one for me is the girl who is beside me now.


After my class, I recieve a call from unknown caller i.d.

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Chapter 8: Ok. Totally crushed now
Chapter 7: Dont who is . Drunk head
Chapter 6: Shes taken again
Chapter 5: Hes waking up!!!
Chapter 4: Oh .. Amber is on coma
Chapter 3: Wait what!?!
Chapter 2: Ow come on krys!!!
Chapter 1: First chap and its drama already!?!?
I just love ur story so much
babySavie #10
Chapter 40: This is soo gooddd..