Yoona Invited Over Dinner

Real One 2



I had convinced Yuri not to file a charge against Junsuk and his gang anymore. I was discharge on the hospital after three days. Halmoni came home from America. She scolded me and Yuri when she saw us with bruises on our face and me with me on a sling. I asked her not to tell my parents about the fight I got into because I am sure that I will be deported instantly back into America when she did. I don't want to go back yet, even if I didn't achieved my original purpose in coming back here, I am still enjoying my life. Anyway, Junsuk didn't bother us anymore. He even transferred to another University. Today, I met up with Yoona. Well, she ask me to go shopping with her. We enter from one store into another. She bought all the things that she liked and I'm the one who carried all her shopping bags. I think this is the guy's responsibility when he will go shopping with a girl.


"Yoon, you already bought too many things. I think it is enough." I said to her as I look at the bags on my hand. I am carrying ten bags all in all.


"Okay, you will accompany me tomorrow,right?"she said to me with an expectant look in her eyes.


"Okay."I answered.


"Thanks,Oppa."she answered happily and hug me. I just smiled at her.


"Oh, Halmoni wants to meet you. She told me to invite you over dinner tonight in our house."I said to her when she broke her hug.


"Seriously?"she replied with widened eyes.


"Seriously."I answered and chuckled.


"Why she wanted to meet me?"she asked curiously.


"I think because you are the only friend of mine that she haven't meet yet."I answered to her. "So, do you accept her invitation? Don't worry, my grandma is as nice as me." I added.


"O-Okay."she replied and smile faintly. 


"Let's grab some food, I'm already hungry."I said to her.


"Sure, it's your treat."she replied.




I was invited by Amber's grandma over dinner tonight. I feel nervous about it. Amber-oppa pick me up in our house. When we arrive in their house, I met his Halmoni. She looks kinda strict. I greeted her politely, I thought she didn't like me but I was wrong. She welcome me warmly in her house. She is really nice like what Amber-oppa had told me. I just knew tonight that Amber-oppa have a twin brother. We talk different kind of stuffs over dinner. I have so much fun talking with them.


"Yoona, are you seeing someone now?" Halmoni suddenly asked me when we gather in their living room.


"No Halmoni, I am not seeing anyone as of now."I answered to her with a smile.


"Good."she replied with a smile. I got puzzled of what she had said. "I'll be happy if you will become a part of our family."she continued.


"Halmoni, what are you talking about?"Amber-oppa asked her.


"I like Yoona for you, Am."she replied casually.


"Me too."Yuri-oppa followed as he raise his hand with a big smile on his face.


"Eh?" I uttered in disbelief.


"Yoona is not seeing someone right now but she already have someone in her heart, right Yoon?"Amber-oppa said to me as he signaled me to agree to him.


"Y-Yeah." I answered timidly. Halmoni Liu looked disappointed as well as Yuri-oppa.


I didn't expect that Halmoni likes me for Amber-oppa. They drop the subject after I agreed to him. I look at him, well, Amber-oppa is really kind and nice to me but I can't love someone whom I know is inlove with someone else. Even if he always told us that he don't have feelings for Krystal-unnie, his actions are showing us that he still do.



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Chapter 8: Ok. Totally crushed now
Chapter 7: Dont who is . Drunk head
Chapter 6: Shes taken again
Chapter 5: Hes waking up!!!
Chapter 4: Oh .. Amber is on coma
Chapter 3: Wait what!?!
Chapter 2: Ow come on krys!!!
Chapter 1: First chap and its drama already!?!?
I just love ur story so much
babySavie #10
Chapter 40: This is soo gooddd..